Pardon me boys? Is that the cat who chewed your new shoe…..?

Written in response to: Center your story around a person who believes they’re the last human on Earth.... view prompt


Crime Suspense Teens & Young Adult

I think most all of us are guilty.

Of hearing what we want to hear.

Instead of what we need to hear.

Inconvenient truths run rampant in The Land of Ego-ria.

We are so, so certain we are right. We can only hear that you are wrong.

Rose-colored glasses a perfect fit? Or. Rose colored glasses be damned.

No need to worry about smelling the rat when the mice have all been eaten. Alive.

As humans, we stupidly resort to less than honorable tactics. We bob and weave, duck and hide, belly up to the bar, all in an effort to escape. Most of the time, from ourselves. . At times, we are our own worst enemy. Soooooooooo. The next plan of attack?

Read up and research the various ways to skin a cat.😼

”They” say there are many ways.

As for me to know the ways?

Not interested.

Sad. Really. That life often gets to this point in time.

We need to lift one another up, even in The Land of Ego-ria.

It won’t be easy. The tasks at hand are many.

In the Land of Ego-ria.

In the Land of Anything goes.

Anything goes.

For the “in crowd”.

The rest of the schmucks, in the Land of Ego-ria.


Sh** out of luck.

Start looking over your shoulders? Hone the eyes in the back of your head?

Free for thee but not for me?


There was a point in time outside the boundaries of the Land of Ego-ria when life was not so,

Dog eat dog. In the spirit of science and silence. Thus. The Land of Ego-ria and all the small-minded Egorians continue to beat and belt the little guy, alive.

Incentively speaking of course?

We desperately try to make sense of the insensible. And when it does not fall in line? We start making up the rules as we go along. Kinda like: wish ya’ took a coding class, like yesterday. Those rose colored glasses may help with the fine print. Then again. Maybe not.

When moment of truth meets moment of truth?

Life moves pretty fast. We hear what we want to hear because it is so much easier than trying to make sense of the incomprehensible. The incomprehensible ways that humans can behave toward one another. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth.

In the Land of Ego-ria, one man’s gaping hole is another mans’ opportunity to settle the score. And on and on and on and on the hamster wheel rolls. With the cats cowering in the corner and the dogs wondering,


Surprise? The hot seat is now—yours. My buns have burned keeping it warm for you here in The Land of Ego-ria. Now. It’s your turn. The science or the silence may not save you this time. Truth will.

The money diggers? Will always be searching new and creative ways to stick it to the little guy. Or gal. Seba Smith (1840) As humans, how we choose our next interaction should be with the thankfulness we are still here to foster positive cultural change for the benefit of all.

Pipe dream? In the Land of Ego-ria? Who knows. There is swiftly becoming no space for all the big heads in the area. The bloated sub consciousness have no coat rack with which to set their new found successes. The way we think we should conduct our very own affairs is fastly becoming a thing of the past because the safety net of the future has too many gaping holes in its security. Boosterish at best.

There is a lot to be celebrated about the good ole middle of the road.

‘Cept. Don’t you know. There are none in The Land of Ego-ria. Believe it or not. It is the truth. Peter was robbed to pay Paul. Paul tripped over the crack in the road. And all hell broke loose on the streets of Ego-ria.

No one stepped up.

Some stepped back.

Some decided it was best and the right time to step back.

Away from the same old same old. The dusty rock slides and the flying rocks and stoning.

Ambushed. (bs). Keep moving forward.

Some decided to simply allow the chips and the stones to fall where they may. As nature intended. Before, of course, bedlam caused a hail storm of stoning of one’s neighbor.

Through all the dust-and-stoned-alive behavior. There was a man. A last man standing. One who saw the future and the possibility of a harmonious existence for all.

This talented person rose up out of the ashes of the Egorians’ futile attempt to maintain the status quo. Reminded the masses that we are all more than we can do. Even on a bad day.

Simple. But not easy.

Naysayers and doubting Thomases loomed everywhere.

Questioning, unwilling to let their guard down from the mischievous ways they had conducted their business. Their affairs. Refusing to hear what they needed to hear. Desperately clinging on to what they wanted to hear. The gravy train was drying up. Panic was ensuing. Shots heard round the world in debatable attempts at making sense of the


We all fail at times, of weakness. Unable and unwilling to accept our own responsibility for our own trespassing. Avoid blame at all costs to ourselves. But not one another. It is an age-old struggle of goodness and evil. (wjb)

Finally. The last man standing drew a line in the sand. While the naysayers and doubting Thomases stood and watched, they heard him say loud and clear.

”Look!” And pointed to the line he drew in the dusty dessert road and sand —straight and strong and deep and definite.

A line in the sand.

He then shouted aloud to the naysayers and the doubting Thomases who continued to gather around him, and one another, in the so called middle of the road, in the Land of Ego-ria.

“It is now time to take a side.” Will you become a part of the solution or a part of the problem?” Either step up onto the side of the land of the free and the home of the brave. Follow our laws, follow our ways. If you choose to stay in the Land of Ego-ria, may God have mercy on your soul!

With that. A thundering reply of the masses of people stomped and crossed over and chose with a thundering response with their feet on the solid ground:



Equal justice under the laws of the land.

Not the made up exclusionary “laws for thee and not for me” that created the foundation of The Land of Ego-ria.

Here. And. Now.

We will choose one nation, under God with liberty and justice for all.

December 06, 2024 19:02

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