My Christmas Eve Secret

Submitted into Contest #7 in response to: Write a story with a child narrator.... view prompt



It was the night that every kid waits for, myself included! The night we planned for all year round. It was Christmas at last! The day the big jolly man from the North gave us all we asked for...or not.


My parents started by pulling out the decorations, while my grandmother baked gingerbread cookies in the kitchen. My sister just played with her doll baby.


My parents strung the lights on the tree and then started with the ornaments. Momma had a special ornament for me and my baby sister, our baby pictures with our birthday at the bottom. They were special to her because we were special to her.


The smell of cookies baking in the oven, Christmas music playing on the radio and light snow falling outside, was just enough excitement to put everyone in the holiday mood.


Once the cookies were in the oven, Grandma came out of the kitchen to join us in decorating the tree, but stopped to admire it first. It wasn't quite finished yet, but it was already very pretty.


I couldn't stop dreaming of the toys I'd get. I was a good boy all year long. I did my chores, my homework and didn't talk back. My teacher even says I was a good boy this year. So I asked for a toy truck, a new bike, Army men, and something that I always wanted...a puppy.


Momma said no, but she likes animals, so she'll say yes. I just know it.


After the tree was decorated, Papa turned off the house lights so we could all admire the finished tree. It was red with gold and green ornaments and a silver star on top. Momma and Grandma cooed, Papa just smiled.


And when Momma said it was time for bed, I didn't fuss, I hurried to brush my teeth and quickly change into my pajamas. I said a quick goodnight to Momma and Grandma and rushed to bed. Papa tucked me in while Momma put my sister to bed.


After he left my room, I squeezed my eyes shut and thought hard about sleep. But it wasn't that easy. I tossed and turned and finally gave up trying. I just laid there instead, looking out my window, watching the snow fall.


I was so scared that Santa would know I was awake, so I shut my eyes even though I wasn't sleepy.


Suddenly, I heard a thump and then another thump. I jumped out of bed and rushed to the window and looked up at the sky. I heard another thump and then another. It could only mean one thing! Santa was here!


I jumped back in bed and threw the covers over my head, excitement and nerves rumbling around in my stomach! It was really him! I closed my eyes and tried counting sheep, anything to trick myself into falling asleep.


But then I heard it. The sound of boots thumping through the house. How could my parents not hear this? I rolled over, smiling and giggling into my pillow. He was really here, right now, about to give me everything I asked for!


I wondered if he was as big and jolly as they say, so I tip toed out of bed and across the floor to my bedroom door. I quietly twisted the knob and pulled the door open, hoping it didn't squeak this time.


I tip toed out of my bedroom and peered over the railing. I could see the shadows from the fireplace in the living room, and I could hear the scuffing and crunching of presents being laid under the tree. I covered my mouth so I didn't make a sound!


But I didn't leave. No, I wanted to stay and see him. So I sat down and pressed my face against the railing, waiting to hear the thump, thump of his boots hitting the hardwood floor.


I knew he was eating those delicious gingerbread cookies Grandma made and I didn't even get one. She said it was too late and I could have one tomorrow. I think I'll have one for breakfast, with a glass of milk, just like Santa.


Thump. Thump. Thump.


It was him! I scooted back against the wall and pulled my knees up to my chin. The thump, thump's of his boots grew closer and closer to the front door and I grew more and more nervous! Johnny and Frankie would never believe this!


I did what no kid in history has ever done. I looked up just as Santa walked to the front door. I saw him with my own eyes! He was dressed in red, with black boots and a red hat to match his suit. He was big and jolly too, like they all said. I couldn't believe my eyes!


But I blinked and suddenly he was gone! I heard thumping on the roof and ran to my bedroom window, peering out with such excitement, I was jumping up and down! I heard a loud thump and up in the sky, Santa's sleigh was leaving my house; the last house on the block.


And Rudolph was guiding his sleigh that night, his red nose shining bright through the snow. I smiled and watched as he grew smaller and smaller until I couldn't see him anymore. I shook my head thinking it was a dream. It was kind of late, maybe I was dreaming. But it felt so real.


I laid back down in my bed and closed my eyes, way too excited to sleep, but too tired to stay awake. So I just kept my eyes closed and listened to the wind, the smile never leaving my face.


Well I must've fallen asleep, because I woke up and it was morning. Christmas morning! I jumped out of bed and grabbed my robe, rushing to pull it on as I ran out of my bedroom. Momma, Papa and Grandma were already awake, I was the only one still sleeping!


I ran down the stairs at top speed and came to a crashing halt in the living room, where a dozen presents sat shining prettily under the tree. I just stared in shock. My Momma pointed out that Santa ate all the cookies we left and drank most of the milk. She handed me a letter also, which had my name printed neatly on the front.


I sat down on the couch and unfolded it.


Dear son,

I enjoyed your cookies and milk, as I do every year. I love gingerbread too.

By the time you read this, I'll be back in the North Pole, sleeping off the rest of the year. But the elves have already started the toys for next Christmas, so start planning what you want for next Christmas.


I feel you've been a good boy this year, but don't stop just because you've gotten what you want. Keep up the good work, son. I hope you enjoy your gifts this year, especially the big one behind the tree.

- Santa


I closed the letter and felt a sense of pride. Santa was proud of me. I jumped up and ran to the biggest present in the back of the tree! It was a box that was unwrapped. I pulled it out and my parents both shared a smile. I untied the box and a puppy jumped out, licking my face and knocking me over.


I finally got what I wanted! And my Mother must've given Santa the okay to give me a puppy or else he's in a lot of trouble.

I cradled the puppy in my arms, even though he was trying to squirm away. Momma says he's a Golden Retriever and that they're really smart.


I think I'll call him Bingo.


But that's not all. I got TWO new trucks, army men and a new blue bicycle!


This was the best Christmas ever!

September 19, 2019 18:44

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