The weather was rainy that Tuesday morning. I am just finishing tolling that mighty bell summoning the faithful for morning mass when it started. The early morning rain is the kind we the priest boys see as a cursed blessing.
Rushing from our boy's quarter base to the church to prepare for the morning mass and tolling the bell that is under the melia tree that is about three minutes walk away from our quarters without an umbrella is the cursed part. The blessing part is that the massive compound with flowers of every specie adorning strategic places and compulsory that we must water them all before morning mass is off once rain starts. But when rain decides to help in the wee hours of the morning, it's a welcomed thing and that is the blessed part of most mornings in the rainy season.
Waking up by 4:45am is not something we, three of us boys living with priest enjoy doing by any means but body and spirit always get oriented and familiarise themselves over time when there is no choice. I was about nine years old at that period in the early 1980's and in retrospect, the country was somehow backward that period too. Economic and technological sense.
The rain that particular morning was different from the kinds I have ever witnessed in my nine years of existence. I have seen enough rain that it's no longer new or news to me but what was happening that morning was war unannounced, therefore unexpected.
Blocks of ice were falling from heaven and adults called them hailstones or some name like that. I was under that bell tree drawing the rope with absent mindedness as usual, summoning the faithful for the morning ritual when I suddenly noticed that I wasn't the lone person tolling that bell that morning. Initially, I was surprised when the nearby zincs started making unnecessary noise, and stones that landed near me and ones that hammer on the bells triggered fear and confusion. Revenants at work concluded as I cast my eyes here and there to see human figures but no apparition emerged. That intensified my fears.
It continued that way and as I dashed towards the comfort of the church and how pellets of frozen rain I heard all around me never hit me, is a thing of surprise to date. The generator was on that period and it was when inside the comfort of the church that I was able to peep through the window and enjoyed the spectacular through the window. Block of rain will land with a noise, and melt immediately. Kputu! kputu!! kputu!!! Was the sound I was hearing all around me and was enjoying it for sure.
Inside that village that era, there was nothing like landline, intercom and tv reception was not that bad in our 14 inches black and white TV that ruled supreme as undisputable attraction that period. The morning felt the impact of that unexpected hail as well as some flowers and economic trees planted behind the church compound. Their broken branches attested to the brutality of the hail. It's no kids play. What smashed solid things can kill humans with ease.
"How did something that smashed branches,zincs and windows miss heads?" I asked my friend I.K hours later in the school when that phenomena became the talk of the school and town.
"People took cover in their houses, trees and zinc without houses beared the wrath of the hail instead" he said smirking.
" frozen rains dropping from heaven, i never witnessed something like that, never heard of such before. "There must be fridge somewhere up there" I said with all seriousness. "If not, why did the water blocked before dropping?" i asked eyeing around seeking for confirmation. But, all coming from my mates were the same imagination talks like mine. No one knows any real logic outside our imaginations running riots. As far as we are concerned, ice blocks come from water in the fridge therefore, there must be electricity and a refrigerator up there QED.
The sun did not fail to show up in the afternoon the same day the water was being refrigerated up there in the wee morning so, there was rolling around in the damped dust and playing football without football but oranges and waterproof tied in round form and used as football.
2:30 am, the school and ice blocked water over, stories and comments over, I went back to the parish and the priest was in the dining hall eating, automatically, I was supposed to stand and serve. As I rushed there still in my school uniform and dirtiness, the man was flabbergasted. "Humm, look at you, how dirty you are. Please shift a bit" he was at the same time sipping his Dr pepper i noticed was his favorite after schewapps and liptons. I went to our quarters to change clothes, washed my hands and wiped my body with the school shorts and rushed back to the dining hall.
The priest was through and was heading upstairs as I came into view again as a serious waiter. I was not playing anyone including the cooks, my fellow guys or the priest, it's normal practice on play there. Who waits the tables eats what remains in the flasks and the plates.That is the practice there so i wasn't stressing myself to make the man's life less stressful but to help myself.
"Start from up" the priest will admonish whenever the cleaning saturday comes around and he is around to observe us at work sweeping and cleaning. "Don't you see that the spider webs are everywhere up there. Start from there. Once you bring them down, kill them before you start to sweep. If you don't kill them, they will climb up and build another web there. The house is so clean and cobwebs everywhere up there. It sends wrong signals" he will voice out while doing the work himself to show and not just tell. I remember his modus operandi isn't to tell but to show. Father Simone is good at that and he never failed to use cane, boredom and time crippling to educate us. I remember those times as if they were yesterday. How will the three of us living with him ever forget? It sticks like glue in the memory.
