
“I will always protect you, Princess.”

That was the promise Mae made many summers ago. Back when she didn’t exactly know the true importance of promises or how much they can mean to someone. 

That night was the night her father was attacked. She had just been telling her how she feared she or her mother would be next. 

The princess looked at her with wide pastel pink eyes before bursting out in a burst of giggles. 

“You aren’t even my guard Mae-Mae, how will that work?” She questioned.

Mae’s chest tightened and her face burned a bright red. “I’ll be one when I’m older! I’ll be the best knight and make sure you never get hurt! You’ll see!”

A rosy blush also showed on the princesses rich complexion as she tucked a lavender curly strand behind her ear. 

“You better,” she teased. 

Little did Mae know at the time was that was the last time she would ever feel that warmth again. After the King died the kingdom struggled. Other kingdoms saw this as a sign of weakness and attacked, crime spiked and the economy dropped. Many people went to the army. Some turned to a life of crime. 

Unfortunately Mae ended up with the latter. She lost her title as a squire and was sent out of the castle, she didn't have a choice. 

By the time the kingdom had started to recover, it was too late for Mae. She had made her bed and now it was time to lay in it. Assassins had no right to return to a royal life. Not after all that she'd done. 

Now she was older, lying in her stiff bed reminiscing on things that didn’t matter. Mae had become the scum she once planned on destroying. The irony was painful.

Abruptly, a sharp knock rapped on her door pulling her from her thoughts. 

“Yo, Reyes, this one is from the boss.”

It was her coworker, Kyle.

He slid it through a slip in her door and Mae rushed over to get it.

In her defense it was very boring staring at the wall all day. 

She tore it open quickly, not caring as the up front coins fell on cracked wooden ground. 

‘Ms Reyes,

Your target will be the princesses lady-in-waiting, Cassidy You have four days. You will be rewarded 10 gold pieces for her demise. We have reasons to believe she will be at the Sumerton Masquerade Ball on the 17th. Failure to follow through will result in you being demoted. 

Sincerely, J’

A fiery anger rushed to her stomach. Demoted? After all that she's done for them? Over some pesky spoiled brat? 

Mae took a deep breath in and out. The 17th was only two days away and she needed time to plan. She grabbed her money and ran out as fast as she could to get new clothes.

At the market she found a dress with a white strappy top and a long red bottom at one of the markets, she also got a head mask that resembled a wolf. 

Neither clothing options were optimal for an hour long horse ride but alas there she was trotting into town on her horse Thanatos. 

She was so distracted on practicing her formal discussions that it hadn't even dawned on her that this was the first time she'd been back home in almost a decade.

The bittersweet wave of nostalgia was almost too much to bear as she checked in her horse to a stable. 

She paused and dug her nails into her skin. What was she doing? She doesn’t have time for this.

She ignored the confused stares and hurried her way over to the castle where they had just started to accept people in.

Of course everyone but her came in a horse drawn carriage. No wonder why she was getting weird stares. Fortunately enough though, there was a lone prince. Maybe she could walk by him to make them think she rode with him. 

“Your invitation?” one of the guards asked.

Mae paused. She had left it with her satchel at home. Shoot.

“She’s with me,” a voice from behind her spoke.

She turned to see that the person who she assumed was the prince moved his colombina

mask to reveal the rest of his face. Of course it was Kyle, so much for a break. He gave her a teasing wink before handing over his invitation. 

The guard smiled and let them through to be announced.

“What are you doing here?” Mae hissed. 

“This mission is very important to the boss and he can’t afford you to fail. I’m here to make sure you succeed,” He whispered back.

“Well, where’d the hell did you get the carriage, Kyle?” She whispered back angrily before plastering a fake smile when they introduced the two.

“What? Didn’t you read the letter sent to the both of us I never gave you?’ Kyle asked mockingly.

Mae whacked his arm hard earning a couple more looks by the bystanders. 

“You owe me 10 silver pieces for Thanatos,” She whispered angrily.

“Stop it you’re making us seem suspicious,” He retorted.

Mae rolled her eyes, “whatever. We will spend a few minutes ‘mingling’ and we find out where the lady-in-waiting is. You have to go distract the princess and I’ll go for the lady.”

Kyle nodded and they quickly began to chat with the people around them. 

They had been there maybe 20 minutes before the royals came out with trumpets blaring.. 

When the Princess came out Mae wasn’t planning all that she felt to wash away. 

She stood on the balcony above looking down on the ballroom. Her hair was still a lavender purple but she was so much more taller and lean. She wore a black mask that contrasted her white gown and matching gloves beautifully. Even though she knew this was the woman that was her best friend all those years ago, something just felt different. Something was causing her gut to tell her this was not the woman and she didn't know why.

