Creative Nonfiction

A girl having passion to burn herself to achieve her goals. Each person criticised her to stop acting like naive; she was devastated by the people around her.

Saira didn’t stop by believing herself even though aware from the obstacles in her pathway. She strived hard to achieve her desire of becoming a renowned artist and her passion was to prove everyone wrong who stopped her. She started making paints, full of love and affection. She converted her expressions and feelings in those pictures; took start from portraits depicting struggle.Saira’s parents were her only hope and they were also very supportive.She belonged to a poor family that was the reason of many hindrances. She didn’t want to encumbrance herself on her parents because they were already suffered from their poverty. She worked day and night to get enough money to buy the necessary brushes and colours. She always thought that in this selfish world only deficient people suffers. But anyhow she managed to fight for her desires.

Then one day she met a dreadful accident and heartbreakingly her right side got paralysed.She lost her hope, devastated and she became lifeless like a desert.She got depressed by her condition.Then one night “she saw a dream; In her dream she saw a desert.The desert was too hot she felt the sweltering heat wave and then suddenly her glance was stopped over a flower amidst the cactus she went near to the flower and starred it about five minutes and made a resemblance of herself with that flower”. She woke up and started thinking about that dream, Saira concluded that she is like the flower as bright and colourful and the life is like the thorns around the flower. She thought if the flower can bloom in such harsh circumstances why shouldn’t I. Why should I gave-up? I can’t blame the life as the flower don’t blame the thorns and as the flower don’t stop from blooming why should I stop from blooming.

She felt very happy and felt the bliss she expressed her gratitude.Suddenly she tried to move her hand, she tried and tried. She felt weary from her misery condition. It took a very long time to heal her wounds. But she believed that everything will pass with time, every wound healed with passage of time.During those time her parents firmly held her hands.Saira’s life was not the easy one. It was full of obstacles but nothing stopped her. Many years after she started moving her hand and with passage of time she hold that brushes again with new enthusiasm. She worked hard till the end and burnt herself to keep her spirits high because she was rejected by the world several times.Without her parents there were no one to help her.But there is a famous saying God help those who help themselves. That accident changed her a lot. There were many positive changes, she learned how to tackle the situation and how to make your weakness into strength. That accident also left many scars but also had many good aspects.

She overcame all the bad lucks and the good days of her life started even though she was unable to walk but her hand started working. She got many lessons from her life. Her desires didn’t let her sleep. Her life gave her much woes but somewhere she hold the greatness in her heart and believed herself.She Didn’t find the way but created her own way and achieve prestigious place in the society. She became famous and fulfilled her dreams. The more she fell the more she grew. Every single fall make her grew more. She became a motivational speaker; she became a beacon light for those struggling for their desires.

Once her mother told her, “Oh my beloved daughter! you were like the seed, as the seed is lifeless itself but holds a life inside itself; when a seed fell in soil and the soil covered it then a lifeless, small, tiny coated thing turns into a plant and then into a tree but everything required patience which is found very less in today’s world”. Enduring hardship required tolerance which is not an easy thing. She experienced a lot and also endured a lot, sometimes she felt exhausted but sometimes she gathered herself. Success isn’t a simple thing behind it there is struggle, there is tolerance and much more. The more you bear the more greater will be your success. You must have to bear the pain, because anything without pain doesn’t became worthy. After enduring that pain the achievement have its own joy. Saira achieved her goal and she was worthy of that position. No one was there for her when she needed them but once she became famous everyone appeared in her life. When you became famous everyone wants to make their relationship strong with you, but when you have nothing and going through harsh circumstances everything disappears as in the darkness your own shadow leaves you. Life always gives us lessons and also reveals the true images of our so-called relatives and friends. The tough time reveals the mask worn by people. When she dreamed to achieve her goals every signal individual was against her, they mocked her, they taunted her parents and those Who criticised her, now they were giving Her examples. Now this was the time she didn’t need anyone because she completed her world around herself and her paintings.When she was nothing she had Her parents And her paintings. Her paintings were vibrant; full of love, she lived in those paintings because at that time she had nothing. She flourished her self for her parents. Intimacy is the only thing which puts life in the dead ones.

This world is full of hate and melancholies but we have to find the reason to make ourselves happy because the world gives you nothing except worries and you have to be strong enough to give them a shut-up call if not so; that would rot you like a fungus rot the bread. She miraculous lived from that dreadful and horrible accident. She survived because she was stubborn and a courageous women. She was a super-women. Her eyes had magnificence spark. She didn’t bend herself in-front of those who mocked her. And every single second she thanked God and felt the gratification. Always keep your standards high.

September 03, 2020 19:46

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Lyn M
14:42 Sep 06, 2020

Hey, this is really interesting! The messages about working hard for your success and about how your happiness is your responsibility are so important. There were so many words of wisdom in this piece. Really powerful, and a lovely concept of something beautiful being born out of struggle. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger", yeah? Thanks for sharing this!


Alishba Khan
17:15 Sep 06, 2020

Thank you so much for sparing your time...finally someone read it. Means a lot😊


Lyn M
17:18 Sep 06, 2020

Yes, for sure! Keep it up


Alishba Khan
18:45 Sep 06, 2020

Once again Thank you


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