Drama Fiction Romance

The Soulmate Book 

If a book could tell you who your soulmate is, would you read it? 


The trees stood proudly, their leaves painted with color as their branches swayed in the wind and their trunks creaked. I pulled my red hair back, tying it into a messy pony-tail.

After all these years, I was back. It was a strange feeling. I loved the scenery; I loved the mountains, the cold gray sky and roaring ocean as it crashed onto the cliffs by the shore. So, if I loved it so much, why was I hesitating? 

I didn’t have time to think about it. Letting out a quick breath, I looked up the driveway that curled its ways into the trees. No place like home, right

My parent’s house looked the same as it always had, a log-cabin with large windows overlooking the sea. Red roses clung to the flower boxes outside the windows, matching the door. 

That’s right, Mom always did love the color red. That was why she named me Poppy, and why she was ecstatic that I had red hair. 

I smiled, knocking on the door loudly. It took her a moment to open it, and when she did, her green eyes widened, and she smiled warmly. 

“Poppy!” She rushed forward, engulfing me in a hug. 

I always loved giving my Mom hugs. Even when I was little, the feeling of being wrapped in warm arms that loved me was something I hoped to never take for granted. 

“Mom,” I grinned, looking her up and down, “you look great!” 

She hadn’t changed much in the past few years. She was wearing a green cardigan and jeans, her eyes sparkling, and her curly hair was pulled back in a messy bun. 

“Oh honey,” she opened the door wider for me to come in, “ It's been way too long

 since I've had you here to butter me up with compliments. We both know who’s the pretty one here.” 

I rolled my eyes, “I’m no liar, Mom.” 

She winked, “But you are blind, honey.” 

“I’m wearing contacts.” I said flatly, shrugging off my coat as she shut the door. “Hey, where’s Dad?” 

“Oh he’s at the bookstore talking with the new owner.” She glanced at me with a knowing gaze. 

“What?” I asked skeptically, knowing Mom was hinting at something.

“I was just thinking about how many old friends you left behind here.” She turned, calling over her shoulder as she made her way to the kitchen, “do you want coffee?” 

“Do you even have to ask?” I chuckled. 

“Extra strong, coming right up.” 

I made my way to the living room, sitting down and waiting for Mom to join me. When she handed me the cup, I thanked her, took a sip, and enjoyed the warmth of the coffee. 

“So why the sudden visit?” She asked shrewdly. 

Color stained my cheeks, and I looked down at my cup, smiling softly. 

“Look, we both know I’m getting married in a few months, and everything is going to change…” 

Mom’s brows lowered, a question clearly in her eyes. “Are you getting cold feet?” 

“No, I mean,” I paused, letting out a breath, “yes, I am, but I figured out a way to fix it!” 

Mom nodded slowly, “Everyone get’s cold feet Poppy, it’s normal and it’ll go away with time. Unless,” she paused “it’s not cold feet… Are you having doubts?” 

My eyes widened, “No! Mom, no! Braiden’s a great guy, and he’s everything I’ve ever wanted–” 

“Well, everything you’ve ever wanted, after Aries.”

I groaned, “Mom, can we please leave him out of this?” I let out a sigh, rubbing my temples, “Look, I didn’t know what I wanted until after I was with Aries.” My eyes flickered, “Then I realized I wanted anything but him.” 

“People fight, Poppy, it’s a part of life.” 

“Yeah, but you should be able to work out those fights, and we never could. That’s why I want–no, that’s why I love Braiden, because he doesn’t fight with me!” I put my cup down and crossed my arms.

“So,” Mom took a second to absorb what I said, “how will you fix your cold feet?” 

I nodded, “You know how Grandma was always talking about the Soulmate book?” 

Mom laughed incredulously, “You mean the one she claimed could tell you who your soulmate is?” She paused and leaned forward, suddenly concerned, “You aren’t thinking—?” 

I rolled my eyes, “Yes Mom, I am. And even if it doesn’t work, it used to be Grandma’s, so I’d really like to have it.” 

Mom sighed and cocked her head to examine me closer. It was the look she always got when she was trying to read my mind, and it seemed to always work. 

She looked at me knowingly and shook her head. “Well, even if I did have it, which I don’t, I really don’t think a silly legend should be the deciding factor in such an important decision as who to marry.” 

I frowned, “Who, then? I don’t have any other options Mom, the question is whether I should or shouldn’t marry at all.” 

“Of course.” 

I let out a groan, it was more than obvious that she didn’t agree with me. But that wasn’t the main problem. 

“Wait, you don’t have the book?” I choked down a breath of air, “Please tell me you know where it is?” 

