Coming of Age Drama Fiction

       My Hand, My Heart

Suzanne Marsh

Scotland was the last place I thought I would ever find myself much less in the company of a Scottish laird. Angus Anderson was not my idea of what a man should be. He was a wee man with red hair, green eyes, and a nasty temper. Just how did I find myself in this predicament? My father, the laird of Loch Ronach decided it was time I was betrothed, after all at fifteen I was almost an old maid! Och! Those were days. Days when Scotland was fighting to rid themselves of the English, Edward Longshanks prevailed as ruling king. The highlanders hated him, and thus I hated him, he had taken our lands in taxes and that is how I came to be engaged to Angus Anderson. I was on my way to become his bride when a highwayman snatched me from my fate.

The sunrise was a brilliant hue of pink, my coach and six continued toward Loch Ronach castle and my betrothed. Fate was being unnecessarily too cruel to me or so I thought. The coach began to pick up speed, and I heard several horses coming up at a cantering beside the coach. The coach halted I waited, and the door to the coach flew open. I gaped at the dark figure staring at me, this man appeared to be dangerous. He ordered me to disembark from the coach, he had one of his men check over the coach looking for jewels and such. I had sewed my jewels in the hems of my gowns, at my father’s suggestion; I was glad I had. I was made to stand outside the coach, then the rain clouds settled in, and the sky turned from a beautiful blue to a somber gray color. The storm would be upon us before long, we should I knew seek shelter until it passed.

The highwayman ordered me back in the coach, apparently he was not as terrible as he appeared to be. His bunch road ahead toward an old stone barn, they knew it would provide some shelter. The wind began to howl as they opened the barn doors allowing the coach inside. I had no idea where I was or how I was going to find my way to Loch Rannoch. Once the coach was safe inside I was once again instructed to get out of the coach. I had a very small pistol in my Reticule but had no idea how to get it out of the reticule much less fire it. I was trapped, like a rat in a trap, I was at the mercy of this man whoever he was. His dark visage scared but somehow intrigued me, a rather ridiculous idea occurred to me: he could save me from Angus and a dull life. I thought it might be worth a try; anything had to be better than Angus Anderson pawing me. I tried to smile but the visage ignored me completely; something I was not used to. I felt I was an accomplished young woman by Scot's standards. I tried several times that evening but he ignored me. I had to make a move now or be lost forever to Angus Anderson.

I made a run for the door of the barn only to come face to face with the dark visage who had no intention of releasing me any time soon. His voice was rich and gentle as he pulled me to him:

“Don’t try to escape again, you are coming with us, I can’t allow you to continue on your

journey so therefore you are coming with me. I am an outlaw, a highwayman if you wish.” I wasn’t sure what sort of game he was playing, then I found myself on a beautiful black stallion, the coach and six would be returned to my father or so he said. I was about to become his wife, this made no sense to me but I decided to keep my silence, and see where this was going.

We rode for several days through the hills of heather, not stopping for anything other than sleep and a hot meal. We rode high up into the highlands until we reached a stone castle. He informed me we had arrived, and he helped me off the stallion:

“Now, you will prepare for your wedding.” I was mystified:

“I don’t even know your name how can I possibly marry you?” He deep laugh welled in his chest as he handed me over to a mousy gray-haired woman:

“Prepare her, she is to be my bride.” The old woman motioned me to follow her into the castle. I casually asked the name of the castle hoping to recognize where I was, that old crone cackled at me:

“You are going to marry my lord Sir David, Malcolm, Alexander MacLeod. He is our highland

Chief, he is very pleasant to the eye no?” I had no idea what the man looked like, his face was covered with a black mask, and it appeared he had no intention of removing the mask. I knew I would have to take her word that he was sort of good looking, then again he kept me from marrying Angus. I am still unsure as to whether I made the correct choice.

The following morning I was awakened by the old crone:

“Today is your wedding day, it is time to prepare you.” She left the room returning with a damask gown, pantaloons, chemise and elegant shoes. I bathed in hot water, then she did my hair. My legs began to wobble as she escorted me out of the room. We walked out into the warm sunshine that engulfed me. He stood up straight as I entered the small chapel. I pledged my heart and my hand to this man, I had no idea if he was the one I would have chosen given a choice but there had been no choice.

The slight breeze brushed against my skin, David his long fingers caressing my body as we watched the tide roll in. I had found happiness in the arms of a relatively strange man but also the love I had always longed for.  

February 06, 2025 22:31

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