The Mystery of the Stalker.

Submitted into Contest #180 in response to: Write about someone whose luck is running out.... view prompt


Christian Middle School Mystery

Today something remarkable happened. I have always been fortunate, but today it looks as if my luck is running out. For instance, in the morning I was going to school when I found a car wrecked in our trash. I thought it was a coincidence, but later I found something unusual in my locker. A dead rat, but there was a sketchy guy in all black I saw out of the corner of my eye. Then I thought about the trash can. The trash can incident then popped into my head. It is just connecting the dots. When I realized it might stalk me at first, I was very flattered. Why would anyone stalk me? Then it just kept worrying me throughout the day. At lunch, I told my best friend Jose, and he also got a little worried about me. When the whole group got together, they said it sounded like the show on Netflix, The Watcher. I saw the guy in the cafeteria and showed them. My other best friend Isaiah (The player) said he was in homeroom with him. In a private school, it is hard to go unnoticed because there are only about 50 students in the whole grade and two classes. I started being scared. I skipped homeroom because I had a doctor's appointment. Anyway, Isaiah said he is in his homeroom, which means he is in my homeroom. Elijah (The nicest one) saw me get worried, so he comforted me. Then Mehari (the reckless one). Said I am going to confront him, and we all said NO!! At the same time. We still do not know if it was him at the locker incident. So we all agreed to get some rock-hard evidence. In class, the teacher told the whole class he was new, and his name was Lawrence Reynolds. I got paired up with Lawrence (Maybe, a stalker) He had a really deep voice. I could have sworn he was a 50-year-old man with a 9 to 5-job. Anyway, he was kind of weird, but not too weird. He was acting kind of normal right after we turned in the assignment. He told me something in my ear which will make any middle schooler pee their pants. He "I see you eyeing me down but don't let the hunter be hunted. " I was left there trembling. Isaiah saw me frozen, so he tried to talk to me, but the teacher told him to sit down. The next class we had was athletics, which was not so bad. We had a free day, so I practiced my shooting because we had a game on Saturday. When I made a three, the group came overlooking worried. They asked me what he said to me. I was kind of hesitating because what if he did something to me if I said anything? Then I ended up telling them what is the worst he can do was, but I was soon to regret that decision. They were all worried for me, then I said instead of worrying about it, we should enjoy our Free time because this is rare. After Athletics, we had math. I am pretty good at math, so it was fun and distracting for me. The day was about to be over when we realized Lawrence (100% a stalker) was not with us in math and our teacher, Mr. White, was asking everyone where he might be. Then he asked me and Isaiah to go find him because we have been at this school since fourth grade. So we know the school is like the back of our hand. We are stuck together because we are looking for a stalker. We run and run, but have no luck while we are running. We run into Mrs. Perez, the dean of students. She gets mad at us for running through the halls. Then she asks what are we doing in the hall without a hall pass. We try to convince her we are looking for a new student because he has not been in the class for the whole period. She doesn't believe us, so she takes us to her office, I and Isaiah's heart are pumping so hard that you could hear them from the other side of the school. She calls our parents in my head. I just know I am going to get whopping. Thankfully, Mr. White came in and saved me and Isaiah. When I got home, I got a very weird text message. It was from Lawrence, it read "I am watching you". I instantly got spooked because I was in front of my computer camera. Nothing else happens until the next day I find an interesting trinket in my locker, a speaker playing beats in intervals of three. I saw what that meant on TikTok, but I can't remember. I told Jesse (The one with hops but short) he said it kind of sounded like an S.O.S. signal at that moment I got a vision of Lawrence in trouble, but I could not tell what was going on. I ended up keeping my vision to myself because what? If he doesn't want people to know what he is going through, something or whatever was happening in that vision. I did a little snooping and found his Instagram. Through that, I found his TikTok, and I figured out his parents were divorced. I kind of felt sorry for the guy. His dad is very abusive/alcoholic. I gave Lawrence a call, and he ANSWERED!!!!

I confronted him about everything and; he came clean. He explained that ever since his mom died, his dad became an alcoholic and mean to him and his sister. I said let's meet up, so I can try to help him. He agreed and ended the call. We meet up in a park and the unthinkable happened: he kidnapped me. He put some sleeping gas and put me in the back of their Cadillac Escalade. Then everything went black. I woke up in a warehouse where it was nothing but black except for one little lamp that was turned on. I started freaking out. I kept strangling and strangling, but could not get free. Furthermore, I even tried the method on TikTok (I use TikTok a lot) and that didn't even work. Not only that, but I heard footsteps and completely froze. I had no clue what I could do. Then I saw it was Lawrence. He said." He is going to give me a choice: either I give up and surrender, or I beat you until you surrender". I complained. Bro, why are you doing this to me? I don't even know you. This has been going on for like 2 weeks. It is my birthday. Oh, really? Said, Lawrence. Well speaking of birthdays, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Then everyone I knew came out of the shadows. I was blown away. I could not believe they went through all this trouble just to surprise me on my birthday. We all had fun at the warehouse. They decked it out with game consoles, pcs, and other cool stuff. There was a whole piñata. I started tearing up because I did not think anybody cared about me this much. Especially to throw me such a huge party. For my presents, I got a new iPhone, Apple Watch, and a new MacBook Pro. I was ecstatic with the presents that I jumped with excitement. Sadly, it had to end around 11:30 pm. Before I left, Lawrence came up to me and said sorry for all the trouble and dangers I put you in. I just forgave him and we laughed about it. Lawrence (New best friend) is not so bad after you get to know him. The worst thing that happened was my parents got into an accident and are in a fatal condition. I rushed to the hospital. I got every single red light you can get. Also, an old lady was crossing the road at 11 pm. That is very dangerous if you ask me. When I finally got there, I had good news and bad news. The good news was that both of them will survive. The bad news is that they will not live the same. I just got emotional and started balling. My mom, with all the strength she had left, told me that it was all going to be all right. Because god is with us, and we should not be afraid. As soon as she said that, I started praying and praying. When I finally went home, I found out that my house was destroyed and my cleaners quit because of the mess. I started getting upset because my luck was running out. The most unimaginable, unthinkable, the most uncalled-for thing happened, right? When I started to set up my new Apple products, the power goes out, and they left there me in the dark. I light a candle and try to figure out what is going on, but this bad luck just followed me everywhere. My car breaks down, and I magically forget to pay my phone bill, so I can't even call for help. When I decide to walk to my friend's house, it snows. Which is getting on my nerves. Then the power goes on, so I get the phone bill paid, and then I call a friend of mine that is a mechanic. To see if he can fix my car. Fast-forward a couple of months later. I still have a broken car. My house is breaking into bits and pieces. Also, my parents are still in the hospital.

Theme: Whatever you have, DO NOT TAKE IT FOR GRANTED!!! Because you only realize the value of something when it is taken away from you.

January 12, 2023 05:23

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Mandy Waters
03:29 Jan 19, 2023

Very fast-paced story, Yonathan! I did have some trouble reading your story. Honestly, I did not make it all the way to the end because of this. But, I saw that you clicked "middle school" as a theme and was wondering if the chaotic grammar was purposeful (as to indicate the common behavior of children). Still, I am looking forward to reading more of your material. Happy writing!


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21:18 Jan 18, 2023

This was very difficult for me to read. Obviously, English is not your primary language. It's very impressive that you are trying to write a story in English, but I feel you really should improve your English abilities so that you can write coherent stories. There are so many problems here that it is too difficult to write about. Practice writing in English.


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