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Mystery Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Lyric’s feet dangled in the air looking for something to perch on as he was hoisted in the air by a very hefty, drunk man. Despite the sign hanging above the entrance outside threatening anyone who started a brawl within the walls of the establishment here this brute was, hot malt laden breath, smacking Lyric in the face. He replayed all of his actions and words that night when the man's slurred speech finally registered. 

“What are you, some kind of hired killer? You think you’re better than all of us?!”

Sure, Lyric was dressed crown to heel all in black, and he did undeniably think he was better than every patron here. He was raised in far better circumstances than the residents who frequented this bar; he had no doubt about it. His mother had done all she could to show him love and affection throughout his early years. She was always cooing over him, about how her dear Bartholomew was so sweet and so smart. Smart? Definitely. Kind? Not by any known definition. 

He gave up all of that, much to his mother's dismay to become an assassin. Even throwing away his name, one he would have changed regardless of his job title. Lyric was an androgynous name and when he started gaining infamy most people thought he was a female killer so he went with it. He would continue to provide so many with the song of death before his own death. He was planning on dying of old age, in a house by the beach, paid for by the blood he spilt. 

However, none of these facts were known to the patrons here, so this drunkard was just trying to start a fight based on his appearance. 

Lyric said nothing, not wanting to invoke the wrath of the workers and get himself thrown out. He simply raised his hands in surrender when a loud thunk caused his eyes to widen. The man let Lyric go as he fell to the floor, revealing a petite barmaid holding a cast iron pan behind him. 

Oh, she's beautiful, Lyric thought as he looked her up and down. Her dark brunette hair and bright blue eyes caught his attention. 

“Thank you,” he gestured at the man on the floor. “Could I buy you a drink to say thank you? Or even better, would you allow me to take you on a date?” A wry smile stretched across his face. 

“No, thank you,” she replied quickly, looking to make her way back to the kitchen. 

“I insist. One night out, I’ll pay for everything.” 

She turned to assess him in full, looking him up and down as he had done to her. He flashed his most charming smile, the one that let people drop their guard around him—a tried and true method. 

“Fine, one night. My next day off is two days from now.”

His heart skipped a beat, excited at the prospect. “Shall I send a carriage here or is there another place you would like to be retrieved?”

“Here is fine,” her curt response was the last thing she said before disappearing into the back. 

I finally found her—Elizabeth, my next target. Thankfully, no one at the tavern believed the ramblings of that drunkard. If they had, this could have turned quite sour. 

He shook his head at the amount of dumb luck he seemed to be having that night; everything was falling into place perfectly. He left a modest tip on the counter and headed home for the night. 

Two days had passed and the night of his date with the lovely Elizabeth was upon him; Lyric felt his heart pattering in his ribcage. 

Hopefully, this is excitement and not some form of arrhythmia, he thought, placing his palm over his heart. 

His body shifted and bounced as he rode in the carriage he had requested the morning after his incident at the tavern. The building came into sight slowly, and the woman standing outside looked even more stunning than she had the night of their meeting, wearing a dark blue dress which did little to hide her figure. 

This will be the most glorious night of our lives Lyric thought as he stepped out of the carriage to help her in. His excitement and anxiety were quickly masked as he took her hand, ever the gentleman. 

It wasn’t long before they had arrived at the restaurant Lyric had also booked for their dinner date. It took some more convincing this time around to get a table. Apparently they had been booked until the following month but as with most things an adjustment can be made with enough coercion and money. Thankfully Lyric only had to use money to secure himself a table. He was more than willing to break a few fingers, perhaps their head chef would go missing.

He had given her the ride over to sit in silence and become comfortable around him but the silence would be ending. 

“You look beautiful tonight. Blue really suits you.” his charming smile was on display again. 

“I wonder if you mean that. Shouldn’t a man tell that to a woman when he first looks upon her?”

Lyric was taken aback; this woman is going to be far harder to charm than other women I’ve seduced. “You would be right; however, I was so taken aback by your beauty that I spent the ride over trying to find the right words to describe it. Nothing seemed to do you justice, so I settled.”

She took a long sip of her wine and gave him another analyzing look. 

“You look nice as well. Suits are far more appealing on you than the outfit you had on at the tavern.”

A laugh burst through Lyrics lips before he had a chance to restrain himself. 

“I appreciate the compliment however I think I would have been harassed much earlier in the night had I been wearing a suit.” Every occasion has its outfit he mused.

She was looking around the room when his mind had come back to the occasion playing out in front of him. Her eyes lit up when she looked towards the restrooms across the venue. 

“I shall be back momentarily. You do not need to wait for me to enjoy your meal.” Without another word she slipped away. He watched as her small frame disappeared within the crowd of people dining. 

