The Slow-tear House

Submitted into Contest #42 in response to: Write a story that ends with a character asking a question.... view prompt



A large truck took a sharp turn, squealed, and stopped near the delivery gate of a manufactory. A pure-white Rabbit disembarked from the truck. He was wearing a blue-colored polo t-shirt with a red strip of about 60mm thick running over its middle region. His head was covered with a blue and red colored delivery cap with two small holes punched symmetrically in it through which emerged his large straight ears. His blood-red eyes looked as if he had installed a night-vision inside him. Probably, it was the Florida White Rabbit. He approached the gate. Two black Bulls stood there. They wore a grey-colored security dress. Angus seemed to be their breed.

“Good morning men! This is the checklist for today’s delivery.” the rabbit said.

“Total 30, Damn! what a quantity! Got a jackpot, hmm? Let us have a look.” the Bull-1 replied.


 The bulls opened the tailgate of the truck. It contained 30 cages, each containing one live homo-sapiens species inside it. They were of different ages and would satisfy different purposes. Their heights were little unusual from that of a normal homo-sapiens with no-one more than 2 feet tall. They all were dumb, not out of any deformity but as anticipated. They were constantly cuffing the cages and trying to gain freedom just like a Chicken or any other animal does before its butchery. They were not fed enough for the past 24 hours to serve a specific purpose. The Bull ticked the checklist and returned it to the Rabbit.

“Come-on guys, unload the truck!” the Bull-2 signaled towards the inside-gate of the manufactory.


A group of three Bulls followed by three Goats with the load-carriers approached the tailgate of the truck. They started unloading the cages one by one. The intensity of cuffing increased, clearly indicating their physical restriction and frustration as they entered the manufactory named “The Slaughter-House”. The 30 were now set loose from the cages but surrounded by fencing, made of hard-wood. Two healthy and chubby, pink Pigs were standing near the gate of fencing, guarding it. Both were wearing a typical black-colored cow-boy hat with a brown strip at its lower region. They had yellow-colored bandana-scarf tied around their neck. One of them had a metallic catch-pole in his hand and was puffing a cigar held tightly between his teeth. The other was holding an electric stunner-thong that supplied a high voltage. Just then an alarm rang. One of them opened the fencing gate. All 30 humans contracted back in unison, away from the gate rather, away from the Pigs. Everyone wanted to live a few minutes more than others or even a few seconds.

“Come here, idiot!” the Pig-1 shouted. He threw his metallic catch-pole around the neck of a random human.He pulled that human out of the fence with full force that its neck nearly broke. Trying to oppose, the human gripped its feet tightly on the slippery floor but he failed as Pig dragged it out. The slippage on floor was of nothing but that of the litter and the urine of humans that were kept before them. It was ready for the process they call “Stunning”.


As the human came out, it tried to escape the catch-pole by giving jerks in every direction possible. Just then, the second Pig put electric stunner around its neck and it became semi-paralyzed. The other Pig tied one of its hind limbs with a rope and hung it upside-down on a conveyor assembly line. Its body was still shivering. The Pig kicked on its back but it still shivered. It was followed by its other companions, all 30 in the same state. Some of them were quite heavy and were paralyzed by stun-gun shots through their heads by specialists “the Cows”.

The next stage was “Skinning” supervised by four Sheep. As the first human entered the chamber, a machine held its both limb and one robotic arm made a slight cut over its outer-skin only and fixed its one end to a roller. As the roller rolled, the skin separated from its body muscles slowly, while it still being alive. The deathful-pain reflected through the moisture around its eyes. The skin was collected in stacks and would be sold at high price.

The next stage was “Slow Death” supervised by the most famous “Chickens”. The earlier purpose of keeping humans hungry for 24 hours will be fulfilled here. The purpose is called “Exsanguination” which causes the whole blood of the body to separate once a cut is made. The humans without skin now slowly reached the Chicken who was holding a sharp silver-knife. He was wearing a green-colored apron around his waist that was full of blood patches. As the humans reached near him, he inserted the knife into the thoracic cavity and severance of the carotid artery and jugular vein. The blood started to flow from their bodies. As the blood left their bodies so did the life from them, slowly. They shook their untied upper limbs in agony and hit each other signaling the mortal-blow.

As they reached the next stage on the assembly-line named “Bathing”, their body had lost its entire blood that emerged as the bloodbath on the manufactory floor through a drainage pipeline. They were dipped in boiling water one by one to remove any germs left. Then came the final stage “Parting”. Two Ducks were in-charge of this part. Both of them were holding a large scimitar knife that was full of blood marks. As the humans reached near this stage, bang! It was cut into pieces using that knife. Just then,


Mohan got out of his deep thoughts, startled as he saw the butcherer butchering the chicken in the meat shop that was a little far from the place where he and his friend Raju sat. Raju hung up his mobile.

“Are you okay? What happened?” Raju asked.

“Actually, ……I…. was wondering that what would happen if animals began to walk, talk and drive,” Mohan replied in deep thought

“Maybe then we could engage them in our business.” He laughed aloud.

“And what if they knew how to butcher?”

“Then they could possibly join the business of Butchery” Raju again laughed.

“What if they butchered humans using the same method, we use for them?”

Raju smiled, nodded, and shrugged his shoulders. He signaled for two teacups.

May 15, 2020 18:01

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