Romance Drama Fiction

This story contains sensitive content

{TW: foul language, violence & alcohol use}

"And you may kiss..." The pastor didn't even get to finish the line. Trevor, the groom, pulls Poppy in and tilts her back to kiss her. "The bride." He finishes the sentence.

I proudly smile behind her as her maid of honor. I'm happy she finally found love because she was not the marrying type. And me? I'm currently dealing with my cheating ex. Everything was revealed this morning when I went through his phone while he was in the shower. We had just finished being intimate and discussing marriage for ourselves. I'm dreading the moment I have to go back to that apartment. I completely trashed the place after finding the evidence I needed. I was so numb and blacked out most of the disaster. The next thing I remember, we were in the car speeding to the church.

We are together at this wedding posing as a 'happy' couple because today is my best friend's happiest day. The news of my break up isn't important at this celebratory moment. I look over at the groomsmen where my now ex, Joel, stood. Watching him with a bright smile after what happened this morning bothered me. This kid really knows how to act. Is he actually happy or is he just as crushed as me? I have no idea what's going on inside that head of his. How could he face me every day with no remorse, whatsoever? After seeing that girl and then coming home to tell me he actually loves me and didn't mean what he said during our argument before.

"Oh Val," Poppy turns to me and pulls me into a hug then wipes away the fallen tears that I didn't know were there. "Why are you crying?"

"Happy tears!" I lie to her, stepping back. "We need to get to the reception." I gesture her to lead the way out of the church.

Joel and I sit in silence while we make our way to the reception hall a few blocks down. The drive was maybe less than five minutes and I couldn't look at him at all during it. So much was going on through my mind at once about this wedding and his infidelity. I'm glad he decided not to bring up our drama.

Others drove to the venue as well, however, most used the shuttle bus we provided. When he parks the car and I try to get out, he decides to speak.

"Val, can we talk, please!"

"Joel, I need to meet Poppy and Trevor inside to help before the guests start arriving," I tell him, getting out of the car. "There's nothing to talk about. You screwed around with some whore and we're done!" I slam the door, tossing my purse over my shoulder as I turn. My eyes widen when they meet light hazel eyes staring up at me from under his dark furrowed eyebrows. He was sitting in his car with the window open. I realize how much my bag was hitting his car and I flash an apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry."

"It's alright." His voice was deep and very attractive. He looked at me with a dimpled smile and suddenly he didn't seem as scary. "You seem to be going through a lot."

"You have time to talk to him, but not me?" Joel appears from the other side of the car. "Who are you anyway?"

"A friend of the groom."

"What friend? I've never seen you." Joel pushes.

"Joel stop," I push him back and give the man one last smile. "Don't mind him. We'll see you inside."

I drag Joel along as he goes on about the man. I get him to do various jobs while I stay by the entrance to instruct guests and make sure everything is in order. The bride and groom headed in the hall to start the celebration, while I stayed outside. I was enjoying my alone time for a few minutes when suddenly I heard Joel asking latecomers if they had seen me. I duck lower, trailing around the building then peered the corner to watch him. I get startled and step back when his head turns in my direction.

"Excuse me, sorry," I tell the person I just bumped into. My eyes meet the familiar ones from earlier. "Oh hey, I was wondering why you haven't made an appearance yet."

"I like to be fashionably late." He chuckles.

"Would you like me to walk you in?" I offer.

He nods with a bright smile, holding his arm out for me to grab onto. "That would be amazing."

I walk into the reception hall arm-in-arm with this stranger. It reminds me to ask his name.

"Jonny." He answers me but keeps his eyes forward.

"I'm Val-"

"Valerie Wilson. You are the maiden of honor and possibly the most beautiful girl here tonight."

I blush, trying my best to shake it off. "Well, I have to make my way to the bride."

"Yes, I'm looking forward to speaking to you more," Jonny says as we part ways.

That was the last I saw of him during the dinner and speeches. After a bit of drinking and dancing, I go to the bathroom to find Jonny there.

