One Way Or Another

Written in response to: Write a story about a character who’s lost.... view prompt



This story contains themes or mentions of suicide or self harm.

[TW:Contain some harsh word or some word that may lead to self harm/Su!c!de,bone cracking,and h@nging]

Fews day weeks ago my mom died in a car accident. They said she kill herself. My eye was in terror and went to find the body. Now I’m in her situation. I was so upset that my mom died I didn’t notice the possibility chance of them bringing the body in a graveyard. Felt like a fool. Now I’m finding a way to head back. Using my footstep heading back to my home. But there was no sign of my home. Just paths.

I turned to the right and to the left. Looking at which way should I go. Looking at both ways the left path seems more dangerous. I walk toward the right as I care about my safely first. During the path shadow walks over me. Bats hanging on the tree. I walk carefully to not wake them up. There I see my house. Is it real? I stepped forward looking on a closer look. The door was unlocked and I went in. It is really my home! A sound of the bell ring. Ah I jump into conclusion,I supposed a rest couldn’t hurt. I explore the house just to find a bed. No sign of a bed,but a couch. I rest above the couch and slept.

“Knock knock are you awake?” I open my eyes swearing I heard some voices. No one in sight of me. I assumed it was just a dream. I explore the house some more and decided I should stay here. The house was well decoracte,pictures hanging everywhere,and it was well clean. A dark orb on the house was floating above and went away. I follow it as I was curious. Hopefully it will lead me to my true home. It lead me down to a river and it was well clean. I choose not to drink it and ask them lead me back home. They obey their ‘master’ and lead me down the same path. Yet the same home I found.

I trusted this orb as it lead me back the path. I wouldn’t get lost with it. So I asked the orb to stay with me. They choose to go away. I stayed still instead. I know they’re going to comeback. I heard my voices. I went out to hear the voices. “Hey is okay you will find your way back home.” I heard another voices saying “But I failed didn’t I?”

 “At least we together like a happy family,right?” “Well yes,but it didn’t have to be this way,I was hoping I could join you guys without making the cause of my death instead I wasn’t patient enough and yet there I am.”

The voices disappear after that one line. I’m curious what happen to them. The cause of my death. That voices tell me something may go wrong with me. I need to figure out what going to happen to me. So I waited for the orb to come back. Mark my calendar one by one. The orb didn’t came back. I counted the days and lost my hope. I forgot about the past and seem like I can’t regain my memories of the past moment. I decided to move on and choose not to remember them.

Night falls the bats flees the house. I slept as the usually day till a voices came by. “Hey wake up.” I open my eyes,there was no one in sight. I took a walk outside and there I see the orb was right there,waiting for me all along.

 “Where have you been?!” I asked. No respond but left me away. I follow it. There it led me to a house build of hay and it unstable. I knock on the door,but there was no sign of respond. I was about to turn away. But I heard the sound of a creaking door. No one was in there,but I went in anyway. My curiosity got into me and wonder what was inside. These voices came again,but this time they insult me. You really are a mistake. “But why?” Don’t you remember? “Of course not!” These voices I don’t like it. I ran away breathing heavily. Huff Huff. I left the orb. I’m sure it following me now. I waited in the dark. No of the orb. My stomach growls. I search for food,but there was only berries. I couldn’t care less if it poison or not. After all it the only food I can relay on.

I ate it,but it wasn’t enough. So I ate more the colors of blue and red. They taste delicious. I follow the footsteps to my ‘home.’ I went inside the house as I realized the door was unlocked. The voices. I’m still confused by it. Don’t you remember? Was there something to remember of? So I thought of the day back then. No flashbacks. You watch the news suddenly realized you were here to find her body. I couldn’t believe it. It sounds false to me.

I don’t like the sound of this. I was lost in here? But I been living here since months. I’m sure of it I been living here forever. Your mom…

“No,please don’t tell me.” Died in a car crash.

I ran till a car appear. I search for her dead body,but I couldn’t find one. Eyes in my tears. My body panic. Why am I searching for someone dead body? It like I couldn’t control myself. I search through the footstep. Mud on my shoes. There it was a bone cracking like it asking for help. I dug the dirt like a dog. What I see was terrify. They were right it what nature does and doing their job. I couldn’t bare to look. I look around. A rope lying on the ground. At least we like a happy family? I join you mom. One way or another. I made a choice. I want to join her. So there I left was a hanging body.

December 05, 2024 14:40

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