
Their party had been going on for quite a while. The guests were mainly friends, some relatives and neighbors. Ajay and Shraddha were now getting sleepy and were waiting for Rahul’s story to finish.

Rahul said, “So, in conclusion, Santosh visited the police station for the first time that day and is never ever going to touch my apple juice again. The beer really got to him.” Everybody gave out a hearty laugh.

Vedant yawned and saw that it was late. He needed to head home.

“Well, Ajay, I had a hell of a good time but I’m afraid I’ll have to leave,” said Vedant. Everybody’s eyes turned to the clock after hearing Vedant’s words. All of them rushed to the door. The usual confusion started as they huffed over their shoes and couldn’t find their own pair or discovered only the right one. It took a few minutes but then that small space near the door became empty as everybody left with their own partner.

Ajay was leaning on the door chatting with Rahul, his oldest and best friend as his wife was still putting on her boots.

“Oh, I am so full that I almost feel pregnant,” Rahul said and patted on his tummy. “Tell Shraddha that the Gulabjamuns tasted exquisite. I finished that pot alone.”

“Yes, you probably did,” Ajay laughed.

At that same moment, Shraddha too came at the door to hear them talking. Shreeya had finished putting on her boots and participated in the conversation as well. The four of them had been friends since a long time. Ajay, Rahul and Shraddha were friends since school and they had met Shreeya in college.

“You know Ajay; last week Dev saw a spider and jumped onto the table yelling ‘Daddy, Daddy’, it was hilarious. I remembered how in 9th grade, it was the middle of History period and your scream filled the school. All because of that tiny spider,” said Rahul

Ajay gave out a fake laugh as he fought to not remember that traumatic episode.

“He’s your son, you could at least not say ‘hilarious’ when you tell that story,” said Shreya to Rahul.

“How is little Dev doing I meant to ask,” said Shraddha

“He’s a nightmare, I mean very sweet and cute and cuddly, but talks so much. It is like listening to a constant podcast of random words strung together,” said Rahul

“Oh don’t listen to him. Dev speaks in a really cute way but yes I agree he is a little tough to handle,” said Shreeya.

“Did you have to call a babysitter so you could come here,” said Shraddha

“Yes, she’s so weird though. Last time after Dev went to bed, she watched a scary movie to pass the time. When we came back, she was all sweaty and shaking from fear,” said Shreeya, “We better go back home fast.” She gave a small smile.

Ajay and Shraddha waved goodbye as both of them headed towards their car and then closed their door. Still, they kept watching from their window as they drove off. Humans are quite weird, yes I know.

“Well, it seems our first anniversary celebration went great, don’t you think?” asked Ajay.

Shraddha smiled and nodded in agreement. “It couldn’t have gone better,” she said, “It is fun seeing them all and just chatting, catching up.”

“We must not forget the best part, it’s still left,” said Ajay looking at the big pile of gifts they had received.

“Isn’t the best part meeting your friends,” said Shraddha to which she got a sarcastic look from Ajay.

“Of course, I’m kidding, let’s see who got us the biggest one.”

They ran to the presents like little children on Christmas. They began to unwrap all of them one by one. Ajay tried to open the first one, it had purple gift- wrap on it. He pulled the wrapper from many sides, tearing it a little. Shraddha let out a small scream.

“Stop it, you caveman.” She grabbed the gift from him and opened it in the most angelic, soft way possible, carefully pulling the wrapping paper and removing the little strips of adhesive tape. Ajay sighed looking at his wife’s speed. Shraddha caught it and gave him a fitting reply. “You do know we have to save the gift wrap. What is the point in wasting this and not finding any at home when we need it the most?”

Ajay nodded sarcastically. She opened the gift-wrap to reveal two coffee mugs. On the side of them were the words, ‘Mr. Right’ and on the other, ‘Mrs. Always Right’. Both of them laughed hysterically. They continued along to the other presents present. They either gave a small smile, an ‘Aww’ or a laugh on seeing them. They opened all till only one remained.

It didn’t have a gift wrap on it, just a cloth which is sufficient to reason with why they had missed it. It was huge compared to the other ones. The only covering was a brown cloth on it. On its side was a note. Shraddha grabbed it in her hand, with a look of confusion on her face as to what the gift would be.

It said, ‘Ajay and Shraddha, both of you have accomplished a lot in this one year of marriage. Marriage is a new life and one should have no fears in it. Shraddha has been fearless since the day we have met her. It is time for Ajay to get rid of his fears as well. We humbly present to you, Andrew the Tarantula. Happy Anniversary to both of you! Many hugs and kisses from Rahul and Shreeya.’

“They called me fearless… Well, yes I surely am,” said Shraddha. She looked beside her and saw Ajay trembling.

She realised that she had to stop him from having a panic attack now. “Oh, right sorry, look its nothing to fear, it must be a small spider.” Shraddha lifted the cloth up and took a look at the glass box inside, and remarked, “There’s nothing in here… Nothing in here… Wait what!”

“What do you mean nothing? It’s a spider – Andrew… the tarantula. It’s in the box, it must be,” cried Ajay.

Shraddha saw that the glass box had a small door on the top and it had been left open. She tried calming him, “It will be fine. Don’t freak out, please.” Ajay’s pupils widened and they seemed like long dark tunnels. He stretched his neck to glance at what he hoped would not be empty. It was. He tried to shut his thoughts but unfortunately that is not possible for mere mortals.

Ajay’s mind had already pieced it together. Rahul and Shreeya had gifted him a spider which had escaped. Andrew the tarantula was loose in his house. No matter how hard he tried, his brain could not handle it.

It was here, with him in his house. It could be behind his back, over his head, even inside his pants. He screamed in a top pitch and began running frantically. He was stepping on all of the scattered wrapping paper, as he flailed about destroying their living room. 

Shraddha tried to catch hold of him but he wouldn’t stop. His body and mind were in a state of chaos. His most horrible fear, a spider was in his house. He didn’t know what to do and couldn’t think straight. Then, suddenly it struck him. It was inside of his house but outside; he would be safe.

His pattern of running changed from mindless circles to a straight drive toward his door. Shraddha kept up behind him as he kept running, opened the door and leaped outside of his own home in the fear of a small, harmless intruder.

On Ajay’s road, a small distance from his house, a car was parked with passengers to whom you have already been introduced. It was Rahul and Shreeya, parked just far enough that they could see the house.

“Oh, this is going to be legendary,” said Shreeya

“Yes, it will. This will by far be one of the best pranks I have ever pulled.”

“Do you have your phone ready?”

Rahul pulled it out and was waiting to press record. He was getting anxious. He wanted it to work so badly. His finger was hovering millimetres above the red button in anticipation.

 His prayers were answered for a few minutes later they heard a scream. Rahul gave out an evil laugh which was supported by his equally evil wife. In mere moments they saw a grown man leaping out of his house.

Andrew the Tarantula never existed and yet he had scared the living soul out of a man. Just because of an empty box and a note.


June 05, 2020 10:30

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