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This is a fairy tale for those who do not believe in fairy tales.

Once not so very long ago, a lake was discovered that provides all who drenched themselves in its waters with something extraordinary. Nestled deep within the Blue Forest of Belgium between the Zenne River and the Zonien Woods is Lake Sapphire. Unlike any other in the world is the Blue Forest with its beautiful yet eerie carpet of bluebells and giant Sequoia trees. At night Lake Sapphire is said to glow. By day one must squint to shield its brilliant blue. It’s a wonder this lake was discovered at all as it can barely be seen for its glassy reflection of the blue flowers surrounding it. 

Wellonia is a small town a few kilometers from the edge of the Blue Forest. Its fortunate citizens were governed and cared for by Trish and Thad Goodwell. Husband and wife, Mayor Trish and Chief Gardener Thad cared for Wellonians like parents. Both so vary caring, and referred to as greater-good-a-tarians because of the way they ran things in Wellonia. One for all and all for one was their motto! Always urging Wellonians to be honest and caring and to help one another. Chief Gardener Thad made sure that all had enough to eat consequently no one ever went hungry. Mayor Trish made sure all had a home. The people of Wellonia were cared for and cared for each other just as all people should. Often it was said “All is well, all is well, all is well in Wellonia!” and it really was especially after the discovery.

Eventually Trish and Thad desired to have a child of their own. Trish announced the good news first to Thad. He beamed with joy and shed tears of happiness. Immediately he gathered baskets of apples and ran into the streets passing them out and singing “I am so happy and so very glad, I Thad am going to be a Dad!” The whole town joined in “We are so happy and so very glad, that you Thad are going to be a Dad!!!”

Trish’s glow grew along with her belly. Everyone was thrilled. One morning before dawn a shout came from the second floor window of the house of Trish and Thad; “The time has come!” The midwife came running. Thad was there too looking on with knowing expectation that something wonderful was happening. So wonderful in-fact that an incredulous brilliant glow was coming from Trish’s womb! So bright was this light that it beamed through the window. Fred Wellson saw it first and ran through the streets announcing, “The time has come, the time has come!” The entire town came running. Shouts of rejoicing filled the air. The towns people cheered “The baby is here. Let’s all Cheer! The baby is here!!!” It was the best day ever. Thad looked down at his beautiful baby girl in amazement and wonder. She was a glowing bundle of joy. That night Trish said “do you see the brilliant glow of our precious baby girl?” Thad indeed did. “We will name her


Sunbeam grew into a sparkling little girl that brought joy to everyone. Nicknamed, Sunny because that’s exactly what her personality was. Love and joy filled the air when ever Sunny was there. “I was a twinkle in my Ma's eye and now I’m her blossom of light!”. Pa says, “I’m the apple of his eye!” The elders of Wellonia would say “Sunny you are our ray of sunshine!” Sunny was special in every way. Beautiful, kind and loving. Always helping others seemed to be her way. Often, she would spend her afternoons helping her Oma with laundry or sweeping. Oma would say “what would I do without you Sunny? You are the light of my eyes! You make my heart sing.” Aunt Nona would say “You are so caring and wise for your age, Sunbeam, you must be an old soul”. Sunny had no idea what an old soul was but she’d laugh and say “Thank you, Oma, thank you Auntie Nona!”

The one thing that troubled her parents was Sunny had somnambulism, a condition that would cause her to walk and do things at night when she was actually asleep. Every night her parents would take turns waking to check on Sunbeam often finding her roaming the house doing things like sweeping or mopping the floors. Once her father found her cleaning out his tool shed! It was difficult waking night after night to take care that Sunny was safe, but they did it out of love. As Sunny got older she began to roam farther. Sometimes her father would find her in the garden pulling weeds or raking leaves. He even found her in their elderly neighbor’s yard tending his flower beds.

By day Sunny would help her Mother organize a community building project. Other days she would work with her Dad by recruiting her friends to pick apples or pears. Sunny loved to help others especially her Oma with housework, sort through old books and papers or cooking for her. Sunny’s friends loved her too because she was always making cookies for them or helping them get their schoolwork done. Sunny was truly a beam of goodness for so many. Trish and Thad were proud parents and had much to be thankful for with Sunny as their daughter. Awake or asleep, always helping others seemed to be Sunny’s way.

