Christian Creative Nonfiction Inspirational

This story contains sensitive content

The following story includes testimonies of real life experiences dealing with but not limited to; drug addiction, alcoholism , and forgiveness . Contrary to the unfortunate circumstances, gratitude lacks no bearing whatsoever!

Sincere Gratitude 

I should have done this sooner, I must admit. Sometimes I get so caught up in my ways I often forget. I become overwhelmed by all the things I feel like I have to do. I ask God for all these things but I never express my sincere gratitude. 

No wonder all my worldly hunger was of such high magnitudes. Through it all, God still remains true. So it’s only right to express and tell about my treacherous life, that is so undoubtedly blessed.

I must confess, I was surviving everyday, but every minute I was living less. I was living less. I was once so ungrateful, young and misguided, harboring a heart that was so hateful. So God let me lose it all. I had to experience a worldly fall; let down my hateful walls. I had to spiritually evolve. 

Now I have the love and sincerity; filled with serenity. I can now embrace and appreciate it all. Like that time I drank myself blind. I woke up inside of a crashed car, holding the wheel while hearing the sounds of my babies cryin’. 

Yet, I walked away with no consequences or jail time. Even then I continued to drink and drive. I couldn’t even stop long enough to let God know I appreciated being alive.

God has saved me, time after time. I failed him. However, today VICTORY is mine. I’ve decided to leave this world behind and show my appreciation by giving God my dedicated time.

It’s time for me to shine and express my sincere gratitude. Thanks to God’s mercy, I now have one-thousand other things I'd rather do. I dont wanna drink, smoke, belittle my worth and kill my hope. Or waste time being unhappy and take it out on you. 

I don't wanna wallow in a past neither one of us can undo, because God always brings me to a place of peace that I can pursue. Like that time I went too far and could no longer cope. God saved me from a drug overdose. 

Or the time I was tricked into doing a demonic drug and I started losing my way; He gave me a child and I could see the light of day. I no longer wanted to do drugs, she didn’t like the taste. Through my child, God returned my faith.

 It's only so much a sinner can take. I couldn’t seem to give God a break. I started back doing drugs, which made my addiction harder to shake. It got to the point I couldn't live unless the drugs had a say. Not even the most lost sinner deserves to live that way.

Night after night, day after day, I dimmed my light. So Go put me in a position that changed my life. He exposed my inequities and forced me to fight. So it's only right to express my sincere gratitude. God gave me strength and a new, longed attitude.

I'm not saying the life we live will always be our best. But we show our sincere gratitude when we embrace we’re blessed in the midst of our mess. Speaking from experiences, my blessings are limitless.I should have done this sooner, I must admit. Sometimes I get so caught up in my ways I often forget. I become overwhelmed by all the things I feel like I have to do. I ask God for all these things but I never express my sincere gratitude. So I found it only right that I express… and tell about my treacherous life that is so undoubtedly blessed…

Who’s Next ?

My K.I.D.S 

I live 

I live For my K.I.D.S

Therefore protecting their innocence is my only interest .. 

When you live for 

Kind. Innocent. Determined. Souls

- it gives your life spiritual interest .. 

Think about it for a moment…

When I spell out and Abbreviate 

What makes a kid so great

It relentlessly becomes a priority to invest 

protect my K.I.D.S

Because Kind , Intelligent, determined souls deserve nothing but THE BEST!!

 I live everyday to assure my kids value is put on the market.

Even though, The market value for my kids are most times cheaper than most..

it’s up to ME to give MY kids hope… 

In a world we’re KIND INDIVIDUAL Determined sOULS suffer the most .

It seems inevitable;

My purpose for livin… 

Always fulfilling a constant mission 

-To make sure my kids live life different.

Regardless of all the wrongs in life I fight , 

My kids will know what life is worth and fight hard to live right. Maybe, they’ll make better decisions and create better days 

Than the ones I made in the darkness of night …

Maybe , just maybe… 

I can find a unique way to articulate,

What a parent's main purpose in life should always demonstrate.

There’s no way you can do “everything “ for the sake of your kids if you never participate!

Show gratitude for your children;

Real love and sacrifice are hard to manipulate.

 Money and shoes can never imitate,  

Just how much love and time spent with a kid can initiate 

I live For my K.I.D.S!!

I’ll dedicate every breath towards them becoming smarter 

-I’ll Teach them about God and Jesus 

despite the absence of their biological 

father …

My love for my KIDS surpasses infinity . Words can’t express all of the joy my KIDS have given me.

Any weapons formed against my KIDS will be slaughtered! 

Their essence is definite.

They give more life to me than I could ever offer.

Life is often hard ,

But their touch and presence is much softer 

Burdens are much lighter 

Dark days seem brighter

Their Resilience,creates brilliance 

Because they’re naturally a fighter

And I’m naturally invested ,

I’ll stop at nothing to keep my KIDS protected 

 throughout every challenge,

God will us balance

And a reason to exist.

With love so intense ,

It magnifies our strength

And the bond we have together.

A Love far too infinite for measure …

Measures like the treasures of being a mom,

And the gift of loving my KIDS forever! 

July 29, 2024 10:55

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