Welcome Arlkanians !

Submitted into Contest #210 in response to: Set your story after aliens have officially arrived on Earth.... view prompt


Fiction Historical Fiction Science Fiction


Welcome Arlkanians ! !

 “Hold the ship image gently and make sure that the Arlkskin gloves are fitting snugly.”

Groox, my Arlkaninan instructor, was giving me instructions on handling the ship, or flying saucer as it is commonly called by us Earthlings. This was just a simulator exercise; I was learning the procedures of positioning the ship before initiating the vector and speed through space.

The simulated dimension we were working in was on planet Earth, so everything still looked familiar. It would be some time before I would be proficient enough to navigate my way through the wormhole at superluminal speed, all the way to the planet Arlk.

In this amazing, simulated environment in full colour and 3D, it was difficult to tell the difference between this simulation and the real world, or worlds if you would.

Groox is the earth name for 718151524, translated using our standard 26 letter alphabet, Groox would not need to speak to his fellow Arlk companions using his vocal device, they normally communicate via a combination of Gamma and Theta brainwaves. Groox has a vocal soundwave transmitter attached to a very slim, almost invisible collar around his neck, that transforms his brainwave thoughts into soundwave speech which sounds as normal as any of us Earthlings do.

When he chooses to, he can move his mouth to correlate with his speech and it makes it almost impossible to discern that he is not actually talking.

Arlk is an earth like planet orbiting a star in the Segue 1 Galaxy, about 12,000 light years away from our sun.

Arlk has a problem with maintaining its light Carbon dioxide (Co2-12) balance in their atmosphere due to an erratic magnetic field and a type of Solar radiation emitting from their sun, Carbon dioxide is constantly being lost to outer space.

They have long ago depleted all the fossil fuels on the planet along with all the Carbon dioxide producing machines and power plants. The smaller planet size with lower gravity, does not make it any easier.

As a result, plant life there is threatened resulting in animal life and their form of human life there being compromised due to the lack of oxygen being produced by photosynthesis in their forests.

For thousands of years Arlkanians have been visiting earth, extracting, and processing millions of tons of carbon dioxide in the form of Co2-12 from our atmosphere. The gas is processed into de-natured microscopic Co2-12 and loaded into uranium containers for transportation back to Arlk.

The process is reversed when they arrive at Arlk, the lifesaving Co2-12 is re-natured and released into their thin atmosphere. In their visits to our planet, they have also taken samples of our trees and plant life to aid in the process.

The lower gravity on Arlk has resulted in Arlkanians being of a slighter build with proportionately bigger heads than Earthlings and larger eyes, due to their sun not being as close or as bright as ours. Their skin is also smooth, pale and not at all porous, conducting electrical signals that they use to control almost everything on Arlk, this is why I need to wear faux Arlkskin gloves to control the ship.

Their technology is approximately 200,000 Earth years ahead of where we are right now. They power their ships and anything else that needs power with Gamma radiation, they long ago discovered a method of using Gamma radiation for power. Gamma radiation is prevalent in the entire universe and is without cost.

Highly dangerous but useful when controlled, Gamma rays have the smallest wavelengths and the most energy of any wave in the electromagnetic spectrum.

In space many strange things happen, including bursts of Gamma rays that speed up faster than light, going superluminal and can cause time-reversibility. We will not talk about that now.

The Arlkanians were responsible for building the pyramids, their Gamma ray powered machines make it possible not only to super accurately cut building blocks but they can also move them without effort, as easily as we would build a pyramid out of toy wooden blocks.

Picture a 3-dimensional game where you can pick up a huge stone image with your Arlkskin gloves and place it accurately in another place, as you move the stone in the game, a drone, with a slight humming sound effortlessly moves the stone in the real world. Powered by Gamma rays, the drone can move anywhere through space-time and without touching, it can carve an accurate block from stone and place it in the correct position for the build.

The pyramids were computer designed by the Arlkanians and built using these pre-programmed building drones.

The Arlkanians befriended many of the early generations of our ancestors, often assisting in building very difficult structures for them, the pyramids being a good example, the pyramid of Giza was the first one built. A reference for navigation for the Arlkanians, the location of the pyramid is 29.972458N, it is also the speed of light expressed in contemporary metric system, 299,792,458 meters per second. In addition, it is located at the centre of the land mass of the earth.

The main chamber has a descending passage leading to it that aligned directly with the north pole star Alpha Draconis in circa 2170-2144, that’s about 4,000 years ago. A descending passage to the main chamber on the Southern side pointed to the star Al Nitak, (Zeta Orionis), in the constellation Orion.  

