Black Christian Fiction

There is nothing one can not achieve if he or she put their all in it. That statement is what many kept interpreting wrongly to fit their evil quest. That is why Mr. Jude can not understand some adults like his neighbor Mr. Frank and his way of reasoning. Why is it that some people find it difficult to learn how to mind their business?

But it seems like the whole world is going nuts. People are getting crazier each passing day and how to prevent such behavior from turning into an epidemic is what Mr. Jude has found out through personal experience is not an easy thing to do. Humans truly can not take care of themselves if left to their own devices.

It should be time to start implementing certain laws with or without government support. It should be time to start raising those dykes against assault and insults being haul at people minding their businesses quietly. After all, there is no how government would go it alone. Personal protection by all means should be left in the hands of individuals and the government focus on a national level and support rendered to those seeking for it. But the problem with this kind of taking the law into one hand is that you would be surprised how the same government that looks the other way when the innocent is being attacked would suddenly wake from slumber and go after the same innocent that tries to protect himself and family from assault by some that believe they are the founding father of evil in their areas and needs respect from everyone including the government itself.

Respect from everyone? Mr. Jude smirked "Who constituted them in the first place?- why are they at it on air as if we under their mercies had any choice in the issue in the first place?" he queried himself. "They violate your privacy, violate all known laws, and force you to toe their line or risk being frustrated out of this planet" he smirked again and wondered how governments benefit from the activities of such fellows like Mr. Frank who sees himself as area commander or more like sole administrator of this vicinity with junior high certificate.

When Mr. Jude jerked up from sleep once again today and took one glance at the clock beside his bed, and it said: 11:37 pm, he eyed it once more to be sure and it was pm not am he saw there. He shakes his head in anger first and then in amazement at how he is still in his yesterday and not today. The trend has become somehow official in his life, the idea of seeing each tomorrow wide awake courtesy of this meddling neighbor the mad guy who goes by the moniker Mr. Frank. He seems to be on a special mission of making sure that nothing good, nothing peaceful ever entered Mr. Jude's life and he has done it once again. Interfering in his sleep as they do these days. But everything always works for good to him who believes.

Demons Mr. Jude has found out he doesn't like fresh air so, he has made it his duty to get up each time he is disturbed from sleeping by these area people or whatever they call themselves. He got up and went through his normal morning rituals and turned to his prayer books and the session commenced. The area people as usual will keep their distance after about one hour when the binding and casting have been over, they start surfacing from wherever it was they hid in and start taking their places again.

They claimed that they were more powerful than Adam and Isaiah put together. Prayer powers are temporal while theirs are permanent and subject to no weather or conditions so, no one should be complaining about not being allowed to sleep or do any other thing. If you are a man, just take what you want, stop complaining for no one is coming to save you. That was what came from their camp and that is their stand on the issue.

Me. Jude recalled that Mr. Frank who has been pointing fingers got years now has short-term memory. He seems to believe that even tests done by the UN would be manipulated like elections in this country to fit his group's desires but his behavior within these few days has shown he is thinking deeply these days. He turned to God at least in his mouth and started sending out verdicts he got from only his group knows where, with a cracked voice full of fear, he was threatening people and accusations at the same time all to prevent calamity from heading his way. It's a good sign. The holy book made it clear. everything works together unto good for them that believeth. Short or long memory, test covers all, and good manners is the antidote for fear of any kind.

Jesus seems to be winning a battle he has so far kept away from for long intentionally.

Mr. Jude was still in his prayer session when he heard a familiar cracked voice still accusing not even leaving for God but sure of what he us vomiting and wondering why heaven was not seeing things from his angle. Yet, there is still that atom of fear. The voice words are not coordinated. Preaching wasn't making sense. But Mr. Jude heard Christ and Jesus mentioned time without number and that is what mattered. He smiled to himself, finalized his prayers, and murmured.

"They would all come back at the appointed time"

He went about his writing, and his jottings and was drafting his essay for the day when the preaching voice started coming his way clearer and clearer. He halted to pay attention to the words and found that the area people were truly what they were accusers. What they found fault in themselves and their ways, what they don't like in themselves, they always found fault with others. No wonder they never believed anything good would ever come from anyone. The voice isn't only cracked but uncoordinated. The overall message is total rubbish.

November 11, 2023 07:18

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