I Really Wanna Be With You

Submitted into Contest #154 in response to: Start your story with someone saying, “We’re running out of time.”... view prompt

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African American Fiction Romance

I Really Wanna Be with You: Short Story 

As the plane was set to leave Rachel and Lester had one last moment to see each other. 

“We’re running out time” Lester said 

“I don’t wanna leave you” Rachel said 

“I have to go but I’ll never forget about you” Lester said 

“Lester, I Love you” Rachel said 

“I love you Rachel” Lester said 

Rachel is heartbroken that Lester has to leave to go in the Army she was upset because she’s worried that she’ll be alone but like he said he’ll never forget about Rachel while he’s gone, they been friends since February 2002 and they wanted to be more than friends but Rachel is in a mentally abusive relationship and Lester is married to a woman who has two kids with him so the only time they see each other is on the weekends while Marion is with his guy friends and when Lester’s estranged wife is at work at the hospital Rachel is staying strong for her and Lester sometimes it hurts because the love is stronger what people think. 

Lester arrived to London and he is reading his love letters from Rachel that she wrote while he was sleeping Lester is so happy that he gets to listen to her words that are so pure and sweet Rachel was smiling the whole time that she read his letter that he wrote and they talked like every day and Rachel wants to see him Lester will talk to his boss about letting family or friends see them and the boss was stern and strict but he respected Lester because he was one brave man. 

Rachel is in bed sleeping and last night she had a dream about Lester. She loves everything about him, his niceness, his intelligence, and his love for her and when she wakes up she realizes that it’s all a dream and in reality he’s in London. 

Rachel and Lester met at a housewarming party for Rachel’s cousin moving in her first apartment and Lester came because he really needed time off from his wife who was a nagging person and she comes off as mean and petty for no reason Rachel was eating an appetizer while Lester is sipping on his wine and he looked at Rachel like she was so classy and beautiful in his pretty brown eyes. 

Rachel remembered her first date with Lester and she was so nervous that she could barely talked and sometimes she doesn’t want to say anything stupid but Lester made her very comfortable on their first date and after the date was over he asked Rachel when can he see her again with a kiss on her left hand she honestly tells him that she’s in a controlling relationship and she doesn’t know how to leave him because she’s too afraid of what he’ll might do and Lester understood but Rachel said that she’ll get to see him on Fridays and Saturday’s that’s when the man she’s living with is at work or out with his friends they decided to spend time on the weekends so they can get to know each other as friends she got out the car and she went downstairs to sleep. 

Lester is home and his wife has told him that he hasn’t been home for weeks and he doesn’t want to talk about it because she’s been doing the same thing with her friend as well Lester went to sleep and in the morning he’ll move out and find someone to stay on his own because he doesn’t want to hear her nagging and being disrespectful all the time to Lester and he wants to be alone anyway. 

Rachel found a red diary filled with red roses and moonstones that Lester bought for her because she was interesting in writing poems and letters for fun she wrote a lot and she really wanna get back to writing down her feelings and her diary is a valuable gift for her because Lester bought her in the kindness of his heart. 

Lester is in his room and he has army work tomorrow so he’s going to be busy all day he’s on the telephone with Rachel just loving hearing her soothing voice while they were taking Lester is a little sleepy because he is tired and her speaking tone isn’t helping in a playful way, he has to go but Rachel doesn’t want to hang up so Lester and Rachel talked for a little while longer and then they’ll call each other after he gets off doing his work in the field.

Rachel is sleeping on her bed and then she had another dream where she and Lester were at the park Marion woke her up telling her about going to work today and she has to pick up the kids because he’s going to New York she asked why and he didn’t give an answer because it was none of her business so Rachel was fine with it and she told him to have a nice time and she’ll pick up the kids after school and he didn’t say anything back he packed his bag and went on by his way not a hug or a kiss or a see ya later he straight up and left. 

Lester was home and he didn’t even want to be there with his wife so he went out and say that their relationship isn’t working and he’s not happy in his marriage he’s wife understood so he’s moving out and they’re going to get their divorce papers started he doesn’t want to end it this way but he doesn’t want to be with his wife anymore he’s tired of the disrespect and he’s tired of fighting he’ll see the kids from time to time and he’ll see where they stand separately. 

Rachel took a walk in the neighborhood today and while the kids are at school she needed time to think about her life and why she has no control over anything that she wants to do for herself. She took her diary and wrote down what she wants to do and how she's going to do it. 

Rachel texted Marion as she was packing her bags to move out and she’s taking her kids too and fighting for custody because she is not going through this with Marion no more she doesn’t want to be a weak woman she wants to be with Lester and be her own person to herself and Marion took it as a joke and she was being serious as she explained how much damage he caused in her life so she left and didn’t say goodbye to Marion and she didn’t want to look or come back to Marion and she definitely meant it and never broke that promise on her highs or lows she tells herself that she doesn’t need Marion and she’s going to be alright. 

Rachel and Lester are finally together as more than friends at the time they couldn’t be together. Toxic people around them were in the way of them being together. All they wanted was happiness and to be with each other and look where they are now happy and healthy.  

The End… 

July 15, 2022 20:37

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1 comment

02:50 Jul 21, 2022

Hi Chanyah, your story has tons of twists and turns and alot of things are going on! Wow! I find having my characters talk to each other helps the story move forward and you can concentrate on important scenes!


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