I wait for my eyes to adjust to my surroundings it too a few minutes but it actually happened.i noticed I was laying on a bed,I can feel the springs in my spine there are plain white sheets.on the bed now seem soaked in my sweat looking around and can't remember anything.i sit up on my bed to farther my surroundings as I sit up on my bed there is no longer a blanket around the floors are made of concrete.where am who am i .
Looking up at the ceiling I noticed a trapd9r as I hop up on the bed and trying to open for my escape.to hard .won't budge oh well I say I ll try late.
Suddenly I noticed a tray of food being pushed under the door if any other sort iveat all the food and then have the water I climbed back to bed shut my eyes woken soon . seeing four men in White coats as sting they can heal me as I spoken where am I and the men introduced themselves as the doctor s of the hospital and again.u was in the hospital and the doctor helped me regain.and only head a big crash ob ne when I entered the kitchen.and so given me some syrup and when I was feeling better U gotten to go home to enjoy the rest of xnas .
I got home opened my front door and there weren't two best friends and family waiting for me walking in my house and we all sit through a Xmas dinner.. so far from the hospital and they set about the hospital to heal my lost memory to be able to get back home for Xmas with the family and family were allowed to be able to get back to me as soon as possible why . cause of my secret service work and my short problem of amnesia for while and not remembering ending up in hospital Maybe for best as ge return home feeling better and I with my kids and partner it turned out to be great Xmas for me and my parent and the park and and I sit with book and read a book and listen to her face story and gw old missle still hanging omup each Xmas well maybe my older daughter will be kissed under the mistletoe when grown and ends up with a nice guy to date my brother and sister are made of the box office success also worked as doctor later my brother had some sort of break down so slowly took his life .what was his real problem really just being a nuisance for nothing.abdctgwn after our lavish Xmas dinner we would open presents and talk till us young kids had to taken bach home to bed and U got to go home to bed and just in time before sun the rain and a storm.hits Iandvtgen clear sunny and I going to have the same and the park and the stolen from the bin . and happy to be back home instead of around everything is so expensive in supermarkets and a few enjoy the day before and all the food was delicious at the hospital and the Xmas Eve and I wonder I the hospital again on copper road as I hit my head again and fell unconcious.dont know but my. Legs don't seem to work too well for some reason .I am middle aged but refused aged care facility.as on hearing the staff don't treat the patient well enough so I get to stay in my own house with drop by aged care workers if any need for shopping and when back home again after another bout of amnesia and doctor s explained how to to treat this happens again and the plan is to get more rests on my bed and breakfast and lunch and dinner band early bed time for me now another normal day after Xmas wine in morning,had breakfast shower a decent decent amount of food in the table . and normal in hous couple next door constantly scream o.mayvecouple nextdoor argue slot as there young daughter had been kidnapped on one Xmas Eve and never returned but the couple next door a bit too old to make another baby so talked about seperation and divorce which is exactly what happened husband later many years takes his life with a bottle of wine and died on street and wife ends in hospital again and a nursing home for her leg
To test theany bad signs ... well wife had blood test results in a few minutes to get back to you and thanks for the hospitals and her legs are saved and when tell her it's time to go home but says no not without her husband there .the one that committed suicide with that bottle of wine and so wife gets out into aged care facility though years ago had been resistance to to any aged care know her other children are growing up and soon won't be around there mum to help her so if happy to be placed and in aged care facility.and then the end
Learns to see and knit with wool nd of course wanted to sell her creations she knitted and but later died and then the house had very like a ghost house no-one cleaned out her house four while after the death and never went in the market for her house yes maybe people walking by possible could hear a ghost mosnibgccthv.mstvevuvturbrd into that ighist so no-one could still wanna live in My. home.butvwhatever happened to that hiue in the Future well it hard to get bull dozed.tgw ending of now
Though thanks to the real estate agent for keeping the old home opened for me and my family to grow old in and die ..but U went to aged carr when husband died firstly.
The end of now I hope.the story's started out amnesia rest in t.alm the family.
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