Fiction Speculative


The stage was set for tonight. The gaudy, red and yellow canvas of big top beaming from outside. It was a full house. The crowd thronged the hippodrome as they perched on their seats. Mr. Jack, the Stardust circus owner had pushed the envelope this time. Everything from the lightings to the props were exclusively designed using the finest of the materials. Dave was getting dressed backstage having his face and neck painted white, leaving none of his underlying natural skin visible. It was not only a big night for the Stardust company but also Dave and the other actors. Mr. Jack had cinched a good appraisement for all the performers post the success of the show. Sliding the oversized outfit down his head, he felt encumbered and suffocated. It was not the burden of the costume but his life which was tribulating. Lately his relationship with his wife was going through a patchy road.

But it had not been like this always. Pulling out his wrinkled polka dots hat from the dilapidated trunk Dave ambled out of his makeup room. The reminiscence of the hearts and flowers filled his eyes. Dave and Anita were high school lovers. Dave was a gorgeous, well proportioned and chivalrous young man. His love for theatre was eminent amongst all the high schoolers. It was only during one of his plays that Anita had fell for him head over heels. Dave was oblivious of Anita’s intentions as he was always captivated in refining his acting skills. He wanted to pursue acting as his career and given the talent he possessed no one could have spurned his ambitions.

Meanwhile, Anita’s one-sided love kept blossoming. She had asked one of her theatre friends to introduce him to Dave. After their first meeting, Anita had already exchanged numbers. She left no opportunity to get closer to Dave and gradually their friendship grew into fondness. Eventually Dave gave into her, and they were declared as a couple by their gang of friends.

“Hey Dave, your boots are in the storeroom”, said Jay one of the aerialists shaking Dave from his evocation. “Mhm, thanks mate”, said Dave weakly. As he approached the storeroom, he overheard heavy breathing and moaning. Peeping through the little glass embedded on the top of the door, he saw darkness of the room being broken by the flashes of swirling LEDs hung over the amphitheatre. It was Mark and Carol the trapeze performers. Teleported back to the memory lane Dave remembered making love to Anita behind the backstage after one of his plays. The theatre was empty, and the lights had gone dim. Kissing Anita under the shallow red light of the emergency exit door he still remembered the fragrance coming from her hair while his fingers caressing her neck.

They were totally in love with each other. Given Dave’s disposition he was a very loyal friend and lover. The whole school was the testimony of his loyalty. He could have never cheated on anything in his life.

Dave and Anita had made plans for their marriage, house and even kids. Everything was going smooth. it seemed that the whole universe was predisposed towards their happiness, as Dave one morning got a call from a big production firm informing that he was shortlisted for a series of TV commercials. This not only meant that his gates for acting career had opened but it also brought in the money. Dave had immediately called Anita to share this piece of news. Anita was delighted to the core. “That calls for some celebration” cheered Anita. “I’m coming right up, get your wine bottle ready” exulted Anita. Two bottles down they both gazed at the starry night sitting in the balcony wrapped in one warm blanket. “Love you Anita”, murmured Dave in a husky voice dropping a kiss on her shoulder. “Let’s get married”, he continued. Gulping the last sip from her glass, Anita looked at Dave wide-eyed amazement. The adrenalin rush made her go red in face. This was one thing she had ever wished for, and it came true under that starry night. “Yes”, she uttered holding Dave’s hands firmly. She snugged into the blanket, slowly leaning over Dave and giving him a kiss.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Welcome to the Stardust Circus. Put your hands together for the first act of the night - the gravity defying geniuses, airborne adventures, titanic tumbles – Amazing Acrobats!”, announced the ringmaster. The atmosphere was filled with the generous applause from the audience. Jen jerked open the storeroom door muttering words for Mark and Carol. “Get a room both of you”, she snarled. Mark and Carol swiftly moved out rubbing off against Dave. “Now you Mr. Clown, get your butt moving”, she shrieked at Dave. Jen was Mr. Jack’s personal assistant, but she owned the floor. Dave grabbled the storeroom to dig out his large boots and headed back to his makeup room. Looking himself in the mirror he fixed his yellow curly wig underneath the hat. Slowly touching his face to feel the scar on his right cheek, the flashes from the burning car appeared in the mirror in front of him. Dave and Anita had just moved into their new house after marriage. Dave was doing quiet well in his acting career and had saved enough to make the down payment for their house. Anita had started living the life she had always dreamed off. Eating out, coffee dates and weekend getaways had now become a part of her lifestyle. Dave’s love for Anita was beyond these desires and he never saw these matters as an impediment for their future. But like they say life is unpredictable, and destiny is something you cannot control a day came in their lives which turned the whole world around them.

