
Submitted into Contest #237 in response to: Write a story about a first or last kiss.... view prompt



It’s morning. My alarm blares through the dark room as I cover my head with my pillow in seek of some solace. The alarm suddenly stops and I’m allowed to breathe again. The pillow is lifted off my head and a familiar hand brushes my messy hair out of my face. “It’s time to wake up” he says. I groan and hide under the covers, hoping if he doesn’t see me, he’ll forget I’m here. The covers are lifted off of me and I’m exposed to the cold air of the room. “Ugh why is it so cold” I mutter as I sit up and reach for the covers once again. His hand reaches out and holds the covers out of my grasp “I swear, you do this every morning. Come on, it’s time to get ready for work.” He steps away and I know where he’s headed. The light switch. As the light flickers on, I realize just how much of my hair is in my face and scrape it out of my face. I look up and there he is. Already dressed. “Ugh why would I marry someone like you? Morning people are disgusting” I lay back down as the nest flops back onto my face. “Yes, yes, I know I’m so horrible and evil. Now get up and go get ready. I’ll get started on breakfast. If you’re not up by then, I’ll drag you out of bed myself.” He giggles to himself as he walks down the hall to the kitchen. I roll around the bed a few times in frustration until I finally give in and pull myself upwards and head for the bathroom. I brush my teeth and comb my hair up until a ponytail. I choose my baby blue blouse, my favorite, and a pair of dark brown slacks. The smell of coffee seeps into the room and revitalizes me. Next to follow is the sound of butter smacking into a hot frying pan. The sizzling sound of it being spread around the pan and then my favorite sound in the world, an egg being cracked open. For whatever reason, I could never properly crack an egg. My husband tried to teach me on multiple occasions, but I just never got it, so he took on making breakfast. He gets up earlier anyways. I stick my feet into a pair of black heels and skip to the kitchen. “There she is!” he calls out with his big grin. “How’s little miss moody? Does she want her coffee?” he teases. “Yes please, I’d also like to order a kielbasa omelet with that, thank you.” I mutter sipping from the ‘don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee’ mug. “Yes ma’am!” he calls out as he places 2 plates in front of me and takes the seat in front of me. I smile into my coffee, he always takes such good care of me and spoils me with my favorites, even when I’m bratty. I put my coffee down and wolf down my omelet, he knows exactly how I like it at this point and never fails to make it delicious each and every time. “Good?” He says taking slow and gracious bites. “Always” I smile back with a mouth full of eggs. I sip my coffee as we discuss what our work schedules are looking like today and plan out dinner for tonight. Once he’s done, I pick up the dishes and mugs, all empty now, and head to the sink. As I scrub away at the dishes, familiar hands find their way to my waist and the smell of his cologne fills my senses as a kiss is planted behind my ear. That means it’s time to start heading out for work. “Is it too late for us to call out and just stay in and snuggle in the bed?” I plead as I pout and tilt my head to the side. “I’m afraid so love, we both have meetings to hold. We just have to pretend that we’re adults for a few hours, then we can come back to our pillow fort tonight” he grins as he swings his coat on. “Fine” I give in and rip my coat off the hook and stuff my arms in. He hands me my keys and swings the door open to reveal the glaring snow outside. “Don’t worry, I already dug out a path for you, your majesty” he says as he holds out his hand and helps me down the steps. He guides me to my car in silence as we both focus on the crunching of the salt beneath our feet. I recognize the black coating of my car as it comes into my view and look up to guide myself to the driver’s seat. I unlock my door and open it to find that it has already been warmed up and cleaned off. I smile at my husband in appreciation, he really is too good to me. He leans in and we share a kiss. I shudder at a cold breeze that makes its way up my back. “Alright, get inside and warm up. I’ll see you tonight. Don’t kill anyone today!” he calls out as he begins to close my door. “I’ll try my best!” I call out right before the door shuts.

I walk out of the presentation room while discussing the data I presented with my clients when I’m rudely interrupted by my assistant, James, “Mrs. Ladon! I’m sorry to interrupt, but it’s urgent!” I cough a laugh and turn to him “what could possibly be more important than my client here?”” It’s your husband ma’am!” he exclaims as he pulls me to the side. “The police are on the phone, wanting to speak with you” He whispers. We hurry to the phone. A cold sweat makes its way to my tailbone and gives me chills as I shakenly reach for the phone. As soon as I hang up the phone I run to the bathroom and vomit into one of the toilets and fall to my knees, resting my head on the bowl. A car accident? How? He drives better than I do! He always goes the speed limit and drives especially careful in these conditions! If it would happen to anyone, it would happen to me! Not him! Why him? Why?

The next few weeks were spent at home with my parents as they helped me arrange the funeral, insurances and finances. I laid in bed for the first time in 2 weeks and fall fast asleep to the smell of his cologne still lingering in the room. The alarm blares through the dark room as I cover my head with a pillow in seek of some solace. The alarm keeps blaring, begging for me to put it out of its misery. I throw my pillow across the room “Honey! Shut that thing up!” I yell out. There’s no response. Then I remember.

February 09, 2024 21:59

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Yuliya Borodina
13:22 Feb 17, 2024

Ahh, the waking up scene is so relatable, I wonder if you peeked into my window. The death announcement scene is also well done -- you made me feel the impact of the loss even if we have only met the characters for a few moments. Well done!


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Helen A Howard
16:21 Feb 15, 2024

You portray a tender domestic scene which is pulled apart by the shocking news of the husband’s death and her life comes crashing down. Literally. Well written and poignant story.


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