The Storm (Part 2) The first one is on (YoungSheldonViral (Taylor’s Version)

Written in response to: Write about a backstabbing (literal or metaphorical) gone wrong.... view prompt


Drama Friendship Suspense

I tried to gasp for air, but the waves kept crashing against my body. I was being pushed under the current, not being able to breathe. Seawater rushed down my throat and into my lungs. 

Everything burned. I started to scream,


Eventually I got enough air to swim under water. I couldn't find Gianna. I swam farther down and found her sinking. I almost screamed again. I grabbed her arm and eventually wrapped her around my shoulders. 

When I got her to the surface of the water and tried kicking the boat. The boat eventually worked in my favor. I tried to carefully throw Gianna into the boat. I yelled at the universe to stop. It calmed down a little, Gianna was in the boat, I scooped enough water out. 

I got Gianna on her back, I tried CPR. No use. No pulse! I tried again and again, this time I plugged her nose and breathed into her mouth.


"Please!" I cried.


The beefcake lifeguard's speed boat came onto us, I helped lift Gianna in it.

That's when I got pushed under the water. Under the boat.

Black. Pitch black. Pure darkness.

I couldn't breathe, it was burning. It felt like I was lit on fire.

Memories flashed through my head, as if my whole life was just one big 

movie. A movie about to end.

That's when everything went white. I saw my dad.

March 12, 2024 17:32

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17:43 Mar 12, 2024

also oh my gosh is gianna ok?! biting my nails lmao


Idk Lol
18:13 Mar 12, 2024

yep she lives


19:14 Mar 12, 2024

still sad what happened to annalie though :(


Idk Lol
00:37 Mar 13, 2024

bro i'm about to cry. my mom doesn't support my name :( I'm going to cry... also annalie lives.


23:27 Mar 15, 2024

hi marcy! that’s really sad. i’m sorry :(


Idk Lol
19:37 Mar 16, 2024

it's okay :)


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17:41 Mar 12, 2024

woaaaaaah!! omg that plot twist :O also glad beefcake lifeguard made a reappearance lol


Idk Lol
18:13 Mar 12, 2024



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Idk Lol
02:15 Mar 21, 2024

good night Mars!


13:34 Mar 21, 2024

good morning! at least where i am hehhe


Idk Lol
15:32 Mar 21, 2024

oh! HI


16:14 Mar 21, 2024

HIIIII how have u been?


Idk Lol
17:20 Mar 21, 2024

depressed :( hbu?


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