
This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.



"Today? Now?'

"Yes. Now, today. Get in the truck"

"I'm eating. Give me a minute. You should've said it was today."

"I didn't know it happened today, so we need to go now."

"Now? Today, now? And you couldn't have called yesterday to tell me today?"

"Fuck you Tommy."

"Stop smoking in my face will ya? You're ruining my breakfast. 'Now. Today.' Like I didn't have plans. You know, I do make plans. I like my free time."

"Whatever. I told you it's today, so we're going today." 

"Now? Today?" 

"Today! Today, today, today! God! You're making the word sound made up." 

"You say anything too many times it'll sound made up."

"Don't start. I still love her, you know that."

"Oh yeah? You love her? Whatever. Let me finish my coffee. You're paying, you know that right? Fucking today! Why can't we be calendar people? You know? Them nice people. Who, walk around, and say 'I'll put it on the calendar.' Fit the cleanup in, between little league and dinner with the Johnsons" 

"Psshhhhhhhhtttttttttttt you're so full of it. You'd carpool for a week and then drive off a cliff, listening to the crap these kids listen too."

"You don't know that. Maybe I like shit music? How would you know? You don't know. All you know is whatever 'today' or 'now' is. You empty fuck… Hey hon he'll take the check."

"Here you go love."

"Thank you"

"Thank you"



"Don't look at her like that."

"Like what? I was being polite. I said thank you."

"You're a dog. Pay the check. 'You still love her'. You're full of shit."

"You're full of shit."

"Stop looking at her, she's a good girl. You're an empty ass… and she requires more notice for a date than; 'NOW, TODAY'. She's not gonna  bounce up and down on your lap in the back of that rusted ass cab."

"Don't talk about my truck, that's a good truck, pop worked in that truck."

"Pop drank in that truck you fuck. Just like you. Always had to be now! today!, some shit plumber he was. Didn't even think about how he'd corrode his own insides. Just thought, today, today, today. Pay the check. Let's fucking go." 


"You're a shit driver, you know that? We should've taken my car."

"We can't take your car anywhere. You look like a pimp in that thing. Everyone knows it's yours. It'll stick out in the neighborhood anyway."

"You got matches?"

"I got a lighter."

"I hate the taste of them"

"You're so full of it. You already roll your cigarettes, you cowboy fuck. Just take the lighter.``

"I would have liked to finish my breakfast."

"It's the last job…"

"What? last job. Whaddaya you mean 'last job'?"

"He said, after this we don't have to do another job."

"Why the fuck would he say that?"

"The money."

"What money?"

"lotta money."

"Lotta money?"

"A lotta money."

"How much?"

"A lot."

"I know it's a lot, that's what you keep saying… JESUS CHRIST!!! Slow down, you're gonna kill us!"

"Ahhhhh!!! the way you eat you'll kill yourself. We're already short on time, because of you and your breakfast"

"You'll let me clog my arteries in peace. I'm not kicking the bucket with your dumbass, in this piece of shit truck. I want a dignified death. With nurse tits flopping in my face while they're doing chest compressions."

"That tobacco stinks. pshht, nurse tits. But I'm the dog?"

"I don't love her. I'm not a liar. You're a liar, that's what makes you a dog."

"So why are you with her?"

"The kids, and I married her. I did love her." 

"So you're fucking the waitress."

"Shut up."

"You love her?"

"Shut up. So this money. The last job? A lot of money? from what? We owe him a lot. So how can this be enough to cover our 'a lot'"

"Insurance policy."

"insurance policy? Aren't we going to the badlands? What insurance policy?" 

"His wife"

"His wife?"

"His wife." 

"So it's her job?"

"Yeah they did her job" 

"Body still there?"

"Yeah he's in there." 

"Any bullet holes?"

"I don't know."

"you don't know?"

"I don't know."

"How the fuck do you not know!?" 


"That's a lot of blood."

"Lotta blood."

"So much."

"Too much."

"Not enough"

"Not enough?"

"Not enough."

"What do you mean, not enough."

"For it to be an 'accident' or a 'suicide', and for her to 'find him' it's not enough. Check his head."




"FUCK!!" I'm so sick of this dick. Always with the twelve gauge! A fucking twelve gauge to the back of the head! What are we gonna do with this!?" That's why there's not enough blood."

"Heart stopped too fast. Intrusion?"


"Intrusion. Put that out." 

"I'm not finished. Christ let me finish something will ya? I'm finishing my cigarette. Investigation is more thorough with an intrusion. What crackhead brings a twelve gauge to an intrusion?"

"They're not that smart. He's a junky. Case closed they won't even look."

"How much money?"

"A lot."

"I'm worried."

"Oh god Tommy! With the worried bullshit! You're always fucking worried!" 

"He said 'last job'. What if we're going down for this? It's a mess! You see this fuck!? They shot him in the back of the head with a needle in his arm, leaned up against the coffee table! Who the fuck would even rob him? Look around! You know how loud a twelve gauge is? You said they did this today?"




"He'll have to disappear."



"But she'll have to wait."

"6 months to declare him dead. Where do we put him? River?"



"No, woods. Next to her."

"Next to her?"

"Next to her."

"You want him next to her? it won't bother you when you see her?"

"I don't, go see her."

"But you still love her?"

"I just can't go see her."

"You're a dog. So we're putting him next to her?" 

"They never found her. And people cared about her."

"So… we cleanup."

"Yeah, cleanup." 

February 20, 2023 22:19

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