Dave and Anita had slept late after coming back from their weekend getaway to a lavish holiday resort and spa. Apparently, it was very highly spoken about in Anita’s girl gang. She had joined an elite group where there were either spoilt rich daughters or overly pampered rich wives. And in the FOMO (fear of missing out) she started convincing Dave to make the bookings for the coming weekend. Dave being the loving husband did not even think twice before booking, but it turned out that the resort was more far than what they had expected for a weekend gateway. Tired from the travel they had slept like a log after hitting the bed that night. “Holy cows, my shoot”, bawled Dave jumping out of his bed sprinting into the bathroom. He had slept over his alarm and was now late for his big shoot. It was a very renowned production house and cracking that one meant opening the gateways for bigger roles. Dodging the traffic, he galloped the roads to reach the venue. Not realising a turn, he got hit by a tow truck from his right. The car flipped and dragged all the way long to the next round about. The leaking fuel burnt and lit the car up in flares. Fortunately, there was fire station near by and they were able to take Dave out in time before the car crushed like crumbled paper. The damage had been caused and Dave’s face received severe burns. But the scars which ensued after the accident were even more appalling. Dave lost his job as no one was ready to cast an actor with a burnt face. They had to sell their house as they needed money for Dave’s treatment. The car was already gone. The insurance claim was consumed in meeting the daily errands. Things started to drift between Dave and Anita. Anita being used to her lavish lifestyle was not able to keep up with this debasement. Her agitation appeared now in her behaviour towards Dave. She started humiliating Dave and blaming him for their state.  “You are worthless Dave”, said Anita with her eyes red from crying. “There is nothing left in you. I cannot bear this relationship anymore I need to break free”. This was a new Anita for Dave. “I’ll make things alright baby, trust me” he tried to calm her down. “Trust bullshit. We both know there is no career in this world of glamour without a face damn it.” she yelled pushing Dave away from her. “That’s it I just have a week before I leave, if you think you can turn things around then this is your last chance.” she bustled out of the house leaving behind Dave broken and shattered to the core.

It was then that Dave reviewed his options to get back on the track of life. He was crushed from the accident and had lost all his hopes. One morning he came across an advert for a clown in the Stardust Circus Company. With a little ray of hope he went an auditioned for it. Given his excellent acting skills he could imitate any character. This talent got him that job and he started working the circus. Though the earning were meagre but the thought of supporting the house financially kept him going. Anita had also joined as a receptionist in one of the restaurants. But she started distancing herself from Dave. She used to come late nights and leave early. Dave had tried reasoning her a few times, but she used to dodge the questions stating it was her workload and that she was taking up extra hours for more money.

The Stardust Circus was all set to produce their biggest show of the year and brought hopes in the life of all the artists associated. Dave was also looking forward to a good pay rise. It was a big day and Dave was all set to give his ultimate performance. “Presenting to you ladies and gentlemen our next act for the evening, please welcome Dave the Clown.”, announced the ringmaster. Dave came tumbling out of the backstage like he was drunk. Waving to the audience he started juggling the balls he had stuffed inside his costume. He showed his big happy smile and then inverted his lips to show the sadness with tears painted red on his cheeks. He continued engaging the audience in his acts and children were specially entertained. The show was a big hit, and all the actors were called in backstage for a after party where Mr. John had declared the news everyone had been waiting for.

Dave’s happiness was evident in his voice as he congratulated his co artists for the amazing efforts. All he wanted to do was rush and hug Anita. So, still in his clown attire he slipped out of the party and headed towards her restaurant. It was already late, and he knew all the staff would be in the kitchen signing off for the day. Dashing through the back door he was greeted with a waiter, who was drinking from the leftover wine bottle. “Hey Joker “, he muffled. Thinking only about Anita, Dave was not interested in baby sitting a dipso and headed straight inside the restaurant. Seeking Anita, he entered the restroom lobby.  He heard a murmur and slowly paced towards the restroom door. Opening the door gently he saw Anita wrapped in Nick’s arms her dress half opened. Nick was the owner of the restaurant Anita was working for. Dave’s heart pinched as if someone had hammered a nail inside him. Shattered and broke he rambled back to the kitchen; the waiter was still there pouring himself another glass. “Hey, you clown”, he muttered as Dave walk passed by like a defunct.

That was indeed what life had made him, a joker. 

July 28, 2023 12:12

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