Historical Fiction Teens & Young Adult Drama

The world went dark all the power was out people were scared. This was no ordinary black out. Something was really wrong. I sat at home by myself and watched the sky go pitch black. No stars no moon just black. As I peered through the window everything was covered in orange dust. Cars, houses and roads. Like it was falling through the sky. There was no phone service and electrical wires sparked. Was this the end of the world. The rapture. I couldn't see a soul. I couldn't hear anything. It was quiet.  

That was unusual in itself. It was a busy street with university students that would fill all the available car spots. A few days ago, I had the intuition that somewhere something wasn't right. I've seen somethings that I shouldn't have seen, and my trauma will never leave me.  

Then came the military with cannons to protect them. I'm still wondering why this was happening. Is World War three going to happen? The natural disaster alarms started to go off. The orange fog was strong. I was ordered to stay inside by the military they went door knocking. The clouds had mustard gas which made the rain toxic. The children that were playing outside where now dead laying on the grass outside their home. Their parents fled they had to let them go or they would die too. When the front light was off you would know they weren't home, and their car was gone.  

As soon as the mustard gas hit you, you would go completely blind, and your skin would start to melt. It killed all the animals. It ruined all the crops. I was running low on food and cleaning products. Wondering where my mum and dad were and if they were safe. I lit up my house with candles and lanterns. I put up my black out curtains. It was too late to be evacuated.  

Police choppers up in the air circling low and AirForce planes beside them. This was an attack. The military had never seen this much mustard gas before. Obviously, their aim was to wipe out the whole country. My biggest fear was the world ending and now it was really happening.  

As I peered through my black curtains the rain was heavy, tree's blowing everywhere, branches flying. The dust had covered everything. My windows were orange. Sirens beaming. Creatures dropping from the sky. There is a whole bunch of electrocuted bats on my front lawn. The smell was horrible. 

If this storm didn't happen, I would be at work. I am the caretaker of the old cemetery. I clean stones and mow the grass. Currently trying to get the headstones a paint job. I would be there right now at 5:00 am i the morning. I identify myself as a boy. I am 23 years old, and my name is Joseph. I am a skitsophrinic with a bunch of mental health problems I suffer from PTSD and psychosis.  

My name comes from the bible. I always attended church on Sundays. I wear a black robe and my steel cap boots to freak people out. I also wear black eyeliner and black lipstick. I love my makeup, and no one could ever take that away from me even though I get judged. I wondered if the graves existed or if they melted because of the rain. I am scared that I'll die alone. The power was still out. It had been five hours since it all had started. Helicopters still circling low. I wondered who such a thing would do to try and wipe out thousands of people. Were people evacuated or were they dead? I hoped to God that my parents were alive. Because I couldn't live without them.  

I searched for my radio downstairs I had hacked into the emergency service channel. Things weren't looking to good. They explained the safety issues. The rain was poison, we have no crops left the rain has ruined everything that we had. GONE! I'm lucky that my house is strong. If it wasn't it would have turned to dust. The rain turned into hail stones, mustard gas filled hail stones about as big as my hand. They smashed up my car and my neighbor's belongings.  I was perplexed about what I should do next.  

I peeped out my blinds and I saw people running. They were now mutated because of the mustard gas. They had arms and legs in the flesh but still trying to run. They almost looked like zombies. But they were just hurt normal people. No doctors. No emergency services because everything had locked down. I wondered if this was happening in other countries. Was I ever going to see my parents again? Or my friends.  

Mustard Gas was dropped from the sky again with a really bad effect. The cell towers exploded, and the smoke made the city go dark. Still too late for an evacuation if you went outside, you would instantly die due to the enemy's nuke bomb. Filled with mustard gas. They dropped it on the main road, and it spread! You could hear people screaming and when it stopped you would know that they were dead or dying. The sky filled with smoke from the explosion. Why aren't I dead yet considering all the explosions that we had it was now 3pm.  

The poison rain suddenly stopped. But the sky was still pitch black because of all the smoke. Ash fell on to the ground and the fire was being put out now containable. There were sirens, police, ambulances treating patients that had flesh opening wounds and blisters. Most people went blind. The children playing outside hit by the gas were severely injured or dead. The hospital power generators turned back on. But there was still no phone service.  

I woke up gasping for air, cold sweats, peered out my blinds and the world was normal. It was just a dream. 

December 06, 2024 06:01

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18:05 Dec 23, 2024

The story was decidedly a bad dream. It was quite vivid! There was a military attack on a civilian population. The mustard gas was exceptionally frightening. I was especially concerned, that the local agriculture was destroyed. The collection of dangers was persuasive. I felt, that the end of the local communities was near. The man woke up, and I felt relief. It was an interesting story with good descriptions. I had become convinced, that I needed to survive.


Ashlee Osborn
06:21 Dec 25, 2024

Thank you so much for the feed back I appreciate it


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Elena Balaguer
11:51 Dec 12, 2024

Received your story through the Critique Circle. As a backdrop, I am not a professional editor or anything of the sort. That said, I thought that text was more like journal entries rather than a seamlessly woven story. Hope this helps.


Ashlee Osborn
06:22 Dec 25, 2024

Thank you ☺️


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Ashlee Osborn
01:50 Dec 08, 2024

yes :) I appreciate your comments! <3


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Mary Bendickson
01:02 Dec 08, 2024

A nightmare of a daydream.


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RBE | Illustrated Short Stories | 2024-06

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