"Hey, where have you been?" I had become louder than I usually am. "I am definitely tipsy."

"Just tipsy?" He laughs, helping me keep my balance.

"Whatever, I need to pee." I push him aside. "Trevor is resting in his seat if you want to chat with him."

"Thank you."

We part ways once again. After doing my business, I can hear people arguing aggressively right out the door while I wash my hands. I try to listen to what it could be about, leaning my ear against the door. Next thing, I was pushed back into the wall when the door swung open. It was painful at first until I got a rush of adrenaline from seeing these two men tackling each other. Good thing the restroom is empty right now. One gets a good hold on the other, getting ready to swing. I frown, realizing who it is.

"Jonny?" I gasp out. I was confused about the situation. Our eyes met and I got a flutter in my stomach.

"Val, you know him?"

"Trevor?" I'm extremely confused now.

"N-no, I thought... I... We met... H-he said he was your friend." I didn't know where to start so I kept stumbling over my words.

"He not a friend. No friend of mine would fuck my fiance behind my back!" He exclaims, pushing Jonny off while he is distracted.

My ears perk up and a shiver runs through me. "Excuse me? Him and Poppy?"

"No, don't be ridiculous. Poppy would never do that to me." Trevor straightens out his outfit as Jonny does the same. When they look in the mirror together, Trevor pushes him. "Poppy would never go for you."

"It's been ten years, Trev. Don't you think it's time to let it go, considering I'm the only big brother you have?"

Wait, brother?

"I never had a brother." Trevor starts shoving him until his back is pressed against the wall.

"Trevor, stop!" I grab him to pull him away from Jonny who had surrendered with his hands up. "How do you think Poppy would feel about you getting a black eye on your wedding day for a girl that's not her? Let alone your ex."

Trevor rushes to the mirror closely examining his eye which was indeed forming a bruise. He curses to himself then slowly gets louder.

"Val, Val, Val!" Trevor begins. "Please, you have to cover this up, please!" he begs. "Poppy has the photography taking photos till the very end of every moment."

"Yes, I know," I say sternly, crossing my arms in disappointment.

"Go to my car and in my trunk, you'll find my makeup bag. I'll text your sister to meet you there with my keys. She's better at applying that type of coverage."

"Okay." he breathes out with a nod. "Thank you, Val. And please, get rid of him. I don't want him here."

"Trevor, don't be rude. He's your brother."

"Yeah!" Jonny stood behind me as if my tiny body would stop a fight between them.

"And why the fuck would you sleep with your brother's fiance and think he'd be okay with it in the end?" I scold him.

"That bitch was sneaky and manipulative," Jonny informs me then looks over at Trevor. "And you know it, Trev. You have to know I didn't want to hurt you. Come on, baby brother."

"Like I said. I don't have a brother and I never will." Trevor says as he keeps his eyes on Jonny.

"You have a brother?" Poppy stood in the doorway and everyone froze. "A-and an ex-fiance? You were going to marry someone else?" Her voice got higher, the more she fought back the tears until they finally fell.

"Oh sweetheart," Jonny starts to console her, trying to move towards her.

Trevor steps in front of him. "Don't you go near her."

"You think you scare me?" Jonny laughs in his face. Out of nowhere, Trevor was in a headlock as they twirled around in this small restroom. "Come on, try to beat me."

"Jonny stop!" Trevor repeatedly begs.

"Jonny, can you stop?" I step in and he actually listens to me, except he pushes Trevor back and he falls into one of the stalls. "Jonny!" I rush over to Trevor to help him up.

"I barely touched him." he shrugs.

"Jonny?" Trina, their sister, pushes her way in. "Jonny, you're here!" She squeals, jumping into his arms.

"Trina!" Trevor whines then pauses, looking around. "Where's Poppy?" He asks then glares at Jonny. "Thanks for ruining my wedding day with a fucking family reunion that no one asked for." Trevor roughly bumps Jonny's shoulder as he passes to go after Poppy.

