
The light in the room was bright, kinda like looking at the Sun. What I didn’t learn to do in most of my life was appreciate the light, the light was guidance in life, a direction. Whether it was to find what direction you were facing or something else like, what time it was, the light was always there.

Most people my age chose to stay in the darkness while watching their phones, watching the day wither away in front of them. Either it was a show that just came out, or it was gaming the new top game. Everybody chose the darkness in which welcomed them in a strong embrace. 

For me, my family savored the light, whether to let something cook under them or let our clothes dry on a hanging pin, we always had the light with us through nothing. I, for example, used the light to bleach papers with flowers, flowers like Daphedials or Sunflowers, their designs always intrigued me, they were so delicate, yet can get through a storm.

The flowers might of related to me, but sometimes I can’t get through my storm, a storm in which my emotions spout out with a mighty punch. The punch was like a brick wall falling on you, the hopelessness in my life was the brick walls, it was the darkness in my world.

Nobody knows your hurting half the time, nobody cares about if you got a new haircut. They only care about their devices and use them to distract from the world we live in. The world which is failing in being a world, the world of the economy is crashing, and nobody gives single care. Lives and jobs are lost to this cruel world, and nobody cares until it’s them, and that’s when it’s too late.

The light brings joy to others, but the darkness is half as bad, nobody can care for you anymore unless you have solved a world problem. Kids with chronic illnesses are living their lives freely without a care in the world, as theirs might in the next day. I aspire to their happiness and wish my happiness was like that, without care.

Although unfortunately, my giddiness from the light is gone, the darkness has consumed my thoughts, I can’t think of anything happy but be reminded of something I can’t help of. I am here solely to warn you from the darkness, the darkness that consumes your mind.

` Darkness is my friend, they are of no person, but are the comfort I seek, the comfort where nobody would understand until they’re also sucked into. Once, I and my family were living in the joyous light, but now, all is lost. My parents are of no more to me, they have also been consumed to the Darkness.

The dark life, take me back to the happy days I had, to the days where I didn’t have a care in the world and celebrated a parents’ birthday. Take me to the place where I learned to walk on my own, a place where I learned to tie my shoes. 

That cannot happen although, being in the darkness now is something I have already said, there’s no escape for me, but there is for you. You can escape with happy thoughts and caring for others. Happy thoughts wound the Darkness, it is so used to Pain, Misery, Emotional Messes, and all the stuff we suffer in the world today.

If you cut off Darkness’s food supply from you, it’ll disappear. I only learned this too late in my life, Darkness fed onto me until it grew attached to my pain, emotional pain. Your happy though, be happy, express happiness.

I need to say goodbye my old friend, for the Darkness is calling my name. I shall retire to my room and be sucked to the Darkness. I was only warned too late about what I just said. Take these words to your heart and don’t forget me, as forgetting is death on its part.

Darkness, my friend, take me away from this misery, take me to the deepest of despair, and give me a life full of regret. Darkness is hard to get away of, once you’re in it, nobody would care for you, you won’t care. I warn you to get away from this Darkness until it’s too late like me.

Some say Darkness is a gift, I think of it as a place where I call hellfire. The Darkness is like ink coming in contact with water, or food coloring. When it touches the water, it spreads everywhere. That’s the same for Darkness to humans, it spreads everywhere like rumors. Rumors of who is the one hiding their happiness, rumors where this person was caught doing something illegal.

Oh, I hope someday I could escape this mighty Darkness, but that’s not promised, what’s promised, is the future of Darkness for me. Darkness is like a never-ending slumber or story, it’s the same ole song on repeat, every day, every second, every minute, every year. 

Who knows when I will escape this never-ending darkness. The Darkness is now my friend, my companion. It may be years, decades, or centuries before I escape. The Darkness gives immortality so they can feed off of your misery, something that isn’t right. I will never see some of my friends again because of this Darkness, but what is guaranteed, is that you can escape from this curse before it comes to you.

Be happy is all I say, my dear friend, keep your happiness alive and well, and don’t let the dark come to you like it came to me. Maybe one day I’ll have children of my own, they will know of your bravery of fighting off the Darkness so it wouldn’t get to you, you’ll be their role model.

Now go, before it’s too late, stay happy, and take care of my family for me. Shoo go make paintings on a canvas and have a fanatical day. Goodbye, the Darkness is calling for my return.

May 07, 2021 14:17

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