Drama Fiction Sad

WE are the campus crush and known as a heart breaker and baddest boy, yet, girls still loved to stick with us like a leech.

"Bro, it's a boiling tea in the campus now. Zara just rejected every girls' dream." André laughed at me.

I hissed and gave André a hard punch on the chest.

"How's the ego, Jake?" Gian barked out a laugh too.

I gave my friend a deadly stare.

"Isn't our big cheese- Jake is Zara's long time crush?" Cris joined the conversation.

"Yeah, maybe playing to be a hard-to-get type of a girl?" We laughed and mine was the loudest.

I am completely embarrassed. That is so f*cking hard to admit but yes, all I thought was Zara is going to be happy and will answered 'yes. you can be my boyfriend, Jake' with a tears of joy in the eyes but guess what? That damn Zara declined me! The campus crush got refuse for the very first time.

"Just leave Zara girl and flirt with this one, Dalilah?" André suggested another girl and handed me a phone.

"Dalilah is a bit nerdy type but obviously desires the campus crush." Gian introduced the 'nerd'.

Well, that female is pretty and hot just like the old ones. But I just find Zara very different from them. Like an angel fell from the heaven but with an evil yet seductive eyes when smirking and lascivious movements with a sensual body. Damn it!

"Okay but first, I'll gladly put myself into a pickle just so I could bring back my ego." I marked before standing up.

HE is Zara's first and long time crush. When it comes to him, she's so numb, fool and stupid. Jake is a walking red flag and she is aware, however, that is what makes her fall in love.

Jake for being true. The man for being helplessly handsome at all times and for being undeniably sexy and kind.

Kind... Yes, he is. They can only explain him by what they saw. He is rude and harsh in any ways especially when there's people around him.

And then people stopped there. That's how society works, right? That's how people's mind set is functioning.

Based on what they've seen. Not minding to observe the person's good side. Have no even interest to know about the other side.

If they met a stranger as a bad person, they'll consider it already as their true color. While if they met them as a good person and then saw their worse side, the latter will be consider as their true colors.

The side of her lips rose up when she remembered their first encounter.

"Hello, Jake. Do you have a time?" She asked.

"None." Answered he, wearily.

That time, she got confused about her appearance and odor. Zara simply sniff her right shoulder but she smells nothing but a sweet fruit. Is he doesn't like the scent of her perfume?

She's not used to do that kind of stuff. Boys come near her, not the other way around.

"I like you." Said she.

Jake stopped walking and finally gave to Zara his full attention. "This is the ambassador you're talking to." Then his gaze went down to her body. "Well, you're hot but I have a lot of girls as of now so I would just reserve you." He winked at her and it makes the butterfly on her stomach flies.

She licked her lower lip before speaking up. "I believe that you're not one-hundred percent rude. Unlike what they've said."

Jake's eyebrows ascended and then he stepped closer to Zara. Make the space between them close itself and when their face is only inches away, Zara can't help but to gasps for some air.

Good heavens, no wonder how he became a campus crush.

He let out his evil grin. "How sure you are, Zara?"

She was about to smile when he calls her by her name but she hid it instead.

"I am in love with the heart breaker ambassador- Jake. Except the rude and harsh treatment, this girl have seen the kind Jake. Known as a baddest boy but secretly concerned about what other's feels-"

"Shut up! That's not true and don't you dare stick with me again!" The beautiful ocean blue eyes of Jake glared at her almond eyes before leaving her alone in the corridor.

She smirked.

Not to mention, she continued chasing that baddest boy they're talking about. She's that in love with him and keeps adoring him despite the cruelty.

So when Jake tried to crush her back, she let herself escape.

Everything changed when she discovered that one thing.

I used MY saved guts to go and talk to Zara.

"Need something important?!" She asked me grudgingly.

It was like the lady didn't adore me at all.

"Do you know about Dalilah?" I asked.

We talked about Dalilah. It's kinda relieving to know that Zara became interested. This lady didn't know, it's not Dalilah that I like; my motive. It was the hot girl in front of me; Zara.

My eyebrows furrowed when the woman started telling me a lot of things about Dalilah. Okay, I want this, we're spending a lot of time together but can't we talk about ourselves?

Fine, I used Dalilah so I can steal Zara's minute. Myself asked Zara for a help even though I'm so sure that I can have that girl in the most easy way.

My thoughts ruffled for a second thinking why this girl let a friend to get involve with a boy like me.

It stand still when beautiful Zara didn't throw any questions at me.

"Dalilah is a nerdy type, yes. But that girl is good at everything and not an innocent nor ignorant! Actually, Daliah has an outnumbering ex-boyfriend, has an experience and mind blows about worldly desires." Zara chuckled.

But I'm not interested with Dalilah, It's you, Zara.

"I will help. Don't worry, Jake. Dalilah is good and pretty hot. Surely, you'll look good together." My girl smiled.

My face remained blank. I am not happy, because this is not my real motive.

So we spent our vacation with each other. Zara helped me how to get that Dalilah while I was just staring at Zara's attractive face on the whole time, never minding my girl's commands.

"Hey, are you listening?!" Zara twined my ears. I can't help but to burst out my laugh.

"Daliah loves daisies and chocolates. In dating stage, that girl doesn't want the cheesy lines." Zara explained again.

"How about my Zara?" I asked.

The lady stiffened a bit before giving me a "what-did-you-just-say" look. "I love tulips."

Two weeks passed and it was all lovely for me. I just found myself woking up early in the morning without girls, only Zara.

And here I am, buying some foods for Zara's breakfast while holding the three wonderful tulips.

"Good morning, beautiful." I greeted as soon as I entered the gate.

