Suspense Fiction Mystery

This story contains sensitive content

Sensitive contain : (It's contain sensitive word like Rabe, and killing, killing him self )

Deeply breath...

Boy voice : Who is there?

Girl voice : Who are you? What bring me here?

Boy: I have no idea , I think someone's listening?

Girl: Why are we here?

Boy: It looks like we are under the ground.

Girl: But we can breathe this place is dark.

Boy: How can you hear me? I am not talking.

Girl: I don't know I am not talking either. Could you move?

Boy: No, and you?

Girl: No, I can't. What can you recall? My recollection is hazy, I can still picture myself traveling with my family to our hometown to see my grandmother. The highway was really misty.My mother requested my father to stop the car so we could get a better look before continuing.


Boy: What happened next?

Girl: I'm not certain, What about you?

Boy: I think my last recall was in school, I was scared and running. I do still remember that my heart was bouncing fast.


Boy: Do you hear someone else?

Girl: I am not sure but I feel that someone's listening to us.

Boy:Yes, I feel that we are not alone. Can I know your name?

My name is Samantha. What is yours?

My name is Samuel. How old are you, Samantha?

Samantha: I am 10 years old, and you?

Samuel: I am 15 years old.

Samantha: I want my dad why he left me here. I am scared.

Samual : I am Orphen. I think no one will notice that I am not around. What about the rest of your family?

Samantha: I live with my parents, but my mother decided to travel and leave us to work in another country. My father feels mad when she decides to do that.

Samual: You said that you had traveled to your home town.

Samantha: Yes, my grandmother asked us to come and talk to both of them and have a short vacation too. What about you?

Samual : I remember that I do live with my aunt and her husband. I have two cousins. I never knew my parents. Can you see anything?

Samantha : No, Did you hear that?

Samual: Yes. That sound is so creepy.

Samantha: I want to go home.

Samual: Actually, I don't mind being here. I hate school.

Samantha: I despise school too, and I hear my parents fighting.

Samual: They always push my trigger to hit someon but I didnt have the courage to do that . They make jokes about me some time they push me around .

Samantha: I don't face many of that. Only one girl she mocks me a lot, but I don't care.

Samual: I think I remember something.

Samantha: What?

Loud sound of footsteps moved above them.

Samantha whispering: Did you hear that?

Samual: Yes, I think he is coming for me.

Samantha : Why do you say that? What is this?

Samual: I will tell you what I remember. The last thing I remember is carrying my aunt's husband's gun. I went to school, and I shot them all.


Samantha: I remember that my father did the same thing you did. Once we stop, they start fighting once more. She says "I will move on without you both , She carry her bag open the car door and walked away. My father took the gun from the car drawer and he walk behind her and shoot her. Then he drove away, but we had an accident right away.The vehicle slid off the bridge and into the water.

The foot steps was closer.

Samuel started crying :I was so angry I heart so many people. I am so sorry for them. I didn't surrender so the police came and shooted me down

Samantha: I was very scared. The feeling of drowning was full of pain.

Samuel: Please don't take me . I am sorry; I didn't mean to do that, please.

Samantha: I think the one who is listening to us is coming now.

Samual started to Yale: No, please don't. I am sorry; they are the reason I have become a murderer. They meet me every day. They hert my soul I felt like a knife is cutting my throat every time they laugh at me I have no friends, no parents, nothing. I am alone and desperate. I regret my actions. I am sorry.


Samuel: Samantha, can you hear me? Where did you go? Please answer me.

Sound of chains, and so Samual closed his eyes and say : He is too close, Samantha, please answer me.

Samantha : I can't talk to you any more. You are a bad person, the same as my mother.

Samual: Your mother?!

Samantha: Yes, because after we filled in the water, My father get out of the car carring me he save my life after he CPR me. However I felt so scared of him so, I ran back to my mother he didnt follow me. I ran for almost fifteen minutes when I saw her she was shoot in the hand when she saw me; she grabbed me by the hair and said, You are the reason for my miserable life.


Samoual: Why Samantha? What happened next?

Samantha cried: She did it; she killed me. She grabbed me, and she shook me to death Iremmber her careless eyes.

Samual: But why? She is your mother.

Samantha: Yes, I know, but when she was young, my father kidnapped her and raped her. Then she got pregnant with me. Her parents forced her to marry him. He loved her too much but she heat him as that much.

Samual, but she is innocent she is a victim too.

Samantha: No one has the right to put another person right and kill him This is unfair, I didn't do anything too. I loved her so much, even though she was so hard on me every day.

Samoul: What happened to your father?

Samantha: I don't know.

Samoul: Did you hear that again?

Samantha: Do you think that we are really dead?

Samoul: Yeah,

Samantha: So why are we still thinking.

Samoul : Perhaps we still require an explanation.

Samantha: I don't want to know the answer any more. I don't want to go back either.

Samual: Did you notice how the sound faded away?

Samantha: How did your parents died?

Samual: They are not dead, then they left me in an orphanage house when I was a newborn and never came back. They gave notice to my aunt about my place, but she didn't come until I was 9 years old.

Samantha: That sounds horrible.

Samual: living it is worse than it sounds.

Samantha: Do you think that you are innocent?

Samual: I don't know. I think I was innocent until I killed the first person .

Samantha: What do you think is waiting for us?

Samual: Nothing scared me any more. I am already dead.

Samantha: even if you go to hell.


Samual: I hope I don't go to hell.

Samantha: I hope that too.

Sound of an machine pips , I open my eyes

Women voice : finally your awake Samuel, you have been in acomma for five years. I will call your aunt she was so worry.

I look around I see that I was in a hospital

Now I remember I didnt kill any one I just try to kill myself.

When I look to my right I saw her I think this is Samantha she still in acomma.

I am so glade that I am still alive. 

October 09, 2023 09:01

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Rabab Zaidi
08:42 Oct 15, 2023

Very unexpected! Sad!


Hanan Alhosani
18:29 Oct 15, 2023

Thank you for your comment :)


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