Inspirational Friendship

Just when you think it is the end of everything, life gives you another knock on the door. For years I’ve been dreaming of becoming an author, but between writers block and the juggle of every day life, it’s been difficult to get a word in. Then, one night I had a dream that I was standing, holding my newly published book that I’ve been working on for years. It took sweat, ink, tears, and lots of coffee! You see, I’m in between an old fashioned writer. I enjoy the click clack of the keys on my pink keyboard, but then there’s the smooth ink gliding across the blue-lined, white paper. Don’t get me started on the smell of the paper. I don’t write just to be published, I write to express myself in ways I don’t know how. I’m very shy and can’t always say what’s exactly on my mind.

Another day at the office, a job that helps feed the bills and myself. Even with a job, it’s hard to keep up with the cost of living. I live in a small, one bedroom apartment in a small town of Savannah with my orange and white cat, Mr. Whiskers. It’s a quaint little town where everyone knows something about you…even if you don’t know about it yet. The bird clock in the office dings 12:00 — lunch time! I brought in a sub from the sub shop down the street. I pull out my laptop and sigh at the one sentence that’s been there for a week now. I write another sentence just to say I’ve done something to this story. Then, the time has come to get back to work. Even with just another sentence added, I feel accomplished and positive.

When the clock sings 4, I get up out of my desk and sign out for the day. The gentle breeze on my face feels good after a long day of work. I’m glad that I get to see the sun before it sets. I wait at the bus stop and see my coworker coming to sit with me. “Hey, I hear you are writing a book! That’s amazing!”

I take out my laptop and show her the two sentences. “I have a long way to go. I feel like I might not get it finished.”

My coworker reads the two sentences and smiles. “Well, it sounds good already! Don’t give up! Writing a book can take years, but if you stick at it, then who knows what will come your way!”

The bus comes and we both get on and sit together. We talk about books and writing til the bus announces my stop.We say goodbye to each other and I take out my fob to enter my apartment. I take the elevator to the 7th floor, stepping out of the elevator, turning right, and unlocking my apartment door.

I walk inside and lock the door behind me. Mr. Whiskers runs over to me. “Hey buddy, did you guard the place while I was gone?”


“That’s a good boy!”

I refill his food dishes and replenish his water bowl. I take care of all the chores before making my spaghetti dinner. It doesn’t take long, but it is delicious! I always seem to make too much! I chill out in my room, watching videos and checking up on the world. Since the pool closes in a couple of hours, I take a quick dip cooling off from the summer heat. The quietness brings a blanket of peace over me.

After my dip in the pool, I dry off and relax a bit in my room. Mr. Whiskers jumps on and curls up at the feet of the bed. “Ready for bed already?”

I scroll through my social media page and my coworker posts: “Writing group at the community centre Saturday at 2pm til 4pm.” My heart glows at the opportunity to meet other writers and have the space to write. I take out my laptop one more time and write a full page this time.

“Well, Mr. Whiskers, I think it’s time to go to bed! We’ve written a lot tonight!” Mr. Whiskers blinks his golden brown eyes at me. I know what story I’m going to write now.

Finally, it’s Saturday! I make coffee in the Keurig and the smell is always divine! I set my laptop on the living room table as well as my coffee. I write more words and I’m half way through my story. Mr. Whiskers jumps on the couch beside me. “Well, what do you think?”

Mr. Whiskers rubs his head on my arm. “Meow!” He seems very happy about everything. I’m glad he’s in my life. I remember the day when I brought him home from the shelter as a kitten. I was sad, but glad I was there at the right time. I put him inside of my warm jacket and he stops shivering from fear. The shelter was good at keeping his shots updated and giving all of the animals care. I was looking for a companion as I was lonely inside my apartment. I think we needed each other.

My mind returns from the past, I realise it is time for me to go to the writing group. When I arrive at the community centre, they take my name and tell me where to go. I take the elevator to the 4th floor of the community centre and admire the massive place. Pieces of art on the walls of the 4th floor from kid groups and adults groups are fascinating! Maybe someone can illustrate for me one day.

I knock on the door of the room where we are meeting and my coworker answers the door. “Welcome! I was hoping you would come! I actually created this group because of your inspiration! My life ambition is to help others realise their potential in all things. Then, a few others came into the room, and we all introduce ourselves. It seems like I have chosen the best place!

Christmas has come along and my story is complete! My Christmas wish is to publish my story for everyone to read. While reading the story over, doubt seeps in through my veins. Maybe I’m not ready to publish this, what if it’s not good enough. I am afraid to move forward to next step.

“Mr. Whiskers, any suggestions?” He puts his paw on my arm. “Meow!” In a way, I think he’s telling me. “Don’t be afraid. I was afraid once, but you saved me and gave me a home. Have hope! Have faith!”

Then, I submit my story to several places. Some places rejected it, but that’s all part of it. But then finally, one place approves my story. I end up publishing my story! My dream of becoming an author comes true! To think that I almost gave up publishing because of fear…I’m glad Mr. Whiskers, my coworker, and everyone gave me the confidence to go forward. Never give up…because anything can happen! 

September 02, 2024 17:05

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RBE | Illustration — We made a writing app for you | 2023-02

We made a writing app for you

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