Crime Drama Sad

I am not happy with what I have done but I did what I did and I cant change it.

Let me start from the beginning.



"Mom wheres my makeup?"

"Right were you left it on tour make up stand."

"You know I wish you wouldn't wear makeup it bad for your skin."

"Found it thanks mom."

"I know you hate makeup but I love it."

I applied my makeup to make my face look better.

Today is going to be the best day ever.

Its talent show day at school and I want to look my best.

I also hope that I get in the top three winners that is my dream.

I got to school.

I cant wait to see all my friends.

I walked to my locker to see my friends waiting for me.

"Hey girls."

They dont look very happy.

"Dont hey use we know what you did behind our back you back stabber."

"What are you talking about?"

"I would never talk behind about anything."

"Were talking about the talent show you went behind our back to do the show by yourself without telling us."

"Is that what this is about?"

"You both said you wanted nothing to do with the talent show."

"Yep you said it we want nothing to do with the talent show and now your part of it and we want nothing to do with you."


They said nothing else and walked away.

They told didnt tell me that I couldn't join.

Whatever I guess we are not true friends after all.

I put my stuff in my locker and headed to the auditorium.

I am so excited to show my dancing skills.

I watched as the other kids did there talents on the stage it's almost my turn I started walking on the stage when I was stopped by the police.

"Hey what gives?"

"Emily you are under arrest for robbery and murder."

"What I wouldn't hurt anyone I am not that kind of person."

They pit the hand cuffs on me and walked me out of the school.

I was put into the cop car.

We got to the station they walked me into a cubed room for integration.

"We are going to ask you some questions."

"Ok I have nothing to hide."

"Wheres the money?"

"What money?"

"I am not a thief."

So there still talking about that robbery that happend last night.

"Ok if you wont confess."

"Where were you the night of the robbery?"

"Bakeing cookies with my mother."

"After we made cookies we sat down and watched horror movies all night."

"Ok thanks for tour time."

"Book her and get her a bed in jail."

"What but I didnt do anything."

"You better get me my lawer."

"I also want my phone call."

They walked me to the phone.

I called my mother.


"Hi mom it me Emily."

"I was pit under arrest for last night's murder."

"I am so scared."

"I asked for a lawer as well."

"Good girl I will be there soon."

My mother hung up the phone.

The police walked me to the sell that i am going to stay in for I dont know how long I am hoping not long.

I talked to the lawer with my mother.

I was told I was going to stay in jail until they found out the truth.

The police said they had a video with my face on it.

They showed me the video but it wasn't me it was my exfriends.

"Thoughs two are kids from my class."

"Who are they?"

"Carly and Lilly."

I was walked to the jail sell again.

"What but it's not me this isn't right."

I was literally thrown into the sell.

I cried myself to sleep.

I stated to makeing lines on the wall for days that I am in jail.

It's already been twenty day how many more before I can go back home and sleep in my conftable bed.

I cant wait to see my mother and my family again.

I miss my mother so much.

I would say the same for my father but he was never there for my mother and I he left when I was born.

The days here in jail are all the same I work in the laundry room for half the day and after lunch I ckean all the dishes.

That's my life now.

My mother visits me once a week.

That's the limit for me is one day a week because they dont want me to conspire with the outside world and have them kill and rob another place.

I don't know why this is happening to me.

I mean I know why because my exfriends framed me for something just because of this talent show.

"Emily your mother's on the phone."

They walked me to the phone and the window thank let's me see my mother.

I pick up the phone.

"Hi mother how are things?"

"They would be better of you were out."

We talked for five minutes less time than before.

They grabbed me I pulled away.

"No I get more time with my mother."

I grabbed the phone again.

They grabbed me and hand cuffed me.



I started crying.

I look at my mother she was crying to.

I was thrown in the sell again.


Today is day one hundred and tenth day being here in jail I get to put another line on the wall.

I haven't been able to see my mother since the whole thing that happend I miss her so very much.

I am so happy that today is the day I go to court.

About and hour i was on the stand being asked questions.

After everything in court it's time to hear what the judges have to say.

"We find the defendant guilty of robbery and murder."

"What theres so much saying that I am not guilty and your all saying I am guilty."

"This is unjustified."

"I want justice."

I was taken by force by the police.

We get back to my jail sell and I was once again thrown in jail.

I lay in bed refusing to eat and or do anything.


I woke up I went to put another lone on the wall but all the lines that I put up were all gone.

What's going on everything started to fade away.

Disappear from my eyes.

I jolted awake.

It was all a bad dream.

I thought I was in jail but I am at home in my comfortable bed.

I jumped out of bed ran down stairs my mother makeing breakfeat.

"Moring sweetie your up early."

"Mom you will never believe it but I had a bad dream that I was in jail for the rest of my life."

"I would make lines on the jail wall but it all disappeared before my eyes and I woke up and now I am here talking to you about."

"Wow that's a bad dream for sure."

"I am so happy that you are not wearing makeup today."

"Yea your right about it."

"That's the first I am right?"

"I dont believe it."

I laughed.

"Your right."

"I also remember you telling me that I am beautiful without all that makeup on so I am listening to you and not wearing makeup."

"I am so proud of you."

December 30, 2020 02:57

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