Fiction Mystery Drama

This story contains sensitive content

Sally lurched forward from bed and tried to catch her breath. Her hands were in a prayer position while she clutched the satin top sheet between them. She scanned the dark room until fragments of light were visible through the bedroom blinds. Her heartbeat returned to a normal pace once she saw her husband sleeping soundly next to her. “It was only a dream,” she said to herself, as her head hit the pillow. “It was only a dream.”

She turned to look at the alarm clock on the nightstand next to her. “Three-thirty-two,” she said quietly and moaned. Her eyes felt like the size of an owls, and she wondered if she could recover enough from her dream to fall back to sleep.

The following morning, Dirk stood over his wife and shook her gently. “Sally, wake up, honey, it’s past six. You don’t want to be late for work.” He watched her rise slowly and handed her a cup of coffee, along with a bright cheery smile. He took a seat on the royal blue velvet chair across from her and tied his shoes. He stood up and kissed her head, then brushed her tousled blonde hair away from her face. “It’s Friday. Why don’t you see if you can make reservations for dinner tonight,” he said, looking into her baby blue eyes. He winked at her, adjusted his tie and walked out of the room.

Sally placed her cup on the nightstand and yawned. With only a couple hours of shut eye, her eyes felt like lead. She walked slowly to the dresser and placed the opened bottle of Dirk’s cologne to her nose. If only he wasn’t so good to me, she thought, as guilt ran down her spine. She placed it back on the dresser and headed for her closet. She took a gray pantsuit off its hanger and scurried to the bathroom to start her day.

Sally entered the office building in a zombie-like state. She looked at her watch and started to fret. She tiptoed past her boss's office and was relieved he didn’t notice her walk in.

She started her computer and waited for it to boot. She was usually creative, but this morning, her mind was a blank canvas. She picked up the picture of Dirk that sat on her solid oak desk. She studied his perfectly defined face, sexy brown eyes, and thick hair to match. A bitter-sweet smile grew on her lips as she recalled the day she had met him during her first day of college. He was a handsome man, but it was his charisma that won her heart. They were married immediately after they graduated, seven years ago. 

A tear shed from Sally’s eye, as she laid Dirk’s picture face down. She couldn’t bare to look at him, thinking about what she had been doing.  

After several minutes in deep thought, she reached for her purse and pulled out her phone. She wondered what kind of excuse she was going to make to back out of dinner with Dirk. Luckily for her, his phone went to voicemail. She tried not to studder and used the same fib she had been using for the past month. “Hi, honey,” she said, trying to sound sincere. “I’m going to be home late again tonight. I have to try and finish writing the last scene. The deadline is Monday, and my mind is drawing a blank. Perhaps dinner tomorrow night instead. There’s plenty of leftovers in the fridge. I’ll see you when I get home.” She blew kisses over the phone and hung up quickly.

Sally lowered her head and recalled the reverie she had last night. Her dream began by walking up the stairs from the subway station and leaving Dirk behind. Appearing out of nowhere, Andrew tapped her shoulder, pulled her aside and told her he was in love with her. The dream ended abruptly when she woke up in a panic. She had dreams before, but this one seemed so vivid. So real. The situation with Andrew was turning into an emotional nightmare. Unfortunately, her heart couldn’t free herself from the way she felt about him.

She had met Andrew during the filming of the movie “The Red Violin.” Her boss, who was part owner of a movie studio, sent her to Italy, as an incentive for her to become a better writer than she already was. She was thrilled to be inside a movie studio. The bickering between actors and staff. The director shouting commands. Cameras and sound recordings. Props and sets and more, was fascinating to her. Suddenly, a bright light shone on her face, and it stung her eyes. She shielded them for a moment, only to spot a gorgeous guy behind a studio light, and he was smiling at her.

Andrew made his way to Sally and said, “I’m sorry. I haven’t seen you before. Do you have a part in this picture?”

Sally could feel her cheeks turn red. Hypnotized by his turquoise-colored eyes, and the bright lights that made his blond hair shimmer, she could not speak.

