Drama Contemporary Happy

This story contains sensitive content

It was impossible for Tom to hide his happiness.

He would meet his date Sophie in just a few hours.

Their initial point of contact was an introduction on the brand-new website "Secrets and Excitement."

It was unique among dating apps in that it only paired users when one or both had secrets that could influence the course of their relationship. The website promised it would not share the secret with anybody else, and it was kept in total confidence. They paired the secret keeper with someone who would probably be cool with hearing the secret, but only when they met in person could the secret holder actually reveal it. 

After Tom signed up for the website, he was presented with several dating options; nonetheless, he knew Sophie was the one after seeing her photo. She worked in public relations and was 25 years old; she was slim, attractive, and feminine.

Tom was well aware that he was a good catch. He was tall for his age, also 25, had a medium frame, a powerful countenance, and an impressive banking background.

However, Tom has experienced the rapid termination of relationships on multiple occasions after potential partners learnt of his secret.

Tom pondered the possibility that things might turn out differently this time around.

He thought back to the past seven days or so when he had video talked with Sophie online. His heart belonged to her; she seemed quiet, endearing, and considerate; yet incredibly charismatic.

Besides having common interests in sports, movies, and nightlife, she was also an excellent conversationalist.

And most importantly, Sophie was an excellent listener.

However, he couldn't shake the harsh yet real possibility that after learning his secret Sophie would soon decide their relationship would not work.

On the other hand, the dating service was aware of his secret and reassured him that they thoroughly screen potential partners to ensure they are likely sympathetic to his situation, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

It was Tom's deepest wish that Sophie would welcome him secret and all.....

Before he set out to meet Sophie, Tom cheerfully recalled an online chat they had recently in which she had said:

 "These days, we all know women should have the same rights as men." She went on to say, "And there are many in our society, be they in minority or disadvantaged in some way, that are owed the same benefits given to everyone."

That gave Tom reassurance.

In any case, he was finally going to meet Sophie.

Dressed smart but casually Tom quickly summoned a cab, he reached the bar where they had planned to meet. In preparation for Sophie's arrival, he located a secluded alcove that was ideal for passionate verbal exchanges and placed an order for wine.

 Within moments Sophie arrived, and Tom could not hide his pleasant surprise as she was even more attractive in person than online!

She exuded friendliness and warmth and was attired in a trendy light blue dress.

They were able to chat freely as they savored the delicious wine. Both opened up to each other about every aspect of their lives without awkward pauses.

Their bodies brushed each other, sending a tingling through them, and they drew more and closer in the little alcove where they were sitting.

Tom felt comfortable and courageous enough now to reveal his secret...he took a deep breath and then said:

"Sophie, my darling...we only met online a short time ago, yet I feel like I've known you forever. Something truly remarkable has happened and will happen between us, in my opinion. It makes me pleased that fate has brought us together, and I think our future is bright if we stay together."

Tom then hesitated, seeing that Sophie was thinking about what he was about to say. She nodded silently before he continued:

"It seems we have so much in common and I can say for sure I have never met someone as pleasant as you before..."

Softly smiling, Sophie gestured for Tom to continue, her expression one of mild embarrassment. However, before he could speak, Tom took a further deep breath and quietly said:

"Life for me has been going swimmingly thus far. Amidst my professional endeavors, I am blessed with sound health and a loving family..."

After some thought, Sophie decided it would be best to demonstrate her readiness to let Tom tell his narrative as he wanted, since she needed to allow him to reveal things about himself. The best course of action right now for her was to remain silent.

Tom proceeded:

"In my life I have had a number of relationships some have which started to develop well .... but all of them sooner or later ended when I my secret was eventually revealed...."

A small perspiration was beginning to form on Tom's face, and he was started to exhibit signs of genuine nervousness. For comfort, Sophie put her hand on his.

"Sophie my dear I its best now that I tell you my secret and get that over and done with"

 Tom reached into his pocket for his phone.

It felt like an eternity, but the phone was activated in a matter of moments. Tom, who was visibly shaken, fiddled with his phone until he accessed the photographs folder, where he finally located the desired image.

With trembling palms, he presented Sophie with the phone and displayed the shot he had taken just hours before their meeting.

Since the image on the phone was unclear, Sohpia had to pull it closer to her face in order to make out details.

It wasn't until she drew it much closer to her eyes that she recognized was what depicted in the photo.

Viewed in the photograph was the space between Tom's thighs. This was the tiniest member she had ever seen. In fact, it was so little that her little finger seemed twice its normal size!

After what seemed like an eternity, Sohpia finally handed Tom back the phone without saying a word.

Sophie stood up from her seat and began to walk away, her silence deafening.

Tom was devastated, thinking that his secret would spell the end of his relationship once more.

However, Sophie remained in the alcove, drawing Tom closer to her as she closed the alcove curtain. She then pulled up her dress pulled down his panties and revealed between her legs a member so large and thick and it was over 8 inches in length!

She drew Tom even closer, swiveled him around to his back side and kissed him passionately on the neck.

With a deeper voice that Tom had ever heard from her until now Sophie uttered:

"Now that is my secret!"

September 09, 2024 03:08

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