"The street food of Galli" (The street food of Indian Streets)

Submitted into Contest #105 in response to: Write your story from the perspective of a side character.... view prompt


Drama Friendship High School

"You're a jerk"

I thought but I was too infused by emotions to do anything except say bye to him and storm out of his home ignoring his mother calling "Why are you leaving so early, Roshni?".

I went to my home and crashed on my bed ,blinking back tears tears which soon turned into a tantrum. The pillow was wet and sticky with tears and nose snot .I raised my head a few times just to get a gulp of fresh air in order to avoid choking myself on the pillow but my dream had already been choked by that-that creature. Soon the sun dipped and so did my anger, almost.

I flipped my pillow just to avoid laying my head on that later(and yes I speak from experience).I glanced at the clock 7:30 PM not much time before dinner. At least that was good crying and silent cursing did take a great deal of energy.

"I had spent 2 weeks working on that report." I spoke to no one in particular. "and that creature didn't even think twice before submitting my 'The street food of Galli'.' I went downstairs to the dining room and slid into my chair. My elder brother came downstairs and grinned at me "Hey Rosh, what about your article?" ."No word right now" I lied as I wolfed down my food .I kept silent for the whole dinner, some things you just couldn't share with your family. Some things you just have to solve on your own.

The next morning I headed over to Param's house. His mother opened the door. "Oh! Wait here I am calling Param." He joined me outside and he was skipping "It worked" He said, his eyes full of excitement. "Uh-what?" "We are in the top 50 shortlisted." He looked at me. "Can you believe it?". "What about credit to me?" I asked ,my voice steely. "Don't worry you'll get the-" "I don't want the prize!!!"I screamed at him. "Credit is a big deal to me ,ok". His eyes were wide with shock as if NOT expecting this behavior. "I had gone to holiday for a few weeks and you did not reconsider your decisions before sending the report". "But we would have to wait for a whole year-" he finally managed to get words out. "I could have waited a whole year. You knew it." I screamed my lungs out. But the truth is-" My voice descended to a whisper "-you just want all the credit . You are a young twisted Cuckoo."

Everybody at school was talking about 'our' paragraph (well not everybody the people who are into literature other's just call it "nerd's stuff")."Nerd Stuff" people were talking about Param and me hadn't reveled that we had parted ways nor it would be worse than to tell the family. But soon karma acted the competition got CANCELLED. Yes, turns out the organizer had owed many debts to his ex-business partner in the past. When I heard the news I laughed .I know you shouldn't show even smirk in situations like these , but I had the clearest laugh I had in ages. I soon had other joyous occasions too.

6 months later, I rang Param's house's door bell, just like I had done every other day before the fight .He opened the door and his bored face changed into somewhat horror. "What- oh sorry.. I am so guilty you know ?"

Then it was awkward for a few seconds before I said "Um well we won the competition." He stared at me as if I might be loosing my marbles ."eh?" I explained the process to him ,how I had tweaked a few words and the title of our report to avoid the no 'repetition of previous competition' policy and sent it to another contest. "Their competition is not as big as the previous one but still.." "Well congratulations" He said regretting his acts. "Oh dummy" I smiled ."You are coming with me too." "You what-" "Yes I mentioned your name too because that's what friendship is about". He suddenly smiled a very wide smile, like that of a crocodile . I punched him playfully, at least I tried playfully.

I went home on cloud nine but Param was a different story "Man" he thought "Is this really fair, I mean I don't wanna complain but I cant hold this burden." He thought "I just cant rely like this on Roshni ,I-I just cant. Six months ago, that man's business fell because of too many debts to his partner , could my friend's kindness cause my destruction."

It was a Saturday night ,a time when I am usually passed out on the bed after a whole weekend but tonight I was in a huge hall with  chandelier and other fancy things(you cant expect me to know this from where I come from),I was dressed in a multicolored sari and Param in a kurta-pajamas. It was awkward walking in them and not tripping over but we managed to get to the stage and claim the prize .Param smiled in his crocodile manner.

I tapped the mic nervously as if it was an alien alien object. "THUB THUB THUB I ,Roshni Saini and Param Gujjar worked on a research paper together 'The street food of Galli' and we are blessed enough to be nominated by Teedsy 'Best Dual Gastronomy Award'-" "I had been a Idiot" I jerked my head towards him staring rather murderously ,this had not been part of our speech for all I knew he could be making this out of thin air. "I had backstabbed Roshni and put all of this-" He gestured towards the plaque we both were holding. "-to my name but Roshni being a great friend still credited me ,It was a peace gesture so big I might be still guilty in my 60s."

"Don't worry" I whispered to him as the audience(other winners and guests who had to clap) cheered .

"You still owe me much."

August 05, 2021 11:15

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