Andrew apologized again. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot, literally,” he laughed. “You look like you could be an actress and are as beautiful as Marilyn Monroe. I tell you what. If you’re not and actress, I can introduce you to some people in the industry. They’ll make you a star. How about we talk about it over dinner?”

Sally’s smile grew. “She finally blurted, “no, I’m just here on what you might say, training. I’m a scriptwriter. I’ll be flying back to New York in three days. Dinner sound’s great, but I don’t think so.”

“Aw, so you’re from New York?” Andrew asked. “As soon as this film is over, I’ll be heading back to my hometown in New York as well.”

“Oh, what part?” Sally asked curiously.

“Tribeca,” he replied.

“Wow.” Sally was impressed. “I live in the upper east side,” she giggled. “What a coincidence. We don’t live too far from each other.”

Andrew took Sally’s hand. “Well,” he said. “I hope we will run into each other one day.”

She couldn’t suppress her smile as Andrew turned and walked away. He was comical and spontaneous, and extremely charming. She was turned on by his qualities.

Sally broke free from reminiscing about Andrew. She felt her stomach turn, as she thought about Dirk. After several minutes debating about what she should do, she picked up her phone and started to type.

‘Hey Andrew. I’ll see you when I get off work. Around seven.’

Before Sally reached the hotel room, she pulled off her wedding ring and stared at it before stuffing it into her purse. Guilt was tugging at her heart again and her conscience was telling her to walk away. Unfortunately, her feet wouldn’t allow her to do so.

Several seconds later, the door flew open. “Hey,” Andrew said, with a bucket around his arm. “I guess I came to the door just in time. I was on my way to the ice machine.” 

Sally became entranced once she looked into his eyes. Nothing could make her walk away now.

Andrew kissed her lightly on the lips and led her in. “The renovation to my place should be done in a couple of weeks, babe,” he said to her. “It’ll be a lot better to spend time together there.” He reached for a bottle of Cristal on the table. “You know. We’ve been seeing each other for over a month now. When are you going to invite me to your place?”

Sally took the bottle from Andrew’s hand. “I’m sorry babe. I’m going to the office tomorrow morning, so no drinking for me tonight,” she avoided his question.

“Well, then,” Andrew made his way behind her. He massaged her shoulders and could feel her loosen up. His hands slowly unzipped her pantsuit, and he watched it fall to the ground. He unhooked her lacy bra and tossed it on the chair. Leading her to the king-size bed, he whispered into her ear. “By the time I’m through with you, you will no longer be uptight.”

Sally smiled and followed his lead.

It was after eleven when Sally reached the door to their Brownstone. She had rehearsed an alibi while on the subway ride home about why she was late. Her shoulders went limp when she entered the bedroom to find Dirk asleep.

She removed her stilettos and tip-toed to the living room. She placed the stopper on the decanter and took the crystal glass filled with bourbon to the kitchen and emptied it into the sink. She walked back into the bedroom and slipped off her clothes. She reached for her nightie on the bedroom chair. Once in bed, she stared at the ceiling. Her conscience was starting to bother her once again. She loved Dirk but could not stop thinking about Andrew. She hoped she would be able to sleep soundly tonight.

Dirk could no longer endure the atrocious sounds coming from Sally’s mouth as she slept like a rock. He turned to face her, sighed, then rubbed her shoulder.

Sally woke immediately from the touch of her husband’s hand. “What time is it?” she mumbled while stretching her arms.

“It’s nine a.m., babe.” Dirk kissed the top of her head. “What time did you get in last night?”  

“It wasn’t too late.” She hopped out of bed and searched for her bedroom slippers. “I believe it was after nine.”

“Uh, I was up until ten-thirty, and you were not home. I tried calling your phone a few times, but you didn’t pick up.”

Sally responded apologetically, and avoided eye contact with him as she slipped her feet into her soft slippers. “I had my phone on silent. I needed to finish my work. You know that.” She finally had the courage to look at him.

“If you’re going to be working late, please don’t ever put it on DND,” he scolded. “I was worried about you.”

Dirk pulled the sheets away from him and stood up. He reached for Sally’s arm before she could leave the room. “It’s Saturday, love.” He shoved her hair away from her shoulder and kissed it gently. “We can stay in bed a little while longer.” He reached for her waist.

