The Watchers in The Stand

Submitted into Contest #256 in response to: Set your story in the stands at a major sporting event.... view prompt


Inspirational Fiction

The Watchers in The Stand

With great anticipation, the fans wait as one by one; the runners appear on the field from the tunnels beneath the stands where they sit. Everyone looks on intently as each competitor takes a position in their assigned starting blocks. Some stretch, and flex, while others run, or leap in place to warm-up their limbs; after all, this is the reason they have come: to race, to challenge their peers, and to win. They have endured a grueling regimen of training and exercise, and are in peak physical condition. And it was all for one moment. This moment. A moment that will be tantamount to only a few minutes compared to the years of sacrifice required to reach this point. And now that it is here, for some, it will be the match of a lifetime. And they must seize a moment that will never come again.

The stadium is filled to audience capacity on a sunny day with no shade to be found. Yet no one complains. With nothing more than hats and water bottles in hand, they patiently watch each contest, waiting for the best athletes contending for the medal to appear. The heat, although a minor inconvenience, does not stop the anticipation of witnessing a new world record being set or potentially broken from thriving. Everyone knows it is possible to see history be made right before their very eyes, and no one wants to lose the bragging rights of being able to say, “I was there when it happened.” So they sit, stand, and sweat profusely as they consider what unexpected surprises may unfold during the day's activities. Or what exhilarating, awe-inspiring finishes lay ahead for all to behold. It is the not knowing that keeps them sitting on the edge of their seats, holding their breaths with every unforeseen twist and turn that occurs. The uncertainty of who will win, who will fall, or who will be disqualified captivates those watching, maintaining a strong grasp on their undivided attention that deepens with every passing hour of time.

The crowd is full of onlookers. Everyone from coaches, trainers, scouts, and recruiters, to parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends can be seen. Some attendees are reporters sent to cover the event, while others are just everyday sports enthusiasts. But, all have one thing in common. They have come to witness a feat of human athleticism, strength, and speed. A performance that will not only determine who is the fastest and the strongest, but also crown someone with the most coveted position that anyone can achieve in any skill or discipline, that of being the best in the world.

The most ardent supporters often come with a preconceived idea of who the winner will be. Sometimes their predictions are based on a hunch or a guess, but, for others, it is based on the statistics and performance. Everyone has a favorite contestant, someone that they hope will triumph, and walk away the victor. And each participant has an admirer in the stands, shouting and cheering as they strive to prevail. Often, this kind of loyalty is unending and can last for the entirety of one’s career. Such fanfare is expressed by phrases such as "The Greatest of All Time," "The Best of All," or "The Greatest Ever." No matter how people say it, it all means the same thing, that we have an affinity for sports and gamesmanship that is uniquely different from other things that we enjoy.

As they watch from the stands, the runners arrive at the line. The lanes have labels of one, two, three, four, five, and so on. The contenders arrange themselves in a staggered pattern in the lanes and then stand, bend, and kneel into position. Feet firmly fixed on the two adjustable footplates attached to the rigid metal frame of the starting blocks. Fingers and hands placed behind the line. Each remains silent and motionless, to avoid the appearance of a false start. The wait is over, and the race is ready to begin. With one long blast, the officials signal “On you mark!” a short blast signals “Set!” and with the pop of the pistol they’re off and running.

The spectators erupt with excitement as the racers go by, taking one of several laps. No one is sitting down. Everyone is standing. The sound of jubilation in the stadium is deafening as each sprinter attempts to overtake their opponents to take the lead. Leaning forward with furrowed brows and strained faces, with clenched fists and arms reaching for every bit of strength they can muster. Their legs possess both the strength of a stallion and the chiseled symmetry of a dancer as they run down the track.

Breathing becomes increasingly more difficult as they round the curve of the last lap. The field of runners gives way, and a leader emerges from the throng of many that began. Sun-drenched, perspiring and exhausted, he pulls away, distancing himself from the group, further widening the lead. Grimacing, as his body tires and he gasps for air, he paces himself to finish. The others try but cannot overtake him. They only flail, falter, and fall as they attempt to do so. Both stronger, and faster, they cannot overtake him.

Those looking on from the stands applaud ecstatically as the race turns into a dead heat, becoming a test of stamina and endurance. They know that it’s anyone's race, and that it’s not over until it’s over. The crowd waits eagerly to see who will be victorious at the finale.

As they approach the finish, they dash for the line, each hoping to edge out the other, and to receive the prize that they all dream of. Not the dream of not being good, but the dream of being the best; the best in the world.

This is the reason they watch. The reason they come from near and far. The reason they sit from day to night. The reason they endure the heat. It’s the thrill. The thrill of bravery, the thrill of strength, the thrill of conquest, and the thrill of the indomitable human spirit.

Watching serves as a reminder of what we are all capable of when we face the impossible. And we reach deep within, only to find that we had more than we thought. It takes us away, even if only temporarily, from the mundane, and ordinariness of life, to catch a glimpse of the extraordinary greatness resident within every one of us. 

June 25, 2024 19:41

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Daniel Legare
19:10 Jul 04, 2024

Hi Jacqueline, welcome to Reedsy! I've been asked to critique your story. I really enjoy the message of your story, which you encapsulate in the final paragraph. Witnessing high level sports surely does demonstrate what humans are capable of and how it can inspire and amaze. This is really great and can be a strong foundation to a story! I would like to offer one of my favourite techniques I learned from other writing teachers. It's called the ''What if...'' method. Basically, before you write your story, brainstorm some ''What If...'' s...


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Peter Wallace
22:15 Jul 03, 2024

Good story. I liked the last paragraph especially. There might be some trimming to be done. Have someone read it aloud to you and see if there are some words and phrases that slow down the story.


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