The man when you fuck up a lot will tell you to sit or kneel in the dinninghall and went upstaires to read or sleep and after hours, he will tiptoe to the staircase, spy at you from the space there. If you are new, you will be deceived by his supposed "i don't care" way of forgetting you for hours doing another thing when under punishment. He never forgets. In fact within months, you will come to realize that the number of canes you receive doesn't depend on your initial crime that ushered the crippling but whether you obeyed his own orders of sitting or kneeling down for hours well.
The man is funny in many ways and at times I wondered what was going on in his balding head. Whether he lived overseas before I knew him or not. Some behaviors from him are never what you see with a man that started and is still in Africa. Nah. Many funny introductions from him I have not seen with any other priest or reverend Sisters ever. I suspect he must have picked them up from a book or movie.
At times he will be spying on us down stairs in the kitchen corridors from the palour windows upstairs and smirking to my songs and revealing his presence.
"When you hear that Christ is coming, run, run. Don't turn to the left or to the right but face straight"
Improvised song that comes to me out of idleness. If we that talk to ourselves and the cook can feel lonely at times in that massive compound, how about the man that stays alone upstairs most of the time? I recalled that Sundays and bazaars are special work days for us. Counting coins that have value then and exist in large numbers and worshipers never fail to come to service with one and when you have a population like we did then, you have a counting work to look forward to each sunday. I remember the first thing the other boys before me taught me how to count money. Coins, how to place them in columns and how to add the columns before putting them in a tiny money bag I guess doesn't exist anymore since coins as legal tender have practically ceased to exist in this country.
The man managing three different towns in that era church has meaning to the faithful, unlike how many view it these days. That period, the church didn't just act as a place you go to talk to God, it served as customary court handling many kinds of marital, financial, land dispute cases. People were illiterates in large numbers then, culture and traditions frictions with sermons in the church were causing little problems in most families and they valued the inputs and education of the priest then a lot that our living room is always full of families narrating their family problems to the priest they felt knows far better and the man was always busy advising. That place then in my young mind equals a mini courthouse.
In hindsight, I think this society we are in now and these generation Zs would laugh their heads off if they were to be transported back to early '80s today and see how people lived that era. How many goes to church again let alone seeing the priest as chief magistrate with omniscience figure-like anymore. Gone forever that duty of priest and outlook it projects. Everyone is lord of manor in their houses and won't even tolerate your poking nose into their family affairs, Bishop or proffessor let alone filing a complaint with the priest for advice.
To think i am heading down the ladder of live and that hail, those blocked waters falling from heaven i recalled i witnessed it once more years later but not in that town i lived with priest and confusing part is that at times, people from just next town will report they did not witness what you are narrating and i believed some of my age mates and even many before us never witnessed ice block from heaven in their lives. So i guess i must be among the blessed of this earth to not only read about them but saw it in reality. I no longer imagined, I have seen.
I can never be a doubting Thomas in that regard for live. I saw. Frozen water from heaven.
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This is an interesting story. I take hail for granted. When it gets colder, you get snow. And even colder, you get dry snow. They are called hail stones. (Leave out 'some name like that') You experienced a freak weather event.
I worried in case any people were injured. Such a scary event. It's funny, too, with the reference to a fridge in the sky. I loved the story from the POV of a nine-year-old boy.
I will give you a few points.
"The weather was rainy that Tuesday morning. I am just finishing tolling that mighty bell summoning the faithful for morning mass when it started. The early morning rain is the kind we the priest boys see as a cursed blessing."
- Some say not to mention the weather, but the fact it is raining is relevant. 'It rained on Tuesday morning' ? Some words should be left out of writing. eg. 'just'. Focus on the correct subject to get rid of passives. 'It started as I tolled (not necessary to say at what stage you were tolling beginning or end) the mighty bell summoning the faithful for morning mass.'
The blessing part is that the massive compound with flowers of every specie adorning strategic places and compulsory that we must water them all before morning mass is off once rain starts" This sentence is a bit mixed up. Try two sentences here? 'Species' is correct. 'It is compulsory to water them before morning mass except when the rain starts.' ?
