
Friends appear in all Forms

It was a strange day all the way around. I got up way too early this morning around five o’clock which always makes my day too long. Then my brother called during breakfast and asked me to pick up a part he ordered from the hardware store, which turned out to be a wild goose chase. The part wasn’t scheduled to come in until Saturday and today was Tuesday. I was really upset with him for sending me on this needless errand, but he has a history for getting information wrong, so I shouldn’t have been surprised.

I left the hardware store in a huff for being so inconvenienced, walked to my car, and heard a strange sound. I listened carefully and thought it was the cry of a baby. How could that be? I’m in a parking lot and there are no cars around me. But there it was again. I followed the sound to the side of the building and then I found the source of the crying. A very young black and white kitten was huddled up against the building shivering.  I went over to the small animal and said, “Where did you come, my friend?” I bent over and picked up the fluff nugget and took him into the store.

I approached the cashier. “Does this kitten belong to anyone here? I found him huddled against the side of your building.” The cashier and her manager said the cat didn’t belong to anyone at the store and offered to take him to the animal shelter. For some reason, I declined their offer and walked out with the kitten.

I walked back to the car, placed the kitten on the passenger seat, started the engine and backed out of the parking space. In those few seconds, the kitten jumped into my lap and made himself comfortable in the folds of my heavy woolen coat. He looked up at me with his big green eyes and began purring.  Oh boy! It looks like I had been chosen again.

Amazingly, the wee fella fell asleep on the drive home. I surmised fending for himself had been a too big task for such a small boy. After living on a dead-end street for most of my life, I knew it was not unusual for people to dump cats and kittens that they just didn’t want to take care of anymore. There is a strange opinion that cats can fend for themselves. Feral cats for sure, but not a kitten like this one. As I drove home, I wondered if this was the fate of my new friend.

About fifteen minutes later, I pulled into my garage and the kitten awoke. He yawned and stretched as if to say, “I think we’re home!” I picked him up and carried him into the house only to be greeted by my puppy Bennie who was jumping with joy that I was back home again.

About a month ago I was chosen by this Shichon puppy. Was I crazy to take this cat in too? I love animals but having the expense of two four-legged babies wasn’t something that I planned for in my retirement budget. On the other hand, I knew from experience when an animal chooses you as their person, it will be a sweet, loving relationship.

I believe in “Divine Intervention” and that’s what this day felt like to me. The Universe was giving me what I needed. I’ve had a hard time since my husband died three years ago. We had a long, loving relationship and his passing has left a huge, lonely hole in my heart. Would this kitten and Gentle Bennie be the answer? Would they fill the emptiness that I feel every day?

I thought I should keep Ben and the kitten separated for a little while—at least until the vet gave the addition to our family a clean bill of health. After having several cats in my lifetime—either strays or rescues—I knew that most of them have issues. I just hoped that this little fellow wouldn’t break the bank. The next question was would Ben and the kitten be friends or foes?

I followed my intuition and was right to adopt both of my pets. They decided right away that the two of them would be friends. They smelled each other and decided they could be brothers. They curl up together in the sun for an afternoon nap, and at night they jump into bed with me—Bennie on one side and Louie on the other. We are all good for each other. They keep me company and at least once a day give me a laugh over some antic one or the other plays.

The two boys keep me active. Louie has crawled in the dishwasher while I am loading it. He also has hidden in the clothes dryer when I left the door open in between loads. Ben “talks” to me when he wants to go for a walk. He thinks anytime the sun shines it’s time for “walkies.” I try to reason with him when the temps dip below the freezing mark that it’s just too cold today. When he realizes that we’re not going outside, he sits in the corner and pouts. Changing sheets on the bed becomes a marathon of chasing one or both of them out of the bed covers as I’m attempting to smooth the sheets and blankets. Some people would be cross with them for doing such things, I just laugh.

My mother always said I had too soft a heart and no sense. I guess I’ve proved her right, but she never had the joy of a pet’s love. Bennie and Louie have saved my life by simply being themselves and they have given me a purpose to carry on alone in the human world. Our relationship will last a life time, and honestly, my home would be far too quiet without them. 

February 25, 2023 00:39

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