Zara laughed at the paper bag. "Thank you!" The lady stared at me, smiling, and then suddenly, it fades slowly...

SHE has a hint that Jake is playing around. Zara couldn't fathom if Jake really wants her bestfriend or... her.

Because little by little, every day they're together, she can feel it.

She can feel the heartbeats.

The butterflies.

The thoughtfulness of Jake.

In each passing day, she fell in love; harder this time and it's not included on her plan. Her plan is to be a matchmaker of the two.

But Jake is indeed the baddest boy. He make her fall in love, and as long as Zara didn't want to think about Jake falling in love with her, it is the more the hint she sensed.

It took a weeks before she confirmed it. When she asked her friend, Daliah and there's no sign of Jake, she knew it right away.

Her doubt faded when she heard that Jake doesn't do dates anymore. When she heard the tea where Jake have seen in a flower shop and asked by a classmate, "for who is that tulips", he answered "for my girlfriend."

Knowing Jake, he never did buy a stuff before for his past girlfriends.

And that tulips was given to her.

This is wrong. She knew this will happen in the very first place! But she keeps herself tied up with him.

She must stop this now. Her plan is all useless, she didn't think wisely! Zara let Jake fell in love with her. No!

This is gonna hurt them in the end.

She's in pain already, she can't do that to her beloved... Jake.

That's why the last week was rush. She avoided Jake's stare. She didn't accept everything that comes from him from that day onwards. She distance herself away and only talk if it was about Dalilah.

"Date her tomorrow! Please! Date her!" Zara said desperately.

The girl loves Jake so much and she'll use the rest of her time for him.

The three weeks passed has no help. All she thinks about is Jake will be in love with her friend, but she is betrayed by her own plans.

I punched MYSELF. This is the hottest potato in my life. I never thought it would be...

Inside of my car, I was holding the bouquet of daisies flowers with chocolate. Ready for a f*cking date with Dalilah. I'm not even attracted with that girl!

All I want to do now is to drove off to Zara's house and hugged the beautiful girl. But no, Zara is hard-headed on the past days and I don't want my girl to get mad at me.

But I can't control myself but to maneuvered the car to Zara's house. My day is completely happy if I saw that beautiful girl first thing in the morning, I will just look at her and then follow the commands.

Damn, no one dares to command me but Zara. And I am willing to be your damn slave, my girl.

When I parked the car, Zara's grandmother went out of the house hurrily.

"Grandma, what happened? Where's Zara?" I asked.

"Jake, my grandchild- Zara. Brought to hospital this early morning!" Our Grandma started to cry while sobbing and trembling so hard.

"Grandma, calm down." I said as if I am not panicking while driving too.

Damn! Can't this car just fly?!

We run immediately, the fastest as I can just to see Zara with so many tubes that is connected with her body.

For the very first time in my life, tears pooled on the side of my eyes. I never thought a girl would make me cry, never in my entire life!

Seeing Zara now, completely suffering and fifty-fifty... It was a loud bang on my chest. I promise, I've never felt this pain before. This is foreign and is hard to handle.

I was about to walk near my girl when the doctor stopped me and then Zara's weakling voice made us look at her.

"A-Allow J-Jake... Doc. K-Kim..."

The doctor swallowed hard and smiled sadly at my girl before letting me in.

In my huge steps, I hugged Zara, my girl. "What happened? You can pass through it. Please, fight." I whispered.

Zara smiled. "I a-am so happy to m-meet you..."

"No, don't you dare talk in that way! You will be fine! Zara!" I panicked and the tears welled on my cheeks.

I gasped. "No... no..." This is the weakest of my weakest.

Slowly, Zara caressed my cheeks with a both tears of joy and pain on her eyes. This is the softest touch I've feel, it felt home and peace...

"Jake, my... love... Y-your girl did love y-you... I d-did..." She said and gave me a soft kiss on my lips.

After those words is the loud beeping of a machine. A loud cries from Zara's family. And I hate all of it... because that is the sign... that my first and probably the greatest love's life ended.

Zara is gone.

I cried loudly. No strength. Numb, blind and deaf to face everything.

The matchmaker that I loved... is now gone.

Every person seen me and knew me as a bad boy, rude and evil. So I became.

And when Zara saw the real color behind those darks, I bring back the old Jake; the kind one.

The only person who knows who really I am.

Who changed me.

Who fixed myself.

Is now unconscious... no breath... no life... and not living anymore.

Dalilah entered the morgue with a reddening and swollen eyes. Zara's friend handed me a letter.

"What is it?" I asked coldy like a zero temperature.

"Z-Zara's letter..." She whispered and cried again.

"You know a thing?!" I screamed.

"Yes! But this is more difficult than you think! Imagine you know a thing but remained helpless! I can't do anything to let my friend alive! So I just agree with Zara's stupid idea!" She cried hard.

"Then you should've tell me about it!"

"I am no control with Zara's life, Jake. Just... just read the letter." She said and walked out.

Dear my beloved Jake,

I am so sorry for hurting you That's intentionally but not really my will. I'm not willing to hurt you but there's no other way around, we will both end up in pain. But I never thought you will get hurt, my plan is to keep you safe and happy. I'm sorry if I failed. Don't bring back the cruel Jake. I've heard you many times on your locker room as a stalker, you always feel bad for hurting those people but ended up eating your pride. Please, live. Because if there's any chance, I would love to. I've known that my cancer is back and only discovered it when it was already on stage 4, my life is limited. The doctor gave me one month and I have no regrets spending it all with you. I don't know when will I die but I do hope you're the last person I'll see before my eyes closed... for ever. I would be happy if you got married into a lovely woman. I love you until death... my only man, Jake."


Zara <3

August 03, 2021 10:30

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