"Trev! Please, I just want all of us to get along again. I can't continue doing this."

"Bullshit! You wouldn't run into Gigi's arms like that if you caught her getting dicked down by your fiance?"

"Trev, that's our baby sister." Jonny comments, looking appalled. Somehow he turns this into a laughing matter for him. "Why would Jeff do such a thing? Trina, do you know if Jeff likes teenagers?"

"Fuck you, Jonny, fuck you!" Trevor says, angrily as he points his finger in his face and then moves it to Trina. "Fuck you too."

Trina is stunned, watching him leave with a pout. "I just want us to be close again like we used to. It's what Mom and Dad would've wanted."

"I know, I'm trying." Jonny pulls her into a hug.

"This is the worst day ever." I sigh to myself, exhausted from this whole day. I press my back against the wall, letting myself slide down. "This wedding is a disaster." I bring my knees to my chest.

And to top it off, Joel appears. "Hey, have you seen, Val? I just saw Poppy and Trevor run out of here."

The siblings point down to me. I look up at him and burst into tears. The tears I've been trying to fight back all day. Joal quickly kneels down next to me.

"How about you get the bride and groom back in the reception hall and I'll get her back together," Jonny suggests.

"Why would I leave my girlfriend with you?" Joel snaps at him. "Aren't you that asshole from the parking lot earlier?"

Jonny tilts his head. "I thought you broke up."

"You guys broke up!" Trina gasps. "Why?"

"Trina, we need to focus. Go get them." Jonny orders.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me and try to hash things out with Trevor?" Trina tries convincing Jonny. "Maybe we should give her some alone time."

"I would like to be alone." I nod, pushing Joel off me. This made Trina happy for a moment. "But I think that's a bad idea. You didn't witness what occurred in here before." I stand back up and straighten myself out. You and Joel get them back before people start noticing they're missing. Jonny and I will try to distract the guests."

"Baby, I can help you." Joel tries touching me again.

"You don't have to do that, Val. You should take a break. You deserve it." Trina grabs ahold of my hands, pulling me away from Joel. She leads me out into the hall with the boys trailing close behind. "Just sit here and relax."

I'm seated on a bench but can hear everyone inside the party room. The anxiety is forming in me. Joel tries to sit with me until Trina grips his shirt, roughly pulling him away with her. I'm kind of more relieved seeing Joel out of sight. Then Jonny sits next to me.

"Okay, let's go in." I take one more deep breath.

Jonny chuckles, gently pulling me back down. "You heard my sister. Relax." He says with a toothy grin, using his tye to wipe the tears off my face, making me giggle. "You're beautiful."

"Stop!" I nudge him, keeping my head down to hide my blushed cheeks. "You're just saying that."

Jonny eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Why would I just say that?"

"Um, because you're a guy. A guy who slept with his own brother's fiance, might I add." I point out.


I shrug. " From what I recall, you said I was the most beautiful girl here, earlier. You're not a trustworthy guy."

"You don't know me well enough to label me an untrustworthy guy." He seemed offended.

"You slept with your brother's fiance. Your little brother. Someone who looked up to you and trusted you to not fuck his fiance." I was getting heated at the general topic of cheating. "You ruined his life."

"Ruined his life? I fucking saved his ass from that shitty marriage that gold digger." He was becoming defensive. "He also wouldn't have met Poppy."

"This doesn't make sense. Why would you sleep with someone you clearly hated?"

"I did it to protect him."


"Nothing. Let's drop it." He looks at his fiddling fingers. I didn't want to let it go and I think he knew that. "If we talk mine, we talk yours."

"I will need a drink if we're doing this."

Jonny quickly stands, holding his arm out like earlier. "Shall we?"

"To the bar." I excitedly grab ahold of him.

"To the bar." He repeats after me with a smirk, leading the way in.

August 23, 2024 00:42

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