On her left was the queen who had a royal blue gown on and a matching mask. On the right was her target. She wore a red dress and a head mask on that resembled a cat. She anxiously fiddled with her fingers and rubbed her arms while making minimal eye contact with the crowd. 

Mae didn’t know the need for backup. This should be a piece of cake. 

After they were introduced they walked down the stairs to start talking to their guests. Mae gave Kyle a look telling him to wait. All they needed to do was wait for a minute so they didn’t grab anyone’s suspicion. 

Mae gave Kyle a nod and he went over to the princess. Mae went to the lady-in-waiting with a glass of wine in her hand. 

“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry,” Mae exclaimed as she bumped into the woman spilling a decent amount of wine on her dress.

Mae pulled out a napkin and tried to pat out the stains.

The lady-in-waiting sighed. “It’s alright.”

“I can help you bring out the stain, could you show me to the lavatory?” Mae asked as sweetly as she could. 

The lady-in-waiting nodded and the two set out to the lavatory. So far the walk was uncomfortable since the other woman seemed to give her frequent side eye looks.

“Uh, the ball is very beautiful,” Mae commented, trying to diffuse tension.

The lady-in-waiting nodded but stayed silent. 

They were at the point where they were nearing a room when Mae realized something. She stopped as she felt pressure rise in her head and chest when she noticed footsteps echoing. When she stopped she heard extra steps behind them. 

They were being followed. 

Before she could even process what was happening she was thrown on her back with a knife against her throat. The lady-in-waiting was hunched over her with a fiery look in her pink eyes.

The familiar feeling sent a chill up her spine. Shoot. This wasn’t the-lady-in-waiting.

“Who are you?” They demanded.

The guards that had been following them ran up and pointed their weapons at Mae.

Mae didn’t know what to say. She was trained for this specific moment but there was just something she couldn't put her finger on. 

Mae tried to push her off once she snapped out of it but with a swipe of her hand her mask was ripped off. 

She laid there, her brown eyes wide in surprise. 

The other woman froze for a second, her arm stretched out holding her mask. 

“Mae-Mae?” She questioned in shock.

Mae took the moment to shove her off and began to run. Shoot it was her.

One of the guards chased her and grabbed her by her hair and dragged her to the ground. 

Mae gritted her teeth and clawed at the hands gripping her roots. God this was embarrassing.

“Release her,” The woman Mae knew was the princess demanded.

The guard hesitated but dropped her anyway.

The disguised princess took off her mask confirming what Mae knew to be true.

Her eyes expressed a soft emotion that took a toll on Mae’s heart and insides.

“You may be excused,” she stated softly, her eyes still locked on Mae. 

The two guards looked at each other in confusion but obliged. Now it was just the princess and Mae.

“Long time no see Luna,” Mae stated jokingly.

The bitter part of bittersweet began to hit her, remembering those months leading up to her joining the life of crime.

Princess Luna’s demeanor changed quickly. “We were told someone was here to kill my lady-in-waiting… Is that supposed to be you?”

Mae took a deep breath, trying to control her hostility. “What’s it to you?”

“It's quite obvious what it would mean to me, Mae-Mae.”

Mae inhaled sharply. “Don't. I am not the person I was all those years ago. You let them kick me out. You shouldn’t be surprised this is where I’ve ended up, princess.”

Don’t be that way. I didn’t have a voice for many years. After my father died they painted me only as an emotional little girl. I’ve had to rebuild a whole new me for people to take me seriously as a leader,” Luna vented as she walked forward to offer Mae a hand up, “I would never let someone I cared for be forced out willingly.”

Mae looked up at her. She didn’t want to believe her. She shouldn't believe her. But she took her hand anyway. 

The two stood staring at each other for what felt like a million years. Mea’s heart ached as she reached for words to say. I missed you… How has the last 7 years been… 

“I have to go,” is what Mae ended up with. 

She heard Luna take a deep sigh. “I’m afraid I can't let you do that Mae.”

She felt her grab her with her surprisingly muscular arms and press a cloth to her nose.

She heard a distant sorry as the surrounding area became fuzzy and her face met tile. 

All she remembered was going in and out of consciousness. She remembered vaguely a cell that she thought was too fancy to be an actual cell and some ramblings she said to someone that may or not have been there. Regardless it was the most sleep she had ever gotten in her life. Turns out her assassin training did not prepare for a nap addiction after being knocked out by drugs. 

Mae had no idea how long she had been asleep when she abruptly sat up in alarm.

She was still in her clothes from the ball but was in a whole new room she didn't recognize. She was laid in a ginormous soft bed with pink floral sheets which she ripped off groggily exposing her to the cool air. 

“Morning sleeping beauty,” A voice teased.

