Christian Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of substance abuse.

Everything s so sad she don't know where she was Jane expecting it was going to be like this she was t really for it at all suddenly can't take it at all suddenly she shivered and went cold all over thinking how could something or someone bring her out here to see this if all places to see this if all things the mist is spreading and drifting damp fingers over her skin into mouth. Her eyes .and yet strange movement s .shapes rising lumbering towards her and reaching out to her she could hear moaning and sighing . desperate she tried to turn and and run but she could not move feels like she is sinking in whatever she is stuck standing on and sudden realise d she is on a sandy shore by a river and couldn't remember when or how she ended there while then seeing a ghostly figure floating approach toward her and trying to scream but no sound would come out afraid of being suffer aged by this ghost thing then suddenly sees the ghost change into human form as her deceased loved good long time friend who passed away not so long ago he smiled at her and all now is calm and quiet . suddenly the image of her dying friend ended up back as a ghostly figure and gently floats away into invisible air and Jane found herself waking up in her own bed back home and can't believe if this all was a dream of this message by ghost figure of her love d passed away friend .oh well .she says and climbed out of bed and a book to read through breakfast and tv. And few days pigeon two of em seem occupied if visiting her unit Balcony day by day and laid to eggs on her balcony in a nest they built there and there on corner of her balcony and soon is surprisingly overwhelming with the two eggs hatching and having two newborn baby pigeon s on her own balcony and remembering that eerie ghost dream. Of her deceased loved one visiting. Her .well maybe no dream and the pigeons she believed now we're a gift from her loved one in heaven for her protection as Jane had been having a few issues with a nosy neighbours and one of the nosy neighbour who mainly made fun of Jane for her disability and hoard if books in her unit . well believing when that old neighbour Monique had suddenly gotten sick and ended in hospital and and never been able to return to her unit down below .maybe Jane thought it were could been a punishment of her neighbour sudden getting sick and Jane's old friend did this punishment to Monique through his reincarnation of that male pigeon with the female pigeon who ended up with layed eggs on her balcony it must be Monique's punishment to die sudden with mysterious lines so Jane could live safe from harm of this old evil neighbour Monique who constantly harrassing and malign Ed Jane unti Monique illness and death came to her .what a mystery eerie of a thing no one can believe what the after life of a dead one can do in spirit to protect there friend s on earth still .Jane could now live free of worry bit there is another old neighbour who also malign and making fun of Jane by talking behind her back and nice talking to her face though . but that other old woman supposed to one day have her just desserts of this crucial turn up.but this other old neighbour is kind of ok and nothing worse like Monique who really wanted to harm Jane and Jane's pigeon family are still on her balcony and though the pigeons babies have grown up and are flying but keeping on return to Jane's balcony so she started buying pigeon bird seed and putting it out on her balcony with a clean bowl of water for them each day and noone dare sor tried to harm Jane anymore or speak rubbish about her disability and her hoard of books in her unit all thanks the pigeon s which Jane called her spiritual birds as her gift from her loved one in heaven and believe she really is watching over her and. She communicate through him with some nice music on her radio and when that happens the music play ing she could hear the wind rustling right out her door and window and sometimes when hear s scratch sound. It is only pigeons feeding the seeds Jane supplies then to eat and the water .sudden seems like an omen of luck for something for Jane .maybe a money win .or a bigger House to own one-day of her own for more books and shelves. And if all goes well with her pokermachine gambling sometime

A nd her pigeon s stay around .forever think but who knows what happens much later into the future .but Jane will be safe with all her bookshelf s in her own housing unit.. sometime though through night in her unit when she sits and reads she often hears sound s in her unit when all is quite and the sound are some book falling off the shelf or something more serious as the sound of a crying or something once when she was tired from a long day out she positive heard a voice as she layed on her bed and couldn't sleep with her fatigue but when overhear d the voice sounded like telling her it's gonna be ok .so she slept normal and wakes up normal with the normal sound of her pigeon s cooing softly so she puts out to more clean water there fresh seeds for then and she the n has her breakfast..all is well in her blessings. She thinks .but another story of this shall be continued and hope all she think s would stay well and her support workers don't never put her into a home in the future as she would say she'd then would end the whole service of support through her NDIS plans which she would have her right her support workers and it is her say really and vowed she would stay in her own unit with her pigeon s on her balcony and her bookshelf svin her unit .no.matter of her support workers she will now continue to fight for her right to stay where she is now blessed with the spiritual pigeons .

October 21, 2023 04:12

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