
"Is this our new home, mummy?"

"Yes Katie pie, do u like it?"

"uh...yeah it looks okay", Katie was still missing her old home.

It was first of July, little Katie and her mom had shifted to a new house in the countryside for a fresh new start. They were getting their packed boxes out of their car when an old lady, a little bent ,wearing a red sweater came out from the neighboring house. She looked kind of sad and ,dressed up to go somewhere. As soon as she saw the car, she walked towards it,

"hello ,anybody there?"

"Hi ,yes, I am May, nice to meet u"

"oh nice to meet u too ,I am Elise" they shake hands, just then she sees Katie ,hiding behind her mom,

"who is this little angel?" ,Katie chuckles,

 "hello dear what is your name"

" Katie ","r u our neighbor?".Elise who was so happy and smiling now said, "yes ,yes.. and we r going to have lots of fun together .Here let me help u with the boxes". May who was now confused at her excitement "uh...you look like u r going somewhere"

"oh no dear ,not anymore ,come on ,we have lots of work to do" Elise was more eager than them to settle, she told them all there is to know about the neighborhood ,especially about her favorite tune heard every weekend without fail, when the ice cream van stops by,(Katie was now slowly moving in).she stayed with them till late night and helped them unpack and feel at home.

though May was surprised at her new neighbors kindness she was more than thankful for it and to see Katie so happy something she does not get to see often after she lost her dad a year back, felt like a blessing. At about twelve pm they exchanged their goodbyes and Elise returned to her home but not before Katie gave her a nice big goodnight hug. Katie and May who were now, so travel sick and tired fell asleep even before they knew it.

Next day morning, as the morning alarm rang ,May and Katie woke up and rushed to freshen up as they have got a big day ahead of themselves. May had to attend an interview at the public school where Katie got admitted ,for the post of a science teacher. As they were getting ready to gobble up their dry spinach sandwich the so called nutritious breakfast, the calling bell rang, someone was at their door. Katie ran to open the door,(happy to skip her breakfast) to find her smiling savior of the day, Elise holding a nice and hot freshly baked apple pie.

The feast was on and not even the crumbs were left. It was so delicious that May was all praises for Elise "oh! I am so jealous...your family must be lucky to have you ,which makes me wonder why do you live alone?".All of a sudden, Elise turned quiet.

After a few seconds of deep thought, "It's just that I haven't seen my daughter for a while now, she lives in the city....you know... with her husband and it's really hard for them to get a leave approved at the company they work..I will see her soon though...it's alright". Seeing Elise sad, Katie asked her if she would join them in their visit to school as it would be so boring to wait alone till her mom finishes her interview. Elise chuckled and accepted. all three of them set out.

They reached the school right on time, it was May's turn, she entered the head's office while Katie and Elise sat out. After ten minutes of floor-staring ,Katie could not take it ,she started walking to and fro .Elise sensed her boredom, she got up and took Katie to the park. After an hour May returned excited, "guess who nailed it...but there is a small problem". May has to attend a three week teacher training program starting the very next day before vacation ends ,but it was not at all a problem as Katie and Elise had already found the solution. Elise was more than happy to look after Katie while May was gone.

Next day morning May left for her training, putting Katie in Elise's charge .They made a schedule for the whole week starting with gardening. Elise taught Katie how to plant the seeds and succulents, how to paint. By the time May reached home they had set up the whole front yard. This fun went on for days. The other day they baked cookies and the other watched old movies.

Two weeks and four days passed by, then things started to change. Elise got sick, she had a high fever but refused to go to the hospital, saying it was common and all she needs is a good rest. May stayed back to look after Elise for the next two days. But she did not get any better.

Saturday night, May and Katie at Elise's home giving her company. May cooking a broccoli soup for Elise while Katie was in the hall with Elise listening to stories. She brought the soup to Elise took a sip,

 "Do u like it?"

"the first thing tomorrow ,you are getting a class on how to make a better soup", Elise joked.

After that they decided to watch the family sitcom together, there they sat and watched for long time and fell asleep one by one, right on the couch.

Next day morning ,May woke up ,on the other couch Katie and Elise still asleep. May walked towards the window and drew the curtain, she called out to them "Come on Katie wake up.....Elise ...rise and shine". Katie slowly woke up, May took her up in arms and gave her a kiss. She then whispered "Elise wake up it's time". She did not answer, so May tried shaking her, no response either, she took her pulse and knew ,Elise was not going to wake up anymore. May rushed to get her phone and made an emergency call. Katie was standing next to Elise trying to wake her up, she shook her , tears running down her cheeks, she ran towards May. The ambulance came in a few minutes, three persons came in and carried Elise to the ambulance but they shook their head ,Elise was no more. May and Katie were devastated.

The police came in after a few hours that's when they knew the truth. Elise had no family ,she had lost them a year back in a car crash. Living alone made her sick, she was afflicted with a heart condition three months back, and was supposed to move to the Heart care center on the FIRST of July ,the day May and Katie moved in. But due to some reason she could not make it ,when the center inquired ,Elise told them that she saw an ANGEL and was hoping to hold onto it.

Second chances don't come often ,when Elise got one, she held onto it , very tight.

May 09, 2020 03:38

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