She yawned and turned to see Luna with a dumb smug look that made her chest squeeze. 

Luna wore a light grey pink blouse with a mustard yellow skirt and a sun hat. Any color other than the darkness she was used to cause her eyes to squint in discomfort.

“Where the hell am I?” Mae groaned.

She tried to get up but was pulled back by handcuffs that were connected to the leg of the bed. 

“Welcome to your holding cell. You have been here for the last three days but you slept through most of it. While I hope you stay is currently comfortable you will have to do service work to pay off your charge of attempted murder-which, you’re welcome for saving you from jail time,” Luna informed as she leaned on the doorframe admiring her pink nails.

Mae looked around the room. “Isn’t this your old room?”

Luna froze, “Um yeah I guess it is,” she muttered, blushing as she rubbed the back of her head.

Realization snapped into Mae like a glow stick on holidays. “Wait did you just say I was out for three days?”

“Yeah, why?”

Fright was the ice cold bucket of water she needed to wake her up from her sleepy dazed state.

“Luna you have to let me out my boss will not be pleased I didn’t go through with my mission. He has connections and he most likely knows where I am-” Mae rambled with panic flowing through her voice.

Luna stared at her blankly and straightened out. “Listen Mae-Mae, I empathize with you. Really I do. But I am not going to fall for that just because we used to be close.”

“Luna please, just give me the benefit of the doubt this once. I had a co-worker with me and he probably told my boss I went missing here. I have information the boss will not let go and he will go by any means to make sure that information doesn't get out. I have seen it. He’s probably already here,” Mae begged.

Luna took notice of her fear and walked over quickly to her handcuffs to unlock them. 

“Then I guess we have no time to waste.”

But it was too late. Echoes of screams began to riddle the halls bringing alarm to both women. Luna ran over to a chair and broke one of its legs off so they could have some sort of defense.

Mae ran around the room quickly to find something she could use as a weapon while Luna peeked to look outside the room. The screams had stopped and the women had no idea what was going on.

Mae ended up getting the other chair leg and got ready to fight. It was their only option. Even though things got better in the kingdom over the years, the boss still had connections. The best way was to face it head on.

The two sneaked out slowly and pressed to the wall trying to avoid making shadows.

“We need to get to my mom before they do.” Luna whispered.

The two gave up on sneaking and ran through the halls ignoring the sounds of fighting and pain. 

When they reached the Queen’s room her doors were already wide open. 

Luna ran in anyways, “Mom?” She yelled desperately. 

“Luna!” Mae hissed but followed her anyways. 

Luna froze as Mae entered. In front of her was the queen, on the floor. Unconscious. 

Luna dropped to her knees, confused, “Mom?” she repeated.

Mae checked her pulse, “She's alive, she must’ve been drugged.

“Well, Well, Well,” a voice commented.

Mae looked over to her right to meet eyes with whom she feared most, the boss. 

Luna stood up quickly, “You,” she spat as she reached out with her weapons and swung.

The boss simply dodged her swing. “Woah there princess, you should maybe rethink your anger. After all it was your friend here who led us here in the first place.”

Both Mae and Luna looked at him wide eyed, “What is that supposed to mean?” Mae questioned as she stood up.

“It means that you were ridiculous to really believe we would care about some lady-in-waiting. Kyle was there for a reason ya know” He said with a wink.

The two stared at him in shock. He took it to his advantage and grabbed Luna, throwing her to the side. 

Mae felt rage build up in her chest and she charged at him before he could attack, at first she planned an attack but changed her decision as she saw the doors leading to the balcony behind him. 

She pushed him head first and reached out for the doorknob opening it and pushing the two off the railing. Since he had originally planned for her to attack it was easy to take him off guard. 

She really didn't think this through. She was able to grab onto the railing with only one hand and the boss latching onto the other. 

Even one strong breeze could knock them down. 

“Mae-Mae!” Luna exclaimed. 

She felt a soft hand grab onto hers. “I got you!” Luna exclaimed. 

The boss began to yank hard on her arm. “If I’m going down, you're going down with me!”

Luna grabbed her weapon quickly and threw it at the man's head like a spear. It pierced his head and caused enough pain for him to let loose and drop to his demise. 

Luna pulled Mae up. “You’re okay!”

Mae stared back at her, wide eyed. “I’m okay.” 

She felt Luna’s soft hands touch her jaw, making butterflies fly and fireworks go off in her stomach. Mae wrapped her arms softly around her waist and pulled her in. 

Her heart melted as she felt her soft lips touch hers, even though it was just for a moment.

“Hey, I did say I would always protect you,” Mae remarked with a wide smile. 

Luna giggled. “Maybe next time don’t have it include jumping off balconies.”

May 23, 2020 03:25

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