It's a Beautiful Day.

Written in response to: "Write a story about a character who takes nothing for granted."

Friendship Contemporary Speculative

"It's a beautiful day." Jessica comments on the blue sky. She and her friend, Enis, are cloud watching. Neither of them felt like staring at the computer but for different reasons.

Jessica is glad that the pandemic was mostly over. She had taken her final flu shot two weeks ago and it was great to feel the sun on her face once again. She'll go out and hang with her friends. Hug a tree or maybe a bear.

And finally get her driver's license.

Enis is unhappy that the pandemic is going away.

Yeah, he felt pity for those who were infected and for people who lost their loved ones.

But it meant that he was back to his old life once more.

He loved staying indoors and that his mom was home earlier than usual.

Today, the pair lies on a blanket underneath a tree at the back of Jessica's house close to the pond. Her dad hadn't put in hammocks yet but that didn't stop the best friends from feeling relaxed.

"Yea." Enis sighs. All through the pandemic, he was worried and scared. Worried that it'll end and scared that maybe his parents would be infected. Trying to get lost in the sky worried him more.

"What's your dream home?" Jessica asks Enis without breaking her gaze.

First thoughts in his head: He'd be far away from his parents. Live alone and write books all the time.

"I'd live in a boat." He begins, "I remember from Baywatch, a lot of people would live in and around the dock. There'd be a town not too far away so it'll never be quiet. Lifeguards would always be passing through in case I find myself drowning."

Jessica chuckles at that. "Would you be around family?"

"Nah," Enis shrugs, "I'd visit them whenever." He closes his eyes, getting tired of looking up at the sky. "What about you?"

"Well my dream home would be a Castle and I'd be a Princess." She smiles, and thinks for a moment, "But I'm quite content with how life is right now. You know I live in a small village around people I know. I like that I get to see my cousins all the time and I can just run next door if I'm feeling lonely or scared. There's always someone to talk to."

"That's cool." Enis forces a smile, showing that he's happy for her although he didn't feel like making facial expressions. His eyes are still closed, but he feels like his face is being stared at. It's not, but he always feels that way. "What's your dream job?" He asks her.

"Ugh, I'm know I'm 19 and I should be working on it." She confesses, not really embarrassed about it, "I kind of have a plan. I'm going to stay as a Sales Rep for now, and in two years with the money I get, I'll go into making my own business. Thank God I did Entrepreneurship in school."

Enis listens to her plan, "That's practical. I'm sure you'll be a great business woman ."

"What about you?"

"Umm." Enis knows the answer. Saying it out loud is the problem. What if she takes it and becomes better than he is? What if she says it's stupid. "Definitely not a musician." He makes a little inside joke. Jessica knows that Enis really despises the piano but does it anyway for his family.

"It's okay, I won't judge." She turns on her side to face Enis, then pokes his cheek. Opening his eyes, he looks at her.

"Ok." He breathes out, "What was the question again?"

"What's your dream job?"

"Well right now I'm studying to be an Accountant." He looks down.

"Well I didn't ask what you're going to do, I'm asking what's your dream job." She tells him, knowing that he might want to beat around the answer.

"I'd be a Writer." He confesses. "I'll write books and screenplays... But I'd still do Accounts."

"Why?" She inquires.

"I want writing to remain a hobby." He tucks a hand behind his head, "And Accounting is something I don't mind working on. I get to plug in my headset, the forumlas are easy to memorize."

"Oh, I understand." She nods. "I hope you get through with your writing career. By the way, Any luck with those job applications? I'm sure you'll get an interview soon."

Enis starts thinking about the outside world. How would he get to work? How would he cope if the manager yells at him? What if he doesn't get time to write anymore?

"Yea." Enis replies shortly. He rolls onto his back and looks up at the sky once more. "How's your music going?"

"I haven't gotten any record deals but I can't complain." Jessica tells him.

Enis interrupts her, "-How are you like this?" He asks in a confused way, not wanting to sound insulting.

"Like what?"

"Happy... Don't get me wrong. I like when my friends are happy. I just want to know... How? Maybe I could learn something." He spills, "You don't ever complain Jess. Why?"

Jess gives him a small smile, "There's nothing for me to complain about."

"Then I guess it's just me then." Enis sits up, "I don't like my life the way it is. I have a family who is great but I can't stand them. I hate feeling so damn guilty all the time. I don't really want this pandemic to be over either... And yeah I know that's a crappy thing to say because people are dying... But I don't have to go to lessons or school. and other emotionally draining places."

She waits for him to take a long pause, then interjects, "When I'm annoyed at my parents for something. I try not to think of it too much. I think of my future or I put on a funny video. I never dwell on it." Jessica confesses, "Yeah sometimes I wanna run away. But I don't talk to my friends on days when I'm sad. And that's probably why you think I'm positive all the time."

"Why don't you talk to people?" He questions.

"Mainly cause I don't want to bother you guys on your good days." She confesses. "And sometimes I just don't want to talk."

"Understandable. But still. You can talk to me."

"I know," She leans back, "I'm not all Oh the world is so flawless and there's totally no serial killers out there. I'm just trying to enjoy now. and not think about everything that sucks... So far, I cannot remember a good memory from being a kid. But I would like to someday have Grandchildren or Children that I've adopted, and I'd tell them funny stories about me. But that can't happen if I keep thinking about negative things."

"That's true I guess." Enis crosses his legs. "I've been so worried this entire time about life. Past, Present, Future and everyone in it. I feel like I'm always running out of time or it's too late. And there's no in between.

I wake up and there's a timer on me."

"I don't need to tell you this, but you'll get there." She pats his hand, "You'll have a Boat and a desk where you can write on..."

"It'll be up by the Steering wheel so I can look around and see the ocean. And I won't feel crowded in the underneath of the boat-."

And just like that, Jessica has Enis visualizing his future. She listens to him intently, and watches as he gets more excited about what he'll have, if he just ignores the people around him.

For a while, everything seems manageable to Enis and he starts talking about his future plans.

Suddenly, the world doesn't seem that scary anymore.

Posted Aug 11, 2021

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4 likes 1 comment

Keya J.
16:59 Sep 25, 2021

This is so beautiful! It's amazing how you intertwined the perspectives of both the teens. Lovely Job!