There was however one very mean girl, named Jean from school. Jean was quite a mingy prankster and seemed to have it out for Sunbeam. Jean would play terrible tricks on Sunbeam like putting mustard in her drink at lunchtime or gluing her scissors together. “I can’t stand that Little Sunbeam!” Jean would say. Known as Jean the Mean, kids would ask “Jean why are you so mean to Sunbeam?” Sunbeam knew Jean just liked attention and would ignore her pranks. Things got worse as they got older. Jean would hide Sunbeam’s books and school papers. Jean would collect classwork for the teacher and throw away Sunbeams papers! Once Jean put a big green frog in her desk. Another time she put an earthworm in her locker. Sunny wasn’t phased by such things which made Jean even madder. Most of the time Sunbeam would just laugh and say, “Oh Jean, don’t be so mean!”

When it was time for Sunny to begin her studies at the Hall of Ivy her parents were concerned. Sunny was still in the habit of walking most nights and doing all manners of activities. They exclaimed “how can you leave?” Sunny just laughed and said “don’t worry I’ll figure it out. I have to go and become a better good-a-tarian!” She wanted to make a difference in the world and knew going to the Hall of Ivys was the best way. Her parents were concerned. Her somnambulism had gotten harder to deal with. Sometimes her dad would awaken in the night to find Sunbeam had wondered to the far edge of the town. One night he found her deep within the Blue Forest. Many nights he lost her trail altogether. Sunny was quite surefooted and agile. Her sleep walking had become sleep running and was almost more than they could handle. Night after night she would run but amazingly in the morning, she was home full of life and ready to take on the day. Sunny insisted that she could handle life away from home, that she had to continue her education, so they agreed let her go.

Sunny began her studies at the Halls of Ivy and quickly determined that she would become a Geriatrician. Sunny would specialize in the care of the elderly. She was excited to be doing work that helped those she truly loved. Trish and Thad were proud but not surprised. They knew Sunny was truly a greater-good-a-tarian and she would have a profession that helped others.

Sunny did kept sleep walking but she lived in a dormitory at the Hall of Ivy. She had many friends and they all did their part to keep track of Sunny’s nighttime wanderings. Often, one of them would steer her back to the dorm which was always in need of sweeping or mopping so it was a win-win for all concerned. 

The problem with Mean Jean did not go away. Jean was also attending the Hall of Ivy and was meaner than ever. Hiding Sunny's belongings, telling her professors that Sunny cheated on tests, saying things to other students that made them think less of Sunny, pouring slippery soap on her door doorstep were just some of the mean spirited tricks Jean would pull on Sunny. Jean even construed ways to make it look like Sunbeam was vandalizing the school grounds at night! Jean painted an important school statue with bright yellow paint and said she had seen Sunbeam sneaking out the night before. Headmaster Warren made Sunny clean the school grounds for months for the offense she had not actually committed. Sunny didn’t care, she just laughed and said “the school grounds could use some tidying up!” Over time Ms. Warren realized Sunny truly had a heart of gold.

Sunny’s best friend was Hope Dowell. Hope was quick to point out to Sunny that Mean Jean was up to no good, “please Sunny don’t be so nice, can’t you see Jean is really mean?” Hope always stuck up for Sunny and would brag about Sunny’s good deeds and helpful ways. Sunny did the same for Hope.

One day Hope said, Sunny “I have someone I want you to meet. He’s awesome like you. He’s is definitely a greater-good-a-tarian just like you. As a matter of fact, he is studying to be a social worker! You and he are like two peas in a pod!” Sure-enough they were. The minute Sunny met Seth she knew it was meant to be. Trish and Thad loved Seth too. It wasn’t long before the two announced they were tying the knot. “How do you feel about Sunny’s somnambulism?” they asked? Seth just laughed and said “I can’t think of anyone I’d rather run around at night with!” “Okay... great” they said a little relieved. March 22, World Water Day, Sunny and Seth wed. Instead of gifts they asked for donations to WaterAid.Org. They traveled to Uganda for their honeymoon where they built wells for people who needed fresh water. It was very rewarding but also hard work. While there, Sunny didn’t sleep walk at all. Seth laughed to himself and thought maybe her somnambulism was over.

