Set your story on a warm summer evening with a full moon when everything feels magnetic and your character is about to meet someone important.

Submitted into Contest #199 in response to: Write a story about a character who returns home changed by someone they met on a trip.... view prompt


Fiction Romance Sad

 Along the coast of the Sali Islands a woman walked barefoot through the rippling waves rolling up on beach line. The water smacked against her ankles every few steps she took. She chose to take her walk during the night knowing it would be more peaceful, easier to cleanse her mind away from the bustling noise of people splashing and squealing. Unaware to her a young man also decided to take advantage of the starry scenery. The fellow took notice of the woman early on in her walk watching her carefully from beneath a palm tree far upside the beach. The moonrays glistened upon her pale white skin, almost like a ghost drifting along the sand, a beautiful spirit oblivious to her watcher just rejoicing in the warm summer breeze.

  She inches closer to him with every step, he was conflicted on if he should make himself known and risk frightening her, or to stay hidden. In moments the woman would be standing just a few feet away from him across the mounds of sand, the young man felt something pulling him towards her. His muscles twitching as his mind began to already picture himself standing up and pushing through the beach to the lady, to introduce himself. Within a matter of seconds he found himself acting upon the thought in present time, though multiple voices echoed on the man executed the thought. 

  With two wobbly feet the man stood up, one step after the other as he closed the distance between him and the lovely woman glowing beneath the full moon light. Two arms waved back and forth above his head as he shouted for her attention, easily obtaining his goal as her face turned toward his direction slightly skeptical at first having a strange man call for her. 

  Her own feet took a few steps backward, the flight or fight triggering her movements as she took a moment to listen to her surroundings turning her head to and fro as the crunching of his feet sinking into the ground echoed through her ears. He approached her breathless, gasping for a few whiffs of salty air before speaking. 

  “Miss! I have no intent to harm you I only seen you walking along the sea shore and thought of you as the most beautiful woman I have seen on this island, will you tell me your name?” Her face locked onto the direction of the man as he spoke, she compared it to drops of honey falling into her ear drums. Before she could process the words to reply the man was able to gaze upon her features, taking note of something very interesting. Her eyes, the orbs were as full and white as the moon hanging in the sky behind her silhouette. This took him by surprises, his lips parting as shock plastered across his expression. The man realized, the lady was blind. 

  “My name?..” there was a pause in her voice, it was soft and feminine, only adding more reason for the man to be attracted to her. “My name.. is Mirya.. and your name is?” Mirya’s head tilted waiting patiently for his reply. She no longer felt tense, her posture relaxed a bit, allowing her hands to fall at her sides paying close attention to the sounds around her. Quickly the man adjusted his facial features to a more soft and empathetic one, his lips pressing together as he thought of what he might say, “A lovely name for such a lovely lady..” his words drifted feeling a tingling sensation in his stomach as he grew closer to her, such a shame she couldn’t see the excitement he had just standing next to her. Mirya, the most beautiful woman he laid eyes on, a blessing in itself just to see her beauty. Yet, a curse that she could not see herself. The man cleared his throat with a grumble taking one more step closer to the lovely Mirya as his voice seeped from his lips. 

  “My name is Ray, Miss Mirya would you like to walk with me on this beautiful night?” The woman thought about his question responding with a light nod though it was obvious she had something else to add to it. “Yes Ray. We may walk together but I must ask that you do not touch me, if you can agree we can walk until sunrise.” Ray was compliant, he didn’t allow his thoughts to get caught up in her request just enjoying the thought of being next to Mirya was enough for him. 

 Down the coast line they went, following the seemingly endless shore as they talked. Mirya mostly listened as Ray fluently raved on about his adventures around the world, how he found treasures and gems along the way. With the coins he purchased an estate on the island though he lived alone most of his days, finding the most enjoyment on being on the beach, watching the world erode away as the waves constantly pull bits and pieces of the earth every new tide. The woman took one step in front of the other, her sheer wispy robe flowing in the gentle wind behind her. Mirya looked like a goddess making small strides as she walked with the man as he shared his life story with her. The lady listened intently to everything he had to say, twisting her face in certain ways to respond to certain topics he discussed, truly just allowing him to vent to her as they gazed into the darkness only being able to share the experience of hearing the ocean crash against the beach. 

 Throughout the night, Mirya didn’t speak much at all, the most she would say would be a reaction to what Ray would be telling her, or that she didn’t remember much before coming on the island. This shocked Ray, he truly wanted to know more about this mysterious woman. After many hours of walking and chatting the couple came across a bridge that stretched far into the ocean, happily they continued their stroll onto the rickety wood every step causing a creaking sound beneath their feet. Eventually they reached the end of the pier, looking out into the vast nothing of the ocean, seeming to be no end or beginning of the sky and sea. Only the moon falling within the distance could distinguish the two. They shared a moment of silence, allowing the crashing ocean to fill their ears as they enjoyed the company of each other, watching time pass by as the moon began to disappear over the horizon indicating the end of the night is near. 

 Mirya turned to face him, sadness filling her milky eyes. “I must go soon..” her words were long and dreadful as if she herself did not wish to utter them. Fear of losing this moment Ray shook his head in denial. “You could stay here with me.. we could start something together- we could go on adventures!” He proclaimed proudly, attempting to convince the woman to leave with him to explore the world together. Yet, Mirya did not budge in her decision. “I loved our night.. though I told you I only had until sunrise, the sun is coming soon.” The man felt defeated, emotions of doubt and uncertainty washing over him as he stood beside the rail of the pier, thinking every way he could to keep the woman by his side as he did, he watched a beam of light began to crack over the distance. There was one last thing he must do before losing this angel forever. Ray’s body turned to the woman admiring her features once more as he stared into her eyes he watched as her lips moved to utter more words. “Maybe we will meet another night..” more rays of sunshine peered through the sky, the man feeling the panic of lost of time throwing random thoughts through his mind as his hand reached for the woman, his finger tips attempting to stroke her pale cheek. Just as he did the woman vanished before his eyes, the sun breaking over the ocean higher into the sky. 

May 26, 2023 02:13

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Mary Bendickson
03:42 Jun 01, 2023

A fine beauty quality throughout. Nice descriptions set the scene and the mood. Knew she would be gone with the light but had hopes she may return. Unique way to use the prompts. Welcome to Reedsy. Impressive first story.


Rose Brawley
12:54 Jun 01, 2023

I appreciate your input so much! This means so much to me you brightened my morning!


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Tricia Shulist
16:07 May 30, 2023

So mysterious! I liked the almost fairy tale quality of the narrative. Did she disappear because he was going to touch her, or was she the night? And why couldn’t he touch her? Because she was ephemeral, or because the was the one condition of their relationship, like Blue Beard’s wife? Or something all together different? I enjoyed it. Thanks for this.


Rose Brawley
13:43 May 31, 2023

There are multiple different ways to interpret the scene! I would say go with what you think the reason may be! I left it to the reader to contemplate this! You don’t know how much I appreciate your comment!


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