Mom frowned, “I told you, I don’t think you should make such an important decision–” 

“I know, I know. Just tell me where the book is!” Her eyes flickered and I let out a sigh. “I’m sorry,” I said, “I just really need to know where it is.” 

“I gave it to the Pelican Bayside bookstore a few days ago when I was going through the attic. You could probably find it there, most books don’t sell too fast.” She tucked a loose curl behind her ear, and that knowing look returned.

I stood, slipping on my coat, ignoring her glance, “Great! Thanks for helping me Mom!” I gave her a hug before grabbing my purse and heading out the door. 

“Wait, Poppy, there’s something—”

“See you tonight at dinner!” I interrupted, shutting the door behind me. Looking back, I am amazed that my Mom had the foresight to see what I couldn’t.

Little did I know what was to come.

Pelican Bayside Bookstore was as quaint as it was comforting. The smell of coffee wafted through the countless shelves of books, and you could almost feel their longing to be read as you drifted by.  

The owner didn’t seem to be around, and when I asked one of the workers about when I could talk to him, they said he was speaking with a customer and would be with me shortly. Since I was never good at waiting, I decided to look around. I almost knew the place as well as I knew my own mind. 

My heart warmed, all those books, with so many different stories to tell!  

I grinned, thumbing through the books and picking one of my all time favorites: Pride and Prejudice. 

“At least you haven’t lost your love of books.” When the sarcastic voice behind me spoke, I knew immediately who it was. I didn’t have to look at him to know, his voice was as familiar to me as my own. 

I turned slowly, praying he wouldn’t notice how I was shaking. 


“Surprised to find me here? Sorry to disappoint.” He smiled bitterly, folding his arms across his chest. Standing at six-three, with wild blonde hair, deep brown eyes and broad shoulders, he was the kind of guy most girls would die for. But since I knew how painful dying over a guy could be, I took a hard pass when it came to him. 

“And you wonder why I didn’t like you.” I said flatly. 

“If I recall correctly, you did like me.” 

“Yeah, but you ruined it.” I ran a hand through my hair, “Look, I didn’t come here to dredge up the past.” 

He snorted, “Always so pleasantly roundabout. Just tell me what you want.” 

I gritted my teeth. I had forgotten how much he got on my nerves. “My Mom gave you a book the other week? The Soulmate Book? I want to buy it back.” 

Aries stared at me like I was crazy. When I didn’t blink or tell him I was joking, he started to laugh. 

“You’re serious?” He asked breathlessly. 

I didn’t respond. 

Straightening, he shook his head. “You're crazy.” 

“Just give me the book and I’ll pay you money, then we’ll both live happily ever after. Tadaa! The end.” I rolled my eyes sarcastically. 

“You always think you know what everyone else wants.” His lip curled in disgust. 

My face flushed in anger. “Well usually, I’m right. Now give me the book!” 

“Wow, demanding much?” He turned, heading to his desk and grabbing his water bottle, slowly took a drink. He finally looked at me, as if just remembering that I was still there. “I don’t have the book anymore, I sold it.” 

“What?” I couldn’t contain my annoyance, “And you couldn’t have told me earlier before I wasted my time talking to –to–you?” 

He smirked, “So talking to me is a waste of time?” Motioning to one of the staff, he said, “watch over the place, I won’t be gone long.” Then turning to me, he jingled his keys, “Get in the car.” 

“Oh yeah, and that’s not demanding at all.” I said sweetly, “Mind explaining why you’re commanding me to come along?” 

“Always willing to judge someone before you know the whole story,” he pulled on his coat. “We’re going to the lady who bought the book. You could probably buy it back if you were willing to pay double the price.” He shrugged, walking to the door.

“Double?” My voice trembled slightly, just how much was the book worth? 

Aries paused, let out a groan and turned to look me in the face. “If you don’t get in the car now, I will pick you up and carry you there.” 

Most people might think he was joking at this point, but Aries never joked. I had had firsthand experience of just what he could do if his will was crossed. 

“Do you even understand the concept of free-will?” I asked, but I still followed him to the car. Better safe than sorry. 

He unlocked the door, and I slid into the passenger's seat. I waited for a response. But he shut the door and started the car without speaking. I was beginning to think he wasn’t planning on answering me at all. 

I glanced at him and froze. His eyes were fixed straight ahead, a regretful look on his face.

“What’s wrong?” I asked cautiously. 

He covered his eyes with his hands. “Could you please stop meddling in my business? You don’t even know what’s going on.” 

I laughed in surprise, “Oh, then enlighten me!” 

Aries swallowed, putting the car in drive and making his way out of the parking lot onto the road before he answered. “I was just remembering what happened at the river.” A muscle in his jaw twitched, “I still have nightmares about that day.” 