These passages were important for the capture of Gamma rays and directing them to the main chamber, where the rays were absorbed and amplified by the Gamma network transceiver housed in a huge granite container. (We always assumed that this was king Khufu’s coffer, which incidentally was never used by the king!), the construction of the granite container was not possible with the tools available at the time and has remained until now, one of the biggest Giza mysteries.

The concave curvature of the limestone faces of the Giza pyramid, the only pyramid to have this feature, exactly matches the radius of the earth, these were used to reflect and transmit Gamma ray power.

The Arlkanian drones machined and highly polished the 15-ton limestone blocks to absolute accuracy, to within 1/100 of an inch. To create a perfect antenna, the very top of the pyramid had a capping of gold. The entire structure glinting like a jewel, would have been visible as a star from as far away as the moon, must have been an unbelievable sight!

Mr. Tesla, one of our famous inventors, who invented the transmission of radio waves, always suspected that the pyramids had the ability to transmit electrical power, he was right, he got close to the theory of wireless power transmission. He carefully studied the Giza pyramid, then he built the famous Tesla Towers according to the laws inspired by his observations of the great pyramid, his attempt at transmitting electricity wirelessly did not work, but he was on the right track.

Many of the mysteries surrounding the pyramids are now easily explained, the 20-ton entrance door that could only be opened from inside the pyramid and moved effortlessly on its hinges and more, much more.

Now that the Arlkanians have made themselves known to us, much of the speculation of UFO’s and aliens is confirmed as truth. Many of the thousands of sightings over the years can now be believed and no longer scoffed at.

Stonehenge was built to help the early Brittons mark the seasonal changes, the Summer Equinox and Solstice important days to note, time to reap and sow their crops. The Arlkanians still wear the Earth uniforms that they wore thousands of years ago, white robe-like attire with pointed hoods, for protection from our sun and to conceal their gravity-assist body-bracing, for coping with our stronger gravity, about 1/3 more than they’re used to on planet Arlk. The Druids continue to wear similar clothing during festivals at Stonehenge.

There are many other structures around our planet that have mystified us for many years, that the Arlkanians built or helped to build with their highly advanced drones.

Truly amazing is the speed at which our civilization is catching on to Arlkanian technology, we are already installing Gammaretons (the small but powerful Gamma-power units now available to us) in a replacement program in some of our vehicles , aircraft and ships, learning to control the new units is taking some getting used to, no longer do we have accelerator pedals or throttle controls or steering wheels.

Using the 3D controller requires new skills and a fair amount of practice, moving your vehicle to a new point in space-time is not the same as driving down the road. It will take us a good few years before the new techniques can be mastered by everyone, this is probably one of the reasons that the Arlkanians are being cautious about the speed and the context in which the Gammareton replacement process takes place.

Another reason for their caution is the concern that this technology would be used in warfare.

The Arlkanians are a totally peaceful race and do not understand why we continue to wage war on each other.

It is amazing to sit in your car with the Gammareton installed, move the image of your car to an empty parking space at the store, visible in real time on your 3D controller with your snugly fitting Arlkskin gloves, a moment after you release the 3D model of the car, and you initiate… blink! You are there! How does that work? The Arlkanian technical advancement would take us another two or three thousand years or longer to catch up!

The Arlkanians have offered to help rebuild many of our towns and villages that have been destroyed by natural disasters. We could of course build amazing structures like the awesome buildings on Arlk, massive structures of intricate and interesting artistic design, using their drone technology, and their amazing mortar mixture.

Mortar that they used in the great pyramid of Giza, has been analysed, and its chemical composition is known, but we were never able to reproduce it, it is stronger than the stone and is still holding up today.

They have at least agreed to assist us with making this mysterious mortar which will be of tremendous help in our construction industry.

They are reluctant to allow us Earthlings to use their drones, once again they would not want to see this technology used in combat.

For some reason, apart from the movie ET, we have automatically always assumed that aliens would come and want to take over our world, sewing destruction wherever they went and destroying us as a species along with it.

As the warring civilization that we are, if you could call it civilized to be at constant conflict with each other, fighting over the possession of land, wealth, disagreement with religion, race, and culture.

We find it refreshing and pleasing that the only aliens to visit our planet from afar have always come here in peace and with a desire to help us as a species.

One can only hope that at some time in the future, we will realize the absolute folly of constant conflict and learn to live in peace and share the world. Perhaps by that time we will have advanced as much as the Arlkanians and perhaps we will develop our own advanced technology or by that time, the Arlkanians might be prepared to share everything with us.

Fortunately, because the Arlkanians are such a friendly, peaceful, and helpful race, Earth is happy to allow a higher export of Co2-12, of which we are now approaching a surplus, to help them with their dwindling supplies on Arlk, a truly intergalactic symbiotic relationship if ever there was one.

Welcome Arlkanians!

Guiton Alonzo Blackburn

August 11, 2023

August 11, 2023 12:38

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