
She stared down at her feet realising it was covered in the slimy greenish water. She gave a disgusted squeal when the slime creeped between her toes. This wasn't what she thought the Victorian Castle camp would be like. She visualised herself walking around the castle and imaging people dancing all kinds of different dances in the ballroom. Instead she's building campfires and swimming in the Victorian lake next to the castle. Camilla sighed and called Mr. Wicksen her history teacher who planned the entire trip. "So are we actually going to go into the castle", she asked him. He looked at her and thought a while before answering her question. "Yes Camilla but we must first wait for Mrs. Anderson to approve the entrance form before we can proceed". Camilla knew that if they get time to enter the castle their time would be limited and she wouldn't have enough time to see Miss Small's bedroom. Miss Small lived during the Victorian era she was considered as a well accomplished young lady. She was soft spoken, sophisticated, elegant and she was truly beautiful, men has always said it was the innocence in her eyes that captivated them. She had every feature but unfortunately in 1855 she passed away due to a heart attack when she was only 17. Her life is considered to be tragic due to the fact that she would've married the handsome and wealthy Prince Louis who she was in love with but passed away the night before their wedding. After her death he was forgotten, he went on and lived in a foreign country leaving his crown for his nephew to grasp. Rumours said that Prince Louis never looked at another lady and died alone on a cold winter evening somewhere unknown. Camilla relates in alot of ways to Miss Small and always believed that in some unknown ways they were the same she has always been obsessed with her. Miss Small's first name is also Camilla and both Camilla and Miss Small celebrate 21 August as their birthday date.

"I honestly think that she'll only approve the forms once we're away, she has secrets and she's scared someone will find out the truth about the castle", said Mark who stood beside her. She turned to face him and looked at him curiously, "I have a plan, I also think that the next 3 days will be swimming and waiting. I think we should break into the castle". "Are you crazy?", he was surprised by her plan and thought it was wild and that they can get into big trouble if they get caught. "I'm just thinking that no one's in the castle at night we can climb through the basement window which is always open and we can solve the mystery the castle has kept for centuries. Plus I really want to see how it looks like inside you know I'm obsessed with the Victorian era". He agreed with the plan and said that he only agreed because he strongly believe that the castle holds secrets and if anyone were to find out these secrets it would be him.

When their watches struck at midnight Camilla and Mark sneaked out of their tents as quietly as they could. The night watch who was Mr Wicksen and Thomas were both sound asleep next to the fire. The window of the basement was wide open and they both climbed through the window. The room was dark and only lighted by the moon that pierced through the window. Mark took out his phone and turned on his flashlight. The basement was a fairly large room there were stacks of papers and some furniture stored in the room all covered in a thick layer of dust. They went up the stairs which led to the drawing room. Everything in the room was exactly as it was the day it was abandoned. The next room was the ballroom which was the most favourable room in it's day accompanying more than 300 guests. The Small's hosted the best balls and everyone who was invited saw the invitation as an accomplishment rather than a dance. The room's walls were covered white paint and a portrait of Miss Small with Mr and Mrs Small hanged on the wall across the entrance doors. Miss Small had round blue eyes with dark curley hair and a fair skin tone illuminating her other facial features. Mark stood with Camilla and stared at the portrait. They walked through the castle until Camilla came in view of Miss Small's room. She turned the doorknob, this was it everything she has waited for so long she held her breath until the door was open. They stepped into the room and it looked exactly like Camilla imagined it. It looked exactly like a princess's room. The bedspread was ivory in colour and made of silk. Near the window was a stack of books original editions of Shakespeare, Austen and Dickens she was accomplished in literature. All the books was on a desk with some ink and wax an unfinished letter caught Camilla's eyes. It was Miss Small's handwriting. The letter's content was about Miss Small's feelings of the wedding and her love for him it was written to Prince Louis. Camilla read with passion the letter aloud to Mark who listened and applaud once she was finished. The letter unfortunately had only one paragraph and Camilla left is exactly the same way she found it. She looked at a wedding dress on the dressing table with a corset on top. The dress was made of lace but dust made it look more brown than white. Camilla gazed through the rest of the room admiring every single object that completes it when they heard footsteps. Both their eyes were glued to the door. The doorknob turned slowly and the door opened revealing a lady standing there holding a lighted candle in her hands. Camilla and Mark's eyes were filled with terror and their faces were as white as sheets. 'It couldn't be' was Camilla's last thought before all else perished.

September 27, 2020 22:50

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