Non-Freedom Reigns

Submitted into Contest #45 in response to: Write a story about solidarity.... view prompt



The schools are now empty standing like sentinels waiting for something to happen. The children are all gone, nowhere to be found on this nice sunny day. What has our generation done to create such a scene of horror to the average eye. 

The eyes that once saw what children at play looked like. What true freedom really was. How security made us feel. It was there once upon a time, but somehow it has become lost in the past few decades of living. People are no longer concerned with the well being of their fellow man or even themselves for that matter. They are truly robots now, just living their lives from one second to the next with no real hope for the future and how it might relate to the rest of the planet.

Oh everyone says to live your dreams the way you want but anyone that seems to try anymore just gets lost in the process and never really fully engages in the dream. Somehow the process keeps them from actually experiencing the dream because it takes up too much of their time just to put the dream in place and to keep it there for them to live their lives with potential and intention.

But wasn’t that the main intention, to keep us all with our ‘eyes on the prize’ but to never actually get the prize. Because by focusing on the prize but never getting it it gives us something to hope for that we may or may not have intended to have faith in.

Life has gotten so out of hand though that most of us don’t even know our names let alone what we are waking each day for. We all walk around in a daze wondering what our purpose in life really is. And when we think we see what it is we grab it and clutch it with everything we have only to find out at the end of our lives that it wasn’t our purpose after all and that we have wasted our whole lives running after something that wasn’t meant for us. So what do we do? How do we recognize our purpose?

Most gurus will tell you to be silent within yourself and to follow the silence. But most of us have no clue as to how to be silent within ourselves. We have been brainwashed by the masses for so long to believe that we need to stay busy and keep our heads down that we don’t know how to look up and out into the real world which was put there to embrace and comfort us not to be cold and unfeeling towards us. 

If only we could imagine again. If only we could open our minds back to the universe and let the universe take all our pains, anguishes, and misfortunes and turn them back into what they were intended to be, love, hope, desire and freedom. 

That’s a word you hear all the time but no one seems to know what it really means. ‘Freedom‘ is a word that everyone in the United States thinks they have but really are just slaves to the establishment. What is freedom? If you ask me what the definition of it is I will tell you freedom is the ability to wake each morning without the weight of having to face another day at a job you hate or that you don’t belong in to begin with. Freedom is getting to try out your dreams to see if they truly are what you desire without any repercussions of changing your mind. Freedom is not being harassed by other individuals because you are different in any way shape or form. Freedom is following ‘your’ dreams without people telling you you can’t. Freedom is taking the time, even if it is your whole life to figure out who you truly are as an individual. Freedom is just being able to “Be” without others telling, showing and pushing you into being something you are not. Freedom is having the right to say what is on your mind without all the negative feedback from others that are not living in your shoes.

I’m a big fan of freedom, but everyone else that claims that they are free just want to hear themselves talk because the words that come from them are almost always words that continue to keep themselves and others from being truly free to live their lives and live their existence the way they see fit. Especially when it is hurting no one to live in a peaceful manner. In fact if anything they’re living in a way that should be a model for others to aspire to, but other people get so jealous of someone else's peacefulness or contentedness that they feel nothing more than to knock them down and away from their freedom. The jealous ones that seem to think they know what freedom is, seem to be the ones keeping the vicious cycle of non-freedom going so that no one acquires it.

The empty schools seems to be a metaphor for all the lost souls that never got their fair share of freedom. The empty souls walking around in this world like zombies.

In a way we created these schools that lay vacant. They represent all of the vacant souls that attend the classes there, whether the buildings, themselves are actually open or not. Most of the children today seem lost, wondering if there is a future. Some of them probably wonder if it will include freedom or not based on the direction our leaders are taking us.

It seems just when humanity is on the precipice of figuring out their purpose and how to live it, someone comes along and knocks us back into the ‘dark ages’, leaving us to start over from scratch again.

Unfortunately, this time it will take a little longer to catch back up. We have made a mess of things. I only hope that we can learn, finally, from All our mistakes and move forward together as one and not as a disjointed, disfunctional, species.

June 12, 2020 03:39

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