Peering at the World
Suzanne Marsh
The attic window became his window to the world. The old telescope was all that stood between rationality and insanity in the world of a paralyzed man. He watched the apartments around him. His brother Tom made the attic habitable for him. It never occurred to him that Tom did not want anyone to see his disability; he was ashamed. Liz, Tom’s wife cooked his meals and brought them up to attic. His nephew Fred also brought food and one time even a small lizard. Life was good but somehow Jake wondered if it would be better; if he lived in a facility that could possibly help him to regain his ability to walk.
Jake, one snowy day, noted a man with a brief case alighted from a Lincoln Town Car. Jake thought that very interesting. The Lincoln was such a huge old boat not like the cars today. Jake observed the man carefully, he reminded him of the little Sisiliano man who cooked for his parents years ago. Agio, yes Agio he was good to both Tom and Jake; he made pizza that was so delicious. The more Jake thought about it, the more he wanted a piece of pizza. He would ask Liz if she would buy him one; it had been a long time.
The more Jake observed the man the more he began to wonder. Why would anyone drive a huge old black car like the Town Car? They had been out of style for over twenty years. The man was dressed in a black suit. Jake noted that the brief case he carried seemed very heavy. The man entered the apartment building to Jake’s left. Where ever he was going had to be on the second or third floor. Jake waited with wide eyed anticipation; maybe this was his lucky day. He had seen two lovers together, that was a sight he would not soon forget. He had also seen two actors that he thought were killing each other. He had called the police; when the police arrived and discovered the men were actors they polietly told Jake to be more careful about his observations.
Jake waited patiently to see where the little Sisilano man was going. Finally, he spotted him and his brief case in the small apartment that had once been used by the actors. This was very strange indeed. Jake watched more intently as the man opened the suitcase. Jake was stunned, it was a large sum of money; no doubt over a million dollars. What should he do? Call the police again? No, he decided he would watch and wait. Waiting was difficult especially for Jake; there was nothing else he could do.
Shortly another man, tall with nordic features appeared. He went up the stairs and into the same apartment as the Sisilano or was he Sisilano? Things were not making sense to Jake. The tall blond man had the Sisilano man open the brief case. He nodded; he then handed over a package. Jake rubbed his eyes. What had just taken place? What had just been exchanged. Jake wondered if the Sisilano was perhaps an Iranian, the tall blond man either Russian or American.
The blond man with the nordic features pulled out what looked like a Markov 9X18 mm pistol, although Jake had no idea that was what it was. The Iranian pulled a Markov from his pocket, jammed it into the Russians ribs and fired. Jake, was stunned. This was happening right in front of his eyes. The question now remained did he call the police. What if he called and they came? Would they consider him a voyer? His brother and his wife would surely want him gone out of the attic. There had to be a place between the rock and hard place.
The Iranian, scrambled out of the building as quickly as he could. The thought of being connected with a murder was more than his government would tolerate from him. They had told him under no circumstances was he to draw attention to himself or Iran. He had certainly done that; he Mohamed Iscobar. He had not wanted to be here in America. He did not want to murder Ivan Kinsikov; he had worked with him before, the results were very good. He did not understand why Kinsikov had pulled the Markov on him, now he would never know.
Jake began to search for his cell phone. Where had he put it this morning? His memory was not what it had once been. He could not ask Tom, Liz or Fred to call it since they were on vacation. The neighbor who took care of him while they were away would not be here for another twenty minutes. The cell phone had to be somewhere close by. He looked under the bed, on top of the bed. He checked his pockets; finally he found the cell phone in his back pocket.
Jake dialed 911:
“this is 911 what is your emergency?”
“I just saw someone murdered.”
“Where are you sir?”
“1616 Mockingbird Lane. I am in the attic.”
“We will send a car out as soon as possible.”
“Thank you mam.”
Jake hit the disconnect button. Now all he had to do was wait. He could still see the tall blond man dropping to the floor; blood oozing from his wound. Jake, wheelchair bound, waited for the police. He hoped they would arrive soon. He went over to his prize telescope; looked through the lenses to be sure the body was still there. He wondered what had happened between the two men; a misunderstanding maybe. Who were these two men? Jake’s imagination began to take over. They were spies, had to be. The short guy must have been an Iranian or Saudi maybe. The tall blond had the chisled features of a a Russian. Spies, what a thought, although it would explain the money in the briefcase and the package.
The police arrived; making their way up to the attic along with the neighbor:
“Mr. Jacob Price?”
“Yes sir that is me.”
“Officer if you would take a look into the telescope you will see the body.”
The officer strode over took a glimpse into the telescope:
“Send the coronor out. We have a dead body.”
The officers ran toward the apartment building. The body lay in a large pool of blood. They called the FBI. The FBI noted that Ivan Kinsikov was a Russian Mercenary that would sell his mother if he could make a profit. The FBI agent in charge went to question with Jake:
“Did you see anything else sir?”
“Yes a package it was odd shaped both of those guys seemed to want it.”
“Did either open the package?”
“No sir they did not.”
“Thank you sir.”
“You are welcome.”
Jake felt more alive than he had in years; all his years of watching had paid off.
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What a twist! But I loved the urgency in this story and the hints of the relationship Jake has with others in his life. Kind of sad that the telescope is all there is for him to see the world with (which was hilariously ironic, since people usually use telescopes to see things they can't get to, i.e. space).
Thank you for such a wonderful compliment. Sue