African American Mystery Drama

This story contains themes or mentions of suicide or self harm.

A stranger wearing a suit at a bachelor party in a hotel suite stood out for some reason. Not that wearing a black suit with a white shirt, red tie, and holding a briefcase is all that odd. I mean he could’ve been a hotel manager or a member of that staff. But this gentleman looked different. His eyes more intense than the usual service worker. The guys at the party barely noticed. They were too busy dancing to Too Short’s song, “Blow the Whistle”. And before that, “Yeah” by Usher and Lil Jon. Their eyes were focused on the ass and titties in front of them that were no longer hidden by clothing. Shakin’ their bodies like Andre 3000 famously sang, a Polaroid picture. Although this picture illicit more than a thousand words. A thousand one-dollar bills would be more accurate. And they were flying around the room like one those snow globes. So, the last thing these brothers noticed was a stranger in a suit.

           The stranger walked over to the first man next to him that was sipping Vodka from a red solo cup. He said something in his ear. The man looked around the room and shrugged his shoulders. He went to another man. Same reaction. As the man stepped over the scattered money like Prince Akeem stepping on the peddles of roses in Coming to America, he made his way to the DJ booth. Cupping his hand around his mouth, he yelled in the DJ’s ear, “Do you know where I can find Lejardin?”

           Right as Snoop Dogg’s song is telling the strippers to drop it like it’s hot, the DJ dropped the sound and announced, “Lejardin we got somebody lookin’ for you homie.”

           Lejardin’s smiling face popped out of a massive set of breasts. Easing the stripper off his lap, he stuck some more bills in her G-string and said in her ear, “don’t go anywhere! I’ll be right back.” As he playfully slapped her on the butt cheek.

Lejardin was the biggest man in the room. Six-four two-hundred thirty pounds of pure muscle that was wrapped in chocolate, with a smile that could melt butter. Charming wouldn’t begin to describe the best man that was throwing this party. He strolled over while still bobbing his head to the music. Giving high fives to every guy he passed as he finally made it to the DJ booth.

The man in the suit leaned in closer and said, “it might be better if we discuss this in the lobby.”

Still smiling, Lejardin wrapped his right arm around the man’s shoulder while giving the peace sign to his boys and continuing to grove to the music.

Everybody celebrated except one person. His best friend and man of the hour. Future husband to be, Bomani. Bomani stood up from the gold throne he was sitting on. Lejardin thought it would be fun to treat his boy like a king, since he was about to be neutered as soon as he said I do. Bomani was half the man Lejardin was. Literally. He might be a hundred-fifty pounds soaking wet. And his height was that of an average man. Maybe 5’10” with the right shoes on. Bomani set his drink down and made eye contact with the DJ. The DJ shrugged with his palms up. So Bomani followed them outside.

In the desolate hallway Bomani walked up just as the man in the suit handed Lejardin a business card and said, “I’ve been trying to locate you for a while. Sorry for the intrusion this late hour, but this is a pressing matter. And I felt I needed to inform you as soon as possible. I am Trevor Tyson with Health and Human Services.” Then he looked at Bomani and said, “this information is of a….sensitive nature. You might want to ask your friend to leave.”

Lejardin looked at Bomani and wrapped his arm around his shoulder and said, “this is my brother from another mother. There’s nothing you can say to me that you can’t say around him. So hit me with it.”

The stranger who looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders looked down at his briefcase. He reached inside and pulled out an envelope. “Someone that you’ve had sexual contact with in the last ninety day has tested positive for…. AIDS.”

Lejardin looked serious for a second, then he busted out laughing. Playfully punching Bomani as he said, “you almost had me motherfucka!”

Bomani wasn’t laughing as he took the envelope and opened the letter. And with each word he read he lost a little color in his already high yellow skin tone. Handing it to Lejardin, Bomani said in a somber tone, “this ain’t no joke bro.”

Lejardin snatched the letter from Bomani and started reading it.

Trevor stepped back in trying to exude calm as he interjected, “we suggest that you get tested right away. The sooner the better. These days with treatment you can have a normal healthy life.”

Lejardin snapped as he yelled, “who the fuck told you they gave me this shit! No way I could have this shit! I ain’t fucking gay!” Then he snatched Trevor by the lapel and pushed him against the wall. His feet dangled as he squirmed like a fish out of water.

“Sir! Please! HIPPA doesn’t allow me to reveal the name of the patient,” Trevor managed to say through his restricted airway.

“Put him down bro. It ain’t his fault. He’s just trying to help,” Bomani said carefully grabbing Lejardin from behind. When Lejardin released him, Trevor sprinted down the hallway.

    Lejardin looked perplexed, like he was trying to put together a puzzle in his mind. He started pacing back in forth. Bomani stepped in front of his path, trying to make eye contact as he asked, “Who have you had sex with lately?”

Lejardin snapped out of it with a smile and responded, “it’s the stripper from the party. That’s it. When I went to set up your bachelor party I met with her. To hire her. But you know how it is. One thing led to another, and we ended up smashing.”

