Creative Nonfiction Fiction Science Fiction

Imagine being in a world where any of your moves, thoughts, sounds, feelings, are predicted. For example, you are thinking that you are hungry and the Boss already predicted what you are going to do, or, you like a boy and The Boss already predicted that you are going to have a relationship with that boy. I am Joane and this is the world I live in. No freedom, we are controlled. Since you were born, one of his employees, insert in your brain a small thing named P.F,M , that stands for Prediction For me. You cannot take it off, the P.F.M is indestructible. The P.F.M works until you die. 

The Boss, he is the leader of everything, if you are thinking to commit suicide, The Boss is going to stop you. He controls everyone, even, animals. It is 7 a.m, I take my fertillity pills and go to the bathroom. Because of my P.F.M, I have problems with my fertillity. I look in my mirror, I feel like I am going to faint. This routine is killing me. I am eating my breakfast of pills and my pancakes. He feeds us 5 pills daily, He is giving us drugs but they call them” pills for our mental care”, but in reality, He is just trying to grow his army of employees. I pack my bag, I dress up and go to my school. I am at my science class, and I decided to ask my if we can somehow stop our P.F.M, and when he wanted to answer he suddenly stopped completly, because, if you try to tell any of His secrets about our P.F.M. Nobody understands why I am so desperate about stopping our P.F.M. My friends are avoiding me, they think that our P.F.M are helping us, and that is what The Boss wants us to think about. My mom is a doctor and I usually go to the hospital where she works, to do my homework. Now, I am at the hospital, in the waiting room, when I saw a brain scanner. I am staying in front of it, and I decided to search how to use a brain scanner and it is quite simple to use. You put some sort of cream and then, you take the scanner and put it on top of your head and in less than 3 minutes it gives your hole brain scanned. So, I have an idea, I am going to tell my parents that my brain hurts so bad and maybe they will make a brain scan. I am eating my dinner with my parents when I fell of the chair, right onto the floor. My parents are really scared and they are calling an ambulance. Now, I am at the hospital, they put me into a room with a brain scanner. They got me into it and put some cream on my head. After 10 minutes, I fell asleep. They woke me up and got me in a salon. I was sitting on the bed when my parents asked me if I am ok and showed me my brain scanned. The P.F.M is on the left part of my brain. And, now, I am looking at it and I discovered that my P.F.M has a code on it. Now, I am home, laying in my bed, thinking how I am going to stop my P.F.M. When I discovered that The Boss office is 200 kilometers away from my city. I made a plan. Tomorow, my parents are going to my aunt and I am going to the station and take a train to His office. I saw on internet that his office is on an Island and after I get out of the train, I am going to take a taxi to the Sea, and then I am going to take a boat from the seaport and then, I am going to go to His office as Miss Jade, one of the best informaticians to fix a problem with the P.F.MS, this is going to be hard but it is going to be worth it. My parents already went to my aunt, so, I will take with me a suit, some heels, and some money to buy the train ticket. The train is here now. I am kind of nervous but I have to do this. It has been almost six hours since I left my house. I am at a bathroom dressing up in some fancy clothes, so I can go in there easy. I went to the boat and told that I have some business with The Boss, and they let me get on the board. I am in front of the office, the guards told me that I can enter only with my P.F.M code and, thanks God, I know it perfectly. I went up the stairs and I went to The Boss, that told me all his plans about the P.F.MS and what he wants to do with the Human population. Now, I can finally destroy all the P.F.MS, and free all the people that are controlled by him. One of his employees showed me the room where you can stop all the P.F.M S on the hole Planet. He was sitting right next to me, telling me what I have to do, when I saw my code and my thoughts when suddenly, The Boss got out of the room. I clicked my code and saw everything I was thinking since I was born and right under all the information about me, I saw a thing named” cancel”. I pressed it and suddenly I felt like something felt out of my brain. I entered my P.F.M code and all my thoughts and predictions were deleted. Now, I was finally free. No predictions, no interdictions, no nothing, I AM FREE! Now that I am free, I am going to free everybody with P.F.Ms. I heard knocks in my door, and somebody was firing a gun. They saw what I did. I closed the door quickly. In front of any code there was a bottom named” kill army”. I didn't want to kill them but I had to, so I pressed it. Everything stopped in that moment stopped. I wanted freedom for every human on this planet, so then I clicked a big button named” END”, I pressed it and now there were no P.F.MS, no pills, just freedom. The Boss saw me and tried to open the door mad. In that moment I saw a small gun it had only one bullet. I pulled on the trigger and shot him in his head. Now, The Boss was dead. I could not believe. I ENDED IT. Now, the human population is finally free. When, the black lights started, when I heard-” THIS WAS A SIMULATION, THE HUMAN WHO RELASED IS FINALLY FREE, THE REST OF THE HUMANS ARE LIVING THE SIMULATION AGAIN” 

December 16, 2020 12:57

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Aura Aura
21:19 Dec 17, 2020

you are wonderful, you have a talent that must be sustained. I adore you 😘🤗


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Joane Unknown
12:58 Dec 16, 2020

Tell me if u liked it :)


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