
I have always wanted to be an artist. To capture the most beautiful moments in people’s lives – with a brush and paint, or simply a pen and paper. I once thought that the sight of my paintings would bring heaven on earth. Make a sad soul cheerful.

I started out as a pizza delivery guy after graduation. It’s not what I had in my mind but it turned out to be an interesting adventure. Thomas would sneak alcohol and cigars every Saturday. I once saw him smoke during working hours and I let him. That’s how we become friends, partners in crime. I had just been promoted to supervisor level. I still have a sketch of him puffing thick white smoke into the air. That’s how I keep memories of the people I love.

Thomas grew up on the street. He has always avoided normalcy. But he has never denied the fact that one day he will have a family. To him, a family is where love is born of patience, fortitude, and years of endurance. He says these were core values on the street. Survival depended on patience above all. Thomas was a man molded by his childhood. Years of struggle and hustle gave him a sailor’s outlook with a tender heart. I always loved to be near him when he smoked. He would smoke his cigars as I smoke the calmness from him.

Thomas, calm and strong. I never expected to see him cripple under the weight of worries and burdens. I endlessly searched the universe for something that would break him down. My goal was to capture this beautiful moment in his life. I wished to see emotions gush from his stout figure. I had to be ready. I needed answers. I needed clues.

You know, nothing can break this homie.’ He used to say with a fist to his chest.

Life as a delivery guy wasn’t all that bad. Thomas was able to find a way out for us. He finally switched to mechanics and helped me with the farming business. I had to move to the countryside – horses, wagons, the sight of men with sombreros now and then, local ales every evening. I knew I was where the universe wanted me to be.

Trudy’s dinner was a favorite spot for many that came to life in the evenings. Mornings and afternoons were filled with drudgery tasks. The diner was a perfect place to regenerate the worn-out bodies. Fresh beers and great music made it a lively place. Luna’s band, I must say was the best in the countryside. Thomas would have loved such a community. Seeing me with Maggie would have put a smile on his face.

Maggie worked at Trudy’s diner as a waitress. She was also a backup vocalist for Luna’s band. A voluptuous tall lady with twin black braids, a girl of unusual beauty. Her flat face in which the black eyes opened, gave her an unflagging beauty. But that’s not why I loved Maggie. From the moment I set eyes on her, I knew that she would be the one to complete the missing link in my life. Even now that she is gone, I still picture her serve me a beer with an unrestrained smile. She used to give a smile to everyone at the diner. I employed my art skill to win her heart. Every time she served me - I would slip a fine drawing of her from the previous night on the serving tray. It wasn’t easy at the start. Her smile slowly faded whenever she saw me. Things got worse when Jim started delivering my drinks. Jim was loyal. I promised him a painting if he agreed to give Maggie my drawings.

Months later, Maggie stopped showing up at the diner. Luna’s band got a new backup vocalist. But she was nothing compared to Maggie. The music and beer never tasted the same without Maggie. In hopes of seeing her again, I continued my adventures with the diner. I started binge drinking to wash out the memories I had of her. But the drinking seemed to flood my mind with her figure. She never gave me a chance to say goodbye or to tell her how things were on my farm.

But even in the darkest moments, there’s always hope. A flicker of light in the abyss is enough to give life and hope to souls. One evening at the diner Jim handed me a folded note with a grin on his face.

‘I hope this will give you a reason to shave.’ Jim said

Dear sketch man,

I prefer to call you a sketch-man than Frank. I haven’t met Frank but I have met the man who labored to sketch out my entire evenings. I love all your drawings although the smile is extra. I’m sorry I never got a chance to meet you, Frank. When you showed interest in me, I had to keep my distance for my husband is a tough man. I wanted to keep you safe. I had to leave the band and the diner when I got pregnant. Mark has always been a loving husband but things have changed of late. It’s been three weeks since I last heard from him. Jim suggested that I write to you. You haven’t been yourself of late.

I live across the river, south of the diner. Jim is willing to accompany you here. Bring along your drawing tools.


Margret (Maggie) Diaz

Maggie’s letter made no sense and I wondered why she would invite me to her home. Jim stood by my side like he could read my thoughts.

‘What she didn’t mention is that Mark is an adventurer’ Jim said. ‘He owns the diner and the band. Most of the girls work for him –

‘Enough Jim.’ I said.

All I could think of was Maggie. But she was with Mark and soon she would welcome a newborn into this world. Mark might not be there for her but I could. What would Thomas do in such a situation?

I wrote to him about the whole situation. On the mention of the word family, Thomas left for the countryside. He couldn’t shut up about the fact that I would soon be a father. Mark wasn’t a responsible guy. Maggie’s letter said much than what she wrote, and Jim spilled much.

‘Tell me homie, how will you capture your child’s first moment?’ Thomas said

‘With a paper and a pencil.’

‘No that’s sluggish. This is called a camera - I will be here to see you cry when you hold the baby in your hands.’ Thomas said as he waved the camera over our faces.

‘Thomas gets to capture the most beautiful moments. Unlike you my friend Frank, I have always wanted to be a photographer.’

August 28, 2020 07:04

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Pika Okoye
17:30 Feb 13, 2021

Wow, a perfect story to imagine the other world from the characters' point of view with perfect blend of joy and emotions..........Great work Derrick:) would you like to read my stories?:)


Derrick Kakooza
14:13 Feb 21, 2021



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Derrick Kakooza
14:14 Feb 21, 2021



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Derrick Kakooza
14:14 Feb 21, 2021



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C.j 🤍
22:40 Sep 19, 2020



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