My eyes flickered. “The day at the river?” My breath caught in my throat, “You don’t think that was your fault, do you?” 

He shrugged, a bitter look in his brown eyes. “You were just talking about how I have no respect for free will, remember? I forced you to go to the river even though you didn’t want to, and you ended up getting swept downstream. You were in the hospital for two weeks afterwards with a concussion and broken ribs. If you had died…” his voice broke off and he coughed to cover it up. “I may not have been a good–friend–but I did care about you Poppy. A lot.” 

My hands went cold, and I looked out the window as rain began to fall from the sky. I had no idea how to take in his words, but I did know that Aries, despite his many faults, was no liar. So, I guess the next question was… “Why didn’t you tell me?” 

“I didn't want to look weak.” He said simply, his eyes twinkled, “But I guess in not telling you I just ended up being a coward.” 

“So, all those times you were so controlling about me and my health, it was because you were scared?” I couldn’t believe the words that left my mouth. 

His lips curled sardonically, “No Poppy, I was terrified. Even after you recovered from the accident, your health was never the same. I spent every waking moment scared I would push you too hard and you would just–” his voice became husky, “just shatter, and I wouldn’t be able to put back the pieces.” 

My voice shook, my hands shook, everything shook as I spoke. “If I had known–I just thought you hated how weak I was, that you wanted someone stronger. I can’t explain how much I loathed myself for not being strong.” 

His eyes widened in surprise. Now it was his turn to ask the question. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 

“I guess I was too scared about what the answer might be.” 

He let out a breath and looked at me quickly before directing his gaze back to the road. “Poppy, you know I–I’ve never thought you were weak. Physically you weren’t the strongest person, but that wasn’t what mattered to me. Your character was strong, your morals, and values. That’s what mattered. I never wanted you to–” he shook his head, “Poppy, the last thing I want is for you to hate yourself.” 

I was stunned. These words were coming from Aries’s mouth. The guy I broke up with for being overly demanding and controlling? The guy I thought despised me for being weak? And the whole time he had just been scared of me getting hurt. 

“I can’t believe I’m just hearing this now.” I said flatly. 

Aries chuckled, “I think we’ve both been pretty stupid.” 

“Yeah.” I had to agree. It had been three years since we had broken up, and it had taken all this time for us to actually find out the truth. “I owe you an apology,” I said quietly. 

“Me too, I’m sorry for being a controlling jerk, fueled by fear when I should have been encouraging and kind, fueled by faith.” 

I never in a million years thought those words would cross his lips, and yet when they did, they made more sense than anything he ever said.  

“I’m sorry for being uncommunicative and being so scared that I wouldn’t even ask you what you actually thought.” I had judged him too quickly. I had been a jerk. 

He nodded, turning onto a gravel driveway where a small house stood. “Well, we’re here.” 

I nodded over-enthusiastically. “Yup.” 

“I’ll come with–” he paused, “No, do you want me to come with you?” 

I smiled at his effort, “I’m good. I’ll be back in a minute.” 

The lady who kept the book was very understanding, and unlike Aries thought, didn’t ask me to pay any extra than what she paid. 

The book itself was a thing of beauty, with its gold edged pages, and leather binding. Holding it under my arm, I slid back into the passenger seat and showed it to Aries. 

“Why did you want it anyways?” He asked when I opened the book to see all the pages were blank. 

A sick feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. “Well, I’m about to uh, get married so…” Aries knew the legend behind the book; I knew he would understand. 

His eyes flickered and his voice faltered before he was able to speak. “That’s a piece of information I would have liked to know before I drove you here.” 


His lips curled in a self-mocking smile before he backed the car out of the driveway. “You know why.” 

The rest of the car drive was in utter silence, and when we finally pulled up to the bookstore, Aries stopped me from getting out. 

“At least look at the book, see if the legend is real.” 

I forced a smile, trying to hide the fact that I felt nauseous. “Sure,” I said, even though I was not sure. 

I didn’t want to look at the book. Not anymore. 

Opening it up slowly, I looked at the page and wrote my name down, waiting for something to happen. 

In curling, thick, handwriting, a name appeared. 

A name that stole my breath away. 

           Aries Stoneway 


August 31, 2024 01:32

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Sasha Walters
15:44 Sep 19, 2024

It was a good story i hope you get more followers and likes and comments


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Carmen Rosa
17:44 Sep 11, 2024

I love it! Muy buena historia con tres elementos que me encantan, romance, fantasía y libros.


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Joan Earley
15:08 Sep 05, 2024

This is a super story - well-paced, engaging, sweet. I loved it.


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