Sad Romance Drama

You left me. You left me with love. The kind of love that they write about in romance novels. The kind of love that most people search for their entire lives. The kind of love that burns right through your heart and ignites your soul. The kind of love that cannot be quenched even if it were surrounded by water.

You left me. You left me with anger. The kind of anger that smothers any joy with a stare. The kind of anger that kills any smile with a knife. The kind of anger that wakes the dead. The kind of anger that needs to be locked in a cage.

You left me. You left me with wisdom. The kind of wisdom that conveniently comes to those when they most needed answers. The kind of wisdom that many people wait years to acquire. The kind of wisdom that comes from those with salt and pepper hair. The kind of wisdom that continues in tales to tell for numerous years to come.

You left me. You left me with questions. The kind of questions that come from unsolved mysteries. The kind of questions that leave you puzzled and confused. The kind of questions that go unasked from fear of embarrassment. The kind of questions that no one wants to hear the answers to.

You left me. You left me with compassion. The kind of compassion that makes you feel seen. The kind of compassion that holds you as you speak your darkest truths. The kind of compassion that frees you from the chains of judgement. The kind of compassion that warms you with an embrace.

You left me. You left me with indifference. The kind of indifference that feels cold and leaves you feeling abandoned. The kind of indifference that makes you feel that you might be invisible. The kind of indifference that refuses to say what needs to be said. The kind of indifference that keeps you with your head down and your walls up.

You left me. You left me with strength. The kind of strength that is seen in superheroes and war stories. The kind of strength that not only comes from bravery but also muscle. The kind of strength that surprises you from an adrenaline rush. The kind of strength that overcomes hurdles that are taller than any skyscraper.

You left me. You left me with weakness. The kind of weakness that buckles you to your knees after losing all hope. The kind of weakness that makes you convulse on the floor of your bathroom. The kind of weakness that cowers from the monsters hiding under your bed. The kind of weakness that resembles a child who is scared of the dark.

You left me. You left me with power. The kind of power that conquers battles and conquers kings. The kind power that rules over nations. The kind of power that silences any opposition. The kind of power that leaves humans indifferent with blood on their hands.

You left me. You left me with impotence. The kind of impotence that allows leaders to destroy you. The kind of impotence that is easily overpowered. The kind of impotence that frustrates the most angelic and patient souls. The kind of impotence that leaves a person frustrated and unfulfilled.

You left me. You left me with joy. The kind of joy that exudes on the face of a brand-new parent who just met their baby. The kind of joy that comes from opening presents on a Christmas day. The kind of joy that you find at the end of the rainbow. The kind of joy that fills the air after grand festivities and celebrations.

You left me. You left me with despair. The kind of despair that is felt when the winter months have left you isolated and frigid. The kind of despair that murders any signs of triumph. The kind of despair that makes you want to claw out of your skin and dig your own grave. The kind of despair makes you beg the reaper to take you.

You left me. You left me with laughter. The kind of laughter that comes from time with an old friend after too much wine. The kind of laughter that moves your entire body and shakes within your spirit. The kind of laughter that erupts loudly like a siren wailing unexpectedly. The kind of laughter that keeps you awake even after hours have passed.

You left me. You left me tears. The kind tears where you feel as though you are drowning in a self-made ocean. The kind of tears that feel like a tsunami that no one warned you was approaching. The kind of tears that soak the pillowcase but drop loudly like hail. The kind of tears that make you wonder if your eyes could ever produce any more.

You left me. You left me with companionship. The kind of companionship that is as comforting as another pair of feet underneath the sheets. The kind of companionship that brings you your coffee without having to tell them your order. The kind of companionship where home is not a place but a person. The kind of companionship that is a hand pulling you in after almost walking off the ledge.

You left me. You left me with loneliness. The kind of loneliness that makes you a hostage to your thoughts. The kind of loneliness where your thoughts become the enemy. The kind of loneliness where all you have is enemy in the mirror. The kind of loneliness where you the only one who can rescue you, is yourself.

You left me. You left me with completion. The kind of completion that comes after wedging in the final bit to a three-thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle. The kind of completion that satisfies your thirst after running a marathon. The kind of completion that gives relief after a much need conversation. The kind of completion that checks off the final box of your bucket list.

You left me. You left me with pieces. The kind of pieces that leave you knowing it is indeed possible to die from a broken heart. The kind of pieces that are shattered after a fragile vase was knocked on the floor. The kind of pieces that are fractured from the crushing of a bone. The kind of pieces that cannot be repaired by glue or a cast.

You left me. You left me with gratitude. The kind of gratitude that comes from a sunflower that can finally turn towards the light once the clouds have cleared. The kind of gratitude that the desert radiates following a shower during a drought. The kind of gratitude that you find in the eyes of feeding someone that was starving for a meal. The kind of gratitude that comes from the handshake of the destitute being gifted the most basic need.

You left me. You left me with bitterness. The kind of bitterness that lingers on your tongue without anything to drink. The kind of bitterness that builds into your skin and seeps into your bloodstream. The kind of bitterness that makes others flee from your scrooge-like demeanor. The kind of bitterness that feasts on you like a parasite.

You left me. I wish you hadn’t.

You left me. I’m also thrilled you did.

February 24, 2023 07:19

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Wally Schmidt
00:03 Feb 28, 2023

Welcome to Reedsy Tori! This is a piece with a lot of interesting juxtapositions -all probable for someone who has been through an all consuming relationship. It is well written and I think a lot of people will relate to it.


Tori Bryce
20:28 Mar 03, 2023

Thank you so much for the warm welcome and compliments. I am looking forward to writing more and appreciate the support and that you took the time to read my writing.


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Michelle Oliver
22:26 Feb 27, 2023

Tori, welcome to reedsy! What a lovely first submission. T is so poetic, reading like a poem. I loved the way you used contrasts here, which shows the depths and breadth of your character’s feelings about being left. Not only have you followed the prompt structure with the first line of each paragraph, but every line within he paragraph too. That’s what gives it the feeling of poetry. All your metaphors are just gorgeous and I’m hard pressed to pick a favourite, perhaps it’s this one. -The kind of despair that makes you want to claw out of...


Tori Bryce
20:31 Mar 03, 2023

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my work and giving me your kind words and compliments. I personally loved writing this prompt. It was something I had written awhile back, and the prompt inspired me to add much more to it. As someone who is grieving, I truly hope that others can appreciate the push and pull that I was trying to encompass on this piece. Thank you again for your beautiful feedback. I am so excited to learn and grow from this amazing community of writers.


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