Submitted into Contest #234 in response to: Start or end your story with someone saying, “We have all the time in the world.”... view prompt


Science Fiction

"We have all the time in the world." That's what the members of our government keep saying. I don't believe them. I don't think the people believe them either. Time is precious. The members of our government do not understand that. They don't understand what's going to happen to us if we don't have a plan.

A little over three months ago NASA detected a strange object on its way to earth. Nobody knew what the object was. It was too far away to have a clear view. The government speculated on what it could be.

The people also speculated on what what the object could be. Some believed the object was an asteroid or a comet. While others believed the object was an alien ship.

I didn't know what to believe. None the less protest broke out throughout the country. People were scared me included. Madam President Rebecca Knight managed to calm the country. For the last three months all anybody has been doing is arguing back and forth on the best way to proceed.

They never understood that time is being wasted. The strange object is coming and all they have been doing is arguing. I'm getting sick and tired of this. Madam President knight is losing her patience. We elect these people to govern and they are not doing that. They have no clear path on how to handle the strange object.

It's been three months, the object is rapidly approaching the solar system. The government has finally decide on a first course of action. NASA is deploying its Athena Network Project, a vast network of highly sophisticated telescopes that is able to detect any object entering the solar system.

In the meantime, Madam President Knight has ordered a task force made of of civilians and military personnel to help ensure our home is protected and that there is no civil disobedience. Today, I'm meeting with Madam President Knight to discuss my participation in the task force. I can't say I'm not nervous.

I arrive at the White House right on time. I go through all the security checkpoints. Now I;'m being led to the President"s office. I enter her office and there she is the first female president in the country's history.

"Hello Madam President."

"Hello Megan. Have a seat."

"I'm going to make this short and sweet. I want you to head up the civilian part of the task force. I trust you to do a good job."

"I accept."

"I'm glad to hear. Tomorrow you will meet Commander Dominic Knight my military leader for the task force."

"Thank you again."

I can't believe Madam President Knight is entrusting me with the most important job I ever received. I will not let her down.

I already have so many ideas. One of my ideas is to create a civilian defense force in each state. This would ensure the safety of the people and that no one is left behind. My second idea is to create safe places throughout the various communities.

These safe places will help prepare the people with the things they need like food, water and a safe place to stay in case something bad happens.

I have many more ideas I'm writing down. I hope Commander Knight has some good ideas. I'm nervous to be working with the military. They are known for wanting to do things their way.

There is still protest going on. Not as bad as before. The people want to know what the object is. They want to know what the government is doing to keep them safe. I'm going to do everything in my power to keep them safe. Tomorrow is my meeting with Commander Knight.

Today is my meeting with Commander Knight. I'm dressed in my best clothes. I hope the meeting goes well. I leave and go to Fiola. Commander knight better not be late. I leave my home and get into my car. I drive to the restaurant.

I arrive at Fiola. Commander knight is not here yet. I'm told he'll be here at any moment. I order and drink and wait. Ten minutes later Commander Knight arrives. He's dressed in his military uniform. We greet each other and get down to business.

I tell Commander Knight about my plans. He looks at me like I have three heads. I can tell he doesn't like my plans. I ask Commander Knight about his plans. He tells me he wants a military presence in each state. He wants to put defenses in each state, you know weapons.

Commander knight wants to have the military and civilians co-existing. I don't disagree with him on that. What I don't like is the military invading people's everyday lives. I gladly told him that. We disagreed on my plans like the safe places and the civilian defense force.

Our meeting was not productive. We disagreed a lot more than we agreed. I don't know how we can work together. But I promised Madam President Knight I can make this work. She trusts me.

Over the course of the next couple of weeks me and Commander knight meet to discuss our plans. Commander finally agreed on the creation of a civilian defense force.

We need the military and the civilians working together that's why I agreed to what Commander Knight wants, a military presence, a small one in each state.

For the last year me and Commander Knight have been working hard to implement our plans. We still keep disagreeing on a lot of things. We did create the civilian defense force. A lot of civilians have joined.Not a lot of people are happy with the presence of the military. The good thing is they are teaching the civilians on ways to defend themselves.

The object has entered our solar system. NASA has a clear view on what the object is. It's an alien ship. We are rushing to protect earth but time is not on our side. Foe everybody that said "We have all the time in the world." They were wrong, so very wrong.

One year from today an alien ship will be in earth's orbit. There is not enough time to do all the things we need to do. I'm not going to stop helping the people. I know Commander Knight is not going to stop.

NASA is doing everything in their power to stop the alien ship from coming. They are trying to send messages to see if the aliens respond. So, far no answer.

Time is running out. In a short time, something we never believed would happen is actually coming true. We have a lot of work to do and no time to waste.

January 24, 2024 21:10

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