“Nigga you fuck the stripper?” Bomani asked with a confused look on his face.

“Why not? I’m twenty-eight years old and handsome as fuck. I got a hell of a body and a big ass dick. It would be selfish as fuck to give this package to only one woman.”

Bomani just shook his head as he tried to fight off a smile. “So she could’ve gave you AIDS?”

“No, because I was wearing a condom, Magnums of course. So, she couldn’t have given it to me. She probably just listed all the guys she smashed,” Lejardin said breathing a sigh of relief.

“Let’s find out,” Bomani said as he led the way back in the party. The rest of the guys still hadn’t noticed anything as they continue to drink, dance, yell, and throw money up in the air. Lejardin went back to his chair to find that the stripper was still there as instructed. She was on all fours with a plastic bag scooping up the money in her section. Lejardin tapped her on the shoulder and motioned for her to follow him outside. She stepped into the hallway wearing only a G-string and thigh-high boots. An old white man that was coming from getting some ice ran into the wall because his eyes were so fixated on her sexy body.

“What’s up? And hurry cause it’s cold out here,” she said with a school girl smile.

Lejardin looked her up and down with contempt as he asked, “have you had an AIDS test recently?”

“What?” she replied scrunching her face.

“Have you had an AIDS test recently?”

Her mouth hung open as she stared at Lejardin for a minute. “I have one every year during my physical. Why you asking?”

“Because somebody brought my name up about it. And me and you have kicked it lately. Now, when was the last time?”

Rolling her eyes, she dug into the side of her boot and pulled out one of those new flip phones. She opened her healthcare app and showed Lejardin the test results, “Negative.” Then she snatched back her phone and gave Lejardin the middle finger and said, “lose my number!”

“That was a dead end,” Bomani said as he leaned against the door. “Who else you got?”

“Other than her, it has to be one of my two ladies, Tia or Gabriel.”

The next morning, after the party, after the cleanup, after sobering up, after the blood returned from their dicks and back to their heads, Bomani and Lejardin were at Tia’s front door at 9am. Lejardin banged on her door like the police with a warrant. Tia opened the door wearing a pink robe with a matching bonnet to cover her uncombed hair. She batted her light brown eyes that were struggling to stay open. The men barged in as she covered her mouth for a yawn.

           “What’s up baby? Bomani. What are you two doing at my door this early in the morning?” Tia asked wiping her eyes. Even with no makeup on in her robe, she was still a dime. Looking like a young Halle Berry in Boomerang.

           “Sorry about this. But something important came up, and I need to ask you something face to face,” Lejardin stated, deliberately kissing her on the cheek to avoid her morning breath.

           “Okay. And you needed Bomani with you to ask?”

           “He’s helping me out,” Lejardin said as he stood in front of Tia and placed his hands on her shoulders. Locking eyes with her, he paused for a second before asking. “Have you had an AIDS test recently?”

           Confused, she blurted out, “no. Why?”

           “When was the last time you had one?”

           “Last time I saw my doctor. Four or five months ago. Negative too. Why?” she asked, instantly becoming alert.

           Lejardin looked at Bomani and smiled. Then he turned back to Tia and hugged her. “Nothing to worry about, baby.”

           Tia wiggled free of the hug and stepped back in anger. With her hands on her hips she yelled, “Why are you asking?”

There was silence for a moment. Lejardin grabbed the back of his neck as he searched for the right words to say.

“You’ve been fuckin’ somebody else, haven’t you? Get the fuck out of my house!” Tia snapped pointing to the front door.

“Baby, let me explain,” Lejardin said looking to plead his case.

“Get your black ass out of my goddamn house!” she snapped again, snatching the door open. Soon as Bomani and Lejardin had both feet outside, she slammed the door shut behind them.

“Another dead end,” Bomani said walking to the car.

Lejardin reached into his pocket, grabbed his phone, and called Gabriel while saying to Bomani, “I need to handle this a little bit better.”

“Hey baby,” Gabriel said in a super sweet voice.

“How is finest woman alive doing this morning?” Lejardin asked, turning on the charm.

“Much better now. How was the bachelor party last night?”

“Oh, it was fire. Bomani enjoyed himself.”

“That’s great. So, why you calling me all early and stuff? You missed me or something? You want to spend some time?” she asked in a playful tone.

“You know me so well. I wanted to come through tonight. A little one on one time. Maybe we can do some Netflix and chill. We can watch that new season of Black Mirror you’ve been talking about. I can bring some wings from your favorite spot,” Lejardin said in his smoothest voice.

“Sounds good to me,” she replied smiling through the phone.

“Bet. Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you about a little something. I got to go to the doctor in the morning for my physical. And I’m about to hop on the site now and fill out this questionnaire. The doctor was suggesting I get an AIDS test, but I didn’t think I needed one. Since you’re the only woman I’ve been with, and I’m sure you’ve had one recently. Right?” Lejardin threw out there. Waiting on pins and needles for her response.