“Oh, honey,” Sally backed away. “Let me make us a nice breakfast. I’m hungry this morning, aren’t you?”

In a tone Dirk had never used before, he shouted. “Damn it, Sally. You’ve been coming home late now for the past few weeks, and each night you come in, its later and later! And now, this morning you don’t have time for me. Let me know when you can fit me into your schedule,” he said, as he headed for his closet. Slipping into a pair of pants and pulling a T-shirt over his head, he swept a pair of Nike’s off the floor and rushed down the stairs.

Sally followed him like a shadow. “Are you leaving?” she asked, only to feel the front door slam against her face. She flew to the bay window and watched his car screech down the street.

She headed for the kitchen and took a seat at the table. She no longer had an appetite. What the hell was she thinking? She asked herself, as she thought about last night.

Her life with Dirk was going as planned. After college, they pursued careers they were passionate about. Dirk was working for a successful consulting firm as a civil engineer and Sally loved her job as a screenwriter. They planned to have children next year and she was thrilled at the thought.

Her head started to spin, thinking about her secret meetings with Andrew. “Why did I allow this to happen?” she said out loud. She was reluctant to Andrew’s text messages about wanting to have dinner when he returned from Italy, but she finally gave in. One innocent meal with Andrew quickly took flight into a full-blown affair.

Sally picked up her phone and punched in Andrew’s number. She said what she had to say once it went to voicemail, then deleted his contact information.

It was dusk when Sally could see headlights pull into the driveway. She rushed to the front door. Her arms flew open once Dirk walked in.

Dirk threw his arms around her and whispered into her ear. “I’m sorry babe. I know how hard you’ve been working, and I’ve been selfish.”

“No,” she replied. “I’ve been selfish as well. I shouldn’t have put my phone on silent. And I won’t be working overtime anymore,” she assured him. “I’ve made reservations at Royal 35 for dinner tonight,” she said. “Eight o’clock, if that’s fine with you.”

“That sounds wonderful,” Dirk replied as they walked upstairs to their bedroom.

Once the sun went down, Time Square came to life with thousands of people strolling about. The diversity of various sounds of music, blended in with the blaring horns of impatient cab drivers gave it that New York vibe. Neon signs lit up the city like a big parade in the sky. It earned its reputation for a city that never sleeps.

Sally looked divine in a strapless red silk dress that complemented the color of her lips, and her straight hair was curled. Dirk was handsome in his Brunello Cucinelli blazer and tanned slacks. Making their way out of the subway, Dirk stopped to say a quick hello to a colleague he noticed yards away.

Once up the stairs, Sally’s eyes widened and she couldn’t move when she caught sight of Andrew, and he was making his way toward her.  

“This is not a coincidence, us running into each other like this,” Andrew said to Sally as he reached for her arms.

“Let go of me,” she said, as she tried to pry his hands from her. “I told you it was over, and I want you to leave me alone. I can’t do this anymore.”

“Not until you tell me what’s eating you. Please, let’s talk about this,” he said with pleading eyes. “I’ve left you several messages after you called. “Please, Sally. I’ve fallen in love with you!”

Sally turned her head slowly when she heard Dirk clear his throat. She was sure he had heard everything. “Honey, I can explain.” She begged her husband to listen. Instead, he walked away.

Andrew noticed Sally’s big diamond and reached for her hand. “This explains everything,” he said, disappointingly. Tugging at her ring, he continued to say, “this is why you wouldn’t, or should I say couldn’t stay the entire night with me. This is also the reason why I wasn’t able to come up to your place. I’m going to assume that the man who just walked away is your husband. Am I correct?”

“Yes, Andrew,” she said, as her lips trembled. “He’s my husband. I never wanted this to happen between us. I’m sorry.”

Andrew’s head fell into his chest. “You didn’t have to invite me into your life,” he said to her as he walked away.    

Sally leaned against the cold concrete building and wiped the tears from her cheeks. She thought about her dream and realized why it seemed so real. It played out tonight, and unfortunately, she was awake to see its ending.

She didn’t believe in Karma. But she will from now on.              

November 17, 2023 20:26

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