She’s so small, she must weigh next to nothing. Oh, the fun we'll have tonight. I have to commit this night to memory. His heart rate quickened again at the thought. 

Lyric sipped his wine when the waiter brought their food for them. He hated the pretentious kinds of meals in places like this. His steak was draped in a veritable forest of garnishes. With his fork he brushed it aside, he was told not to wait but it felt rude to begin without her. 

“I apologize, it looks as though our meal has arrived.” she said coming up behind him and sitting in her chair.

How did she get behind me? That’s not the way she left.

Quickly brushing the thought aside he said “You’re right on time, although I’ve missed your presence.”

She smiled softly for the first time that night. Leaning forward, showing off more of her lovely figure she asked “What are your plans after this?” 

He looked down at his plate noticing how the silverware was not properly polished. I paid good money to be here too. With a small sigh he brought his attention back to her. 

 “I have an exquisite hotel room I’ve been staying in the last few nights if you would like to come back with me.” Why did I say that? Have I drunk too much? Surely not.

“That sounds lovely.” She said as she took another bite of her meal. A devious smile flashed on her face before fading into something much more alluring.

Get it together Lyric. She’s gorgeous but at the end of the night you’ll be throwing her corpse in the trash.

“I think we should go soon then, it appears the wine was a bit stronger than I had previously thought.”

“I agree.” she replies as she dabs her lips with a towel. 

If Lyric had to describe the hotel, he could only call it upper class. Honestly, it was a bit out of his price range, but the payment for this assassination request was going to be enough. He could flee to any country in the world and still live a relaxing life. He opened the door to his room to reveal the king-sized bed and the luxurious bathroom, whose door was wide open. 

The room he had been staying in was actually the room below this one. He had picked the lock to this one before leaving for his dinner plans and kept it unlocked. When he murdered this woman, he would throw her out the large windows into the trash cans below. He would ask reception an hour later if they had seen his date leave. When they checked the rooms in the morning they would find evidence of a murder from the female assassin everyone suspected while he rested peacefully in his room. 

My head is swimming though so I need to get this over with soon. I thought I’d give both of us the night of our lives before ending hers but she will have to settle with dying. 

As Lyric waited for his lovely guest to change her clothes in the bathroom, he lay his head down on the luxurious pillows. The sinking feeling he felt was becoming increasingly potent. 

“You know, Lyric, I am upset you didn’t eat the garnishes on your meal. I picked them out just for you.” Elizabeth spoke from behind the closed door “Although it seems they’ve taken effect anyway.”

“Whatever do you mean, darling?” Lyric sat up ever so slowly watching the shadows beneath the door shift. 

“Bartholomew. That’s your real name right?” Lyric’s eyes widened as the information hit him “You changed your name to Lyric to be the song of death for your targets. Mostly young women.”

“Well Elizabeth you can’t be the only one with a secret identity. Although if you’re going to change your hair color make sure you keep up with the roots. I noticed it the night we met.”

The bathroom door swung open to reveal Elizabeth not naked but instead dressed in an all black bodysuit. “You're not the only one who knew that night either. My villainous uncle sent you I have no doubt. Neither of you had planned for the circumstance that the famous Lyric’s arrogance would be his downfall.”

She flashed a dagger in his direction. In normal circumstances he knew he could fight her off, but the numbing sensation in his limbs was growing.

“The garnishes were poisonous, and I’m sure you noticed how your silverware had tarnished when you brushed them aside. You decided to ignore it though because no one could get the upper hand on you.”

The room's light was bright enough to see every movement she made but Lyric’s eyes were not adjusting the way they should be. His vision became blurred as she stepped closer to him. 

“You actually made this easier for me. Dying here alone in this room is far better than you kicking the bucket publicly in a restaurant. Once I leave here the female assassin Lyric will live on with me. I’ll take your life and then your name and you will disappear forever, Bartholomew.”

As she stepped closer he held out his hand struggling to keep it upright and she had no problems swiping it out of her way. She straddled him on the edge of the bed. Their eyes met, her vicious blue and his serene green as she sunk her dagger right between his ribs.

“Goodbye, Bartholomew.”

Some unidentified amount of time later, birds were chirping, and people were bustling around. Each talked about the newest victim of the female assassin Lyric, and amidst the noise, a single phrase could be deciphered: ‘They survived.’

So it was that Lyric woke up surrounded by nurses as he groaned. His body was in astonishing amounts of pain but all he could remember was that cursed woman and one thought echoed in his mind over and over.

You can’t kill Lyric and when I find you Elizabeth you’ll wish I had given you the easy death I had planned for you.

September 12, 2024 19:37

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1 comment

Sarah Xenos
22:15 Sep 19, 2024

good story loved the twist at the end


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