Rainy season and we are happy to have early morning rain. This tale isn't 100% fiction, its 75% experienced incident. I just don't recall all details well anymore, I imported some incidents just like I did this week on mad-inlaw and even on others. Thanks for your in depth analysis.
That's ok. Thanks for reading mine. A melded story that's called fiction but based on an actual event. That's what writers do. Weave in what we know with research and the best way to tell a story to make it readable and engaging. You nail it every time.
Always interesting to read about your culture.
Thanks for liking 'Help Needed'. The urban fires are still burning in Los Angeles, California after a week.
Yeah, I read about that. Thanks for your time.
Philip, these are the strengths of your story.
1. Vivid Imagery: The author paints a clear picture of the setting and events, allowing readers to visualize the rain, hailstones, and the church environment vividly. Phrases like "blocks of ice were falling from heaven," and the description of the church compound with flowers enhance the sensory experience.
2. Authentic Voice: Your narrative captures the innocence and curiosity of a nine-year-old boy, giving it an authentic, genuine voice. The childlike interpretations of events, like believing there might be a refrigerator in the sky, contribute to the story's charm.
3. Cultural Context: Your story reflects the cultural and historical backdrop of the early 1980s, providing insight into the socio-economic conditions of that time. This adds depth to the character’s experiences and thoughts.
4. Emotional Resonance: Your contrast between the anticipated routine of morning mass and the unexpected hailstorm creates tension and excitement. The boy's fear and confusion during the event are relatable emotions that generate empathy from the reader.
5. Humor and Wit: The playful banter and imaginative reasoning among the boys inject humour into the narrative. The protagonist's dialogue and thoughts bring light to the story, making it engaging and entertaining.
6. Strong Characterization: Your characters are well-defined, especially the young protagonist and the priest. Their interactions and behaviours provide insight into their personalities and relationship dynamics.
7. Universal Themes: Themes of childhood innocence, exploration, and the wonder of nature resonate universally. The story captures the fundamental experiences of growing up and facing the unexpected.
8. Narrative Structure: The anecdotal style and the progression of events, from the morning rain to the afternoon sun, create a cohesive story arc that is easy to follow while maintaining reader interest.
Overall, the strengths of this story lie in its vivid storytelling, relatable characters, and the blend of humour with serious themes.
Some places where I thought improvements could be made.
1. Pacing and Structure: More varied pacing could benefit your story. Certain sections, especially the descriptions of the hailstorm, feel drawn out, while other moments might be rushed. A more balanced rhythm could enhance engagement and maintain reader interest throughout.
2. Character Development: While the protagonist is well-defined, other characters, such as the priest and I.K., could use more depth. Providing additional background or insights into their personalities and motivations would create stronger emotional connections with the readers.
3. Clarity and Focus: Some passages could be more focused to avoid confusion. For instance, the transition from the hailstorm to discussions at school might be more apparent if the author explicitly connects the events, emphasizing how they impacted the protagonist and the community.
4. Dialogue Variety: While the dialogue captures the playful nature of childhood, introducing a wider range of speech patterns or expressions might enhance the authenticity of the characters and make their interactions feel more unique and dynamic.
5. Descriptive Language: While the imagery is strong, there are moments where descriptions could be further refined to avoid redundancy. For instance, some phrases could be streamlined to maintain clarity while still painting a vivid picture.
6. Thematic Depth: The story could explore deeper themes related to childhood experiences, such as fear of nature, resilience, or the transition from innocence to understanding. Adding more reflective moments for the protagonist could enrich the narrative.
7. Consistency in Tone: Your story shifts between playful and solemn tones, which can sometimes be jarring. A more consistent tone throughout would help create a smoother reading experience and reinforce the story's emotional impact.
8. Ending Expansion: The conclusion feels somewhat abrupt, and it could be expanded to provide closure. Further reflection on the day's events or a significant takeaway could leave readers with a lasting impression.
Addressing these areas could enhance the reading experience by making the story more cohesive, engaging, and impactful.
Overall done very well.
Thanks for sharing,
Wow. This is something else in terms of commentary. Almost a full story. Gee! I am overwhelmed on how to start replying to this in depth analysis. I must for sure screenshot and print it out later for my personal studies.
I am great is understatement. I highly appreciate the time you put in here. Thanks a lot.