“Yeah, I had one in January. What was that? About five months ago. Negative of course.”

“Cool. So I’m a slide through later,” Lejardin said as he sent a kiss through the phone before hanging up. Lejardin turned to Bomani as exhaled loudly. The tenseness in his shoulders relaxed. Smiling he said, “She’s negative too. Must have been some kind of mix up. I’m go to the crib and get some rest. I’ll holla at you later.”

They gave each other a bro hug and went their separate ways. Bomani went to his fiancé’s place and was greeted by a big hug and kiss. His eyes scanned her from head to toe as he said, “look at you in my favorite outfit. Those tights are hugging that sexy chocolate body of yours. Trying to look all fine and shit with that big ass.” Bomani admired her butt from behind as he playfully smacking it.  “I’m a lucky man. Can’t what till we get married next Saturday. I want to look into these beautiful brown eyes every morning for the rest of my life.”

“You’re so sweet. You’re too good for me,” Cythnia responded with a blank expression.

“By the way, you won’t believe what happened with Lejardin,” Bomani said opening the fridge and getting a bottle of water, “Someone from Health and Human Services gave him a letter saying that he had sex with someone with AIDS. He reached out to the women he’s had sex with. All of them are negative thank God. But ain’t that crazy?”

Cynthia had a thousand-yard stare. Just like the ones a soldier has after being in battle. The look of being overwhelmed. She started fidgeting with the button on her shirt as she looked down at the floor. “I know why he got that letter.”

Bomani stopped drinking his water and gave Cynthia his full attention.

Cynthia took a deep breath and looked at Bomani with puppy dog eyes as she blurted out, “It was me.”

“You what?”

“I’m the one that tested positive and listed him as a sexual partner,” she stammered before resuming to breathe again.

Bomani’s bottom lip was on the floor as he searched for a seat, and finally collapsed in one of the dining room chairs. After a moment of awkward silence, Bomani responded, “you have AIDS?”

“Yes,” she mumbled.

“And you had unprotected sex with my best friend?”

“Yes. I called and told him before you got home.”

Bomani felt like someone dug inside his chest and snatched his lungs out.

“Baby, let me explain. You see I told the health department not to tell you. I wanted to be the one to let you know. Me sleeping with Lejardin…. was a one-time thing. An accident.”

“An accident!” Bomani replied finally catching his breath, “What, you slipped and fell on his hard dick?”

“No. remember when we got into a fight back in June. Lejardin came over to check on me. One thing led to another….,” Cynthia explained as she moved in closer and tried to hug Bomani, “baby, it just….it just happened. It didn’t mean anything. I’m in love with you.”

“Fuck you!” Bomani said pulling away from her and storming out the door. Bomani’s blood was boiling as he drove home. He sat in his car stewing for an eternity. Plotting. He went into his bedroom, opened up his nightstand, and grabbed his .38 revolver. As he put six bullets in the chamber, all he could think about was Lejardin. Lejardin had ruined his life.

He walked out the house with gun in hand. He didn’t even bother closing the door back. Weaving through traffic, he made it to Lejardin’s front door. Pounding on it as he yelled, “open up motherfucka!”

But there was silence. Bomani took a step back, summoned up all the strength in his body, and kicked the door open. Marching inside, he was aiming for anything that moved. First, he started in the living room. Empty. Next, he went into the kitchen. Empty. “Where are you motherfucka!”

No answer as he walked down the hallway and into the bedroom. Empty too. Then he stood still for a moment. He saw the light on in the bathroom and the door was shut. Slowly, he stepped toward the bathroom with the gun pointed, safety off, and finger on the trigger. As his left hand grabbed the doorknob, Bomani thought about the betrayal of a friend. Explaining this embarrassment to his parents and friends. Living with AIDS. No wife. There was nothing left to live for, he thought to himself. As he pushed opened the door, ready to accept his fate and get a little justice before his life was over. Stepping inside, he saw Lejardin in the bathtub. His wrist was cut wide open and the last drops of his blood dripped out. He laid dead, soaking in that bloody water. An open letter sat on the edge of the sink. It was a positive test result for AIDS. Closing his eyes, Bomani dropped his gun. His legs collapsed from underneath him. He let out a primal scream that was earth shattering and soul crushing. A flood of tears soaked his face as he crawled into the corner, balled up like a fetus. Then Cynthia came running through the door. She stood in shock at the gruesome scene. Then she spotted Bomani. Falling to her knees, she tried to share all the love she had when she hugged him. Bomani wanted to hate her, Lejardin, and the dreadful disease. But the love he needed in that moment was stronger than his pride….

                                               The End

December 17, 2024 22:32

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Trudy Jas
04:02 Dec 18, 2024

I knew when I saw you posted a new story that you weren't going to pull any punches. You always say what you want to say without flowers or pretty pictures. Well done. Hope you have a good holiday season.


Omar Scott
22:55 Dec 24, 2024

Thanks that means a lot. Happy holidays to you too


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