
Submitted into Contest #241 in response to: Start your story with an unexpected betrayal.... view prompt


Horror Drama Suspense

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

The sounds of her heels could be heard dragging across the marble floor. Stopping before the bathroom then her body turned with head facing the tub. She starts to wince, tremble, and feet begin the flail. He turns the water on and fills the tub up with ice cold water much like his heart at this point. Once filled, he shuts the faucet off and slowly picks her up by the brown ringlets in on her head. With one hand gripping her scalp tightly and the other over her over her mouth forcibly, he shoves her face deep down inside to the deepest of the deep. 

He pulls up her for air and she screams in terror, please stop, pleases she cries and screams.  Before her pleads can be accurately heard he again full force pushes her head deep into the sea of the bathtub. Waves of water reaching around the sides, toes curled and scraping against the floor. Her hands gripping his wrists trying to loosen what grip her had on her mouth and head. Just in the moment he looks down, at the single 2 carat solitaire wedding right and band that rested on her left right finger.  Just in that moment he was back in his grandmother's garden, her dressed in all white and him in a navy blue. Purple and pink flowers all around and a beautiful band playing the best of music. 

But he remembered, betrayal. He was to love her in life and death. He had loved her with all his heart for the past ten years in life and now swears by his vows to love her in death. At this point it seemed the only way he could possibly love her. Betrayal. Just then he felt his hand loosen slightly and she was able to reach up and scratch him across the face causing a troll of blood across the bathtub and floor. How was he going to explain this. He needed help. He needed to call his cousin James who always had his back since they were kids. 

He took care of James when his parents died in a car accident when James was only 15 years old. Since then, Martin has been the best father figure to James that anyone could’ve asked for. Whenever Martin would need help, James would come with open arms and tie up any loose ends that may need caring for. This time was no different. James, I need you to come to the loft, it’s Patricia, something has happened, and I really need your help. See you soon boss.

When James arrived at the loft, he found a very wet and lethargic Patricia laying across the bathroom floor gasping for air.  Sir…. boss…Martin, what is going on here?  My gif you’re going to kill her! James, I don’t ask you to help me with things that are not utterly important to me. This is of the upmost importance to me. So, get in there and grab her and drown her James.  Sir, I don’t think I can do this one. I have known Mrs.Patricia for the majority of my life. I respect her. Well, she doesn’t respect us son. Watch. And with that an awful scream was heard as Martin picked her up and shoved her face back under the water under, she became almost unconscious. Stop! Just then Martin lets up on Patricia’s head and sits her up against the wall. 

Do you care to tell me why you can’t watch my beloved bride be murdered? It’s not right stated James. James if you don’t pick her up and drown her, I’ll be forced to get rid of you. You see I found the emails. I found the correspondence between you and Patricia. I know that you’ve been seeing my wife for the past year behind my back. I also know that Patricia has recently told me she is expecting our first child. Except, except James that I’m sterile and I cannot have children. So, what does this mean for me and you. This means that behind my back you have been with my wife and now have my son or daughter growing inside of her. 

Just as Martin, reaches down to Patricia to knock her head against the tile wall, James reaches for a pipe from under the sink and slams it against Martins temporal lobe. Immediate blood runs down his face and he slumps over and there’s no signs of life. 

James runs over to Patricia slapping her face lightly and asking her to wake up and wake up. She slowly starts to move her eyes and come to. He asks her if she’s okay and that he’s going to call an ambulance. She stops him. Please don’t. I don’t need help. But our baby what about the baby Patricia?

Silly James. This baby isn’t yours. Do you think I would be so stupid to get pregnant by a loser like you? I just needed you to get rid of Martin for me. And it worked. Because you would do anything for me. I don’t understand Patricia…..it’s simple James. Martin always knew he was sterile from the military, I used protection with you, but what no one knew is that I’ve been seeing the love of my life from my childhood. 

Just then James goes to grab her by the hair and mouth and drown her again when she reaches for the pipe and shoves it through his chest. 

She calls 911. She has recorded calls or Martin with James conspiring to murder her. She is taken to the hospital and let go the next day. She’s able to build a life with her child hood sweetheart and they welcomed the birth of their baby girl. Every now and then when she makes a trip to the bathroom to take a bath, she feels a gripping feeling at the top of her head and her feet begin to tighten up again. She fears bathing her baby daily because of these horrible memories. But Patricia got away with the ultimate betrayal, more than once and it was only a matter of time before karma headed her way. 

Martin and James were buried next to each other. Brothers before and after life. 

March 11, 2024 05:13

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