Once home they began their life together, each doing work they felt was important and for the greater good. Happily, for a short while Sunny didn’t do any sleep walking at all. Seth still made a habit of setting his alarm clock to check on Sunny in the

middle of the night. Most nights she was sound asleep

next to him.

The night came when she was gone. Seth was a bit scared. He searched the house and their yard. Ahead he could see a glowing light so he followed it. Finally, Seth found her and brought her back home. The next night and every night after the same thing happened. Each night Sunny went farther. It was becoming more difficult to find her. The night came when Seth could not find her at all. A glowing light was visible, but he could not catch up. She was too fast and so far into the woods that he could not find her. Seth finally dropped to the ground in exhaustion and fell into a troubled sleep filled with strange dreams. The next morning, he awakened in a bed of bluebells and to Sunny's bright and cheerful face leaning over him laughing and saying, “why are you out here?” All Seth could say was “don’t worry about me, just tell me why you keep running into the woods night after night?” Sunny just laughed and said, “I’m not sure.”

Deep inside Sunny had a feeling that her somnambulism was connected to a mission. She loved her elder patients and often wondered if there was a way to make their aging tired bodies more comfortable and agile. Sunny even noticed that her parents had aches and pains that troubled them. What could be done for them? 

Mean Jean had moved back to Wellonia. She had become a real estate developer and had plans to buy up all the land in Wellonia. She wanted to turn the town into a giant Chambot Resort! Jean was ruthless and still had it out for Sunny. The Wellonia Elder Care Home was on prime land Jean wanted. Her goal was to destroy the place but first its director, Sunbeam.

Sunny’s sleep walking was nightly now. Seth kept asking her if she had any idea what she did every night and where did she go? Sunny wasn’t sure but she’d say, “one thing I do know is it feels like I’m searching for something.”  He had heard about Mean Jean and was even more worried about Sunny’s sleep walking, waking each night to follow her. She was always too fast, and he’d lose her. Seth decided he would try a different approach. He would hike far into the woods early in that day and try to meet up with her in the night. For hours he hiked. Exhausted he laid down under a giant tree and fell into a deep sleep. He dreamt of a beautiful lake. Sunny was there urging him to come to the lake and swim. Hope was there too, crying out “beware of Jean!”

Suddenly, Seth was awakened by a glowing flash of light. He followed it running through the woods thick with bluebells. All at once he found himself submerged under water. Below he could see Sunny and Hope. He could feel himself being pushed under. Jean’s was there too, her face growing more faint the further down he went. Powerless, everything grew dark and silent. Then a glowing blue light began to swirl around him. Seth burst up for air and there was Sunny and her wonderful smiling face! Happy but confused he said “Sunny, you’re here! and Hope and oh no! Jean”. “Seth!” said Sunny, “I think this is the place I have been running to for so long. Do you feel it?” Dazed and confused Seth took a deep breath. Something indescribable was happening to him. Even Jean was changing and looking kind of friendly! The water was definitely magical.

All Sunny could say was,“I know this lake has drawn me to it. It’s given me something amazing and you all too! This lake is something that everyone in Wellonia should experience! Maybe this water will give my elders the strength they need! Look even Jean has changed!” Seth was feeling it. Treading water and astounded, they could all feel the magic.

That day was the where our story of Lake Sapphire began and how it was discovered. Surrounded by bluebells of The Blue Forest of Belgium between the Zenne River and the Zonien Woods.

“Hey you guys, you have to admit, you believe in magic now, right?” asked Sunny. Jean nodded yes. Hope still a little skeptical said “yea I think so”. Seth nodded too and laughed as they ran through the bluebells back home.

July 03, 2020 23:42

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Cynthia Black
22:07 Jul 07, 2020

Don't we all really want to believe that a nearly perfect world where everyone is taken care of is possible? Wellonia is just that place. Hey, maybe it's possible.


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