Adventure Holiday Kids

By the time I stepped outside, the leaves were on fire. Everywhere around were myriads of red, yellow and brown leaves who looked forlorn and desolate. The sky was deep blue accompanied by snowy clouds and they seemed to me an invitation for a thrilling adventure. On the western side, red and orange colours were spread throughout the sky just like the colour of leaves I was surrounded by. It was evening time and the sun was about to set. This is the beauty of autumn that I have adored since my childhood. Autumn is my favourite time of the year and I cherish autumnal evenings more than anything in this world.

 I, along with my two friends Alex and Peter were camping on a hill top, away from cities. Both of them are my childhood friends. Alex and Peter are 13 years old while I am 12. I could spot clump of trees shivering in the air. I felt as if the nature is calling me to have a promenade in it's appealing heaven. I marched inside my camp. Peter and Alex were seated on cosy cushions, sipping cocoa. They were holding cards and were completely engrossed in their game. "Why don't we go ambling all along the hill?" I asked. "Are we crazy that we'd go for walk in this weather?" Peter snapped. "Then why did both of you accompany me?", I demanded. "Just because your mum wanted us to", said Alex sarcastically. "What do you mean by this Alex?", I grunted. "Well, you know that you can't go alone anywhere as you are just a scary, little girl" , giggled Peter. "That's not true. That's just what Mum assumes", I clarified. "Just a false supposition of yours. If you are really a bold and plucky girl, then go ahead. Go wherever you want to. But remember, you'll have to go all by yourself. We are not going to accompany you anyway", Alex challenged. "Right then, I'd go alone and I'll show you guys that I am not a timid. I can go anywhere all by myself. I am not scare of anything", I announced. " Bye Mary. I hope to meet you after five minutes when you'll return from your walk with a petrified face", Peter laughed. And then both of them again dwelled into their game. I was already pissed off but Peter's last prediction flied off my handle. I made up my mind to show both of them that I am not a frightened person. I decided to spend today's night in the woods. I took my coat and bag. Alex and Peter were so engaged in their game that they didn't even notice me marching out.

 I made my way through a narrow path down the hill. Some squirrels were dangling on and off the trees and some even stumbled into me. I was so furious at that time to even see if I had staved a tiny snail sauntering on the grass. The sun had now set and evening gloam had stretched around. I was now down the hill and two paths were laid there before me. I was in too haste to decide which path to take. I continued to walk on the right path that was lined by red maple trees. I spotted some live Oaks which were still greener. Now, the main path had broken down into small trails. It was now dark all around me. So, I produced out a torch from my bag. I lighted it and then gazed around. Only sound could be heard was of rustling leaves. The dim view of woods frightened me but I was desperate enough to spend my night there. I had walked for almost two hours and goodness knows how much distance I have covered in this long time. 

I began to ponder where to stay. I saw some space between two trees. I was about to begin making my little home for tonight but then I heard my tummy growling. I realized that I have not had anything since evening snacks and it was past supper time now. I sat down under a tree. The leaves were lying all around me. I gathered all of them and tried to light up the fire. But it was so damp in there that all my efforts failed. So, I compromised on the torch light. It was much chilly weather than I had thought of. I searched out my bag hoping to find some yummy supper. But what's that, only some apples and a bottle of cocoa. I never imagined of having this little treat for tonight specially after walking for two long hours but it was all my fault. I never bothered to throw some edibles in my bag before leaving the camp. I munched apples planning what to do next.

 My heart was shivering from the fear of darkness spread all the way in woods. I was in the heart of woods. I was lucky enough to find a map of these woods in my bag, so I wasn't worried that I could lost in this grave boscage. The only terrifying thing was the pitch darkness here. I tried to calm down myself and after sometime I felt new enthusiasm in my limbs.

I was also feeling glorious that for the first time in my life, I was going to be all alone. How proud I feel, when I'll tell everyone in the school about my great adventure. How every classmate of mine would be envious of me! My eyes were flashing with joy at imagining this great scene. I wondered what Alex and Peter would be on about. I end up believing that they'll still be engrossed in their cards game and would never have think of me. 

I was dwelled in my thoughts when I heard scream of a child. At first, I couldn't believe my ears but then I heard it for another time. The sound was now coming nearer. I could hear the whisperings of two persons as well. I was so perplexed that I couldn't move. Then, somehow I managed to switch off my torch, so that whoever is coming couldn't spot me. Different sorts of fears were taking birth in my mind. The persons whoever they were had come close. I could see them under the moonlight. There were two persons along with a trolley sealed by some packing. They were bulky men and were no more than a giant for me in this dark. They didn't notice my presence because bushes were covering me. 

I was wondering what these two muscular men have been doing in these woods at this hour of the night. Perhaps, they were carrying woods along with them in that trolley or might be smuggling something. But what was that scream. There's no child with them. Who would be shrieking?, I thought. And then, I heard that scream again. This time it was some kind of whine and wail of a child. And to my goodness it was coming from their trolley. I was confused about all these happenings. What's in their trolley that is producing screams of a child? I decided to follow them.

 I chased them and heard their voices They were talking to each other. "Walk fast. We have to reach there on time", One person scolded the other. "I can't walk more fast. I am going to resign from my job as soon as I get out of this place. Boss is a frantic man. He handed us task of keeping a kidnapped child here and didn't even gave us a car", his partner barked. "Not he but you are frantic. How could you drive a car on these tiny paths. Anyways, check your phone if there is service here. Boss would be calling us," ordered the first man. His friend produced out a phone from his coat but soon put it back

 I was now petrified at thinking that these persons are kidnappers who work for a boss. And what if they spotted me. What will I do? What if they had a gun and shot me down? Should I go back to my place or should I follow them to rescue the child. But I am not strong enough to fight these two phantoms. I kept thinking and then I remembered the sarcastic comments of Alex and Peter and I made up my mind to rescue this little creature. How jealous would they be when I would tell them all this.

It was now one and half hour until the time I was following them and we have covered quite a long way by now. I reckon that we were very close to get out of these woods. And then one of the men stopped. The monstrous man said to his partner, "Don't you think someone is following us". "You have gone nuts", snapped the other man. "I heard footsteps. There is someone here," declared the first man. And then he began hunting all around.

 He was coming close to me. I immediately hid behind a tree. I was so horrified that I couldn't even breath. I was scared out of my wits. He was almost a couple of footsteps away when his partner called out, "Hey, service is available here. Let's call boss", said his partner. At hearing this, he marched back to his partner and engaged in calling their boss. I was over the moon when he went back.

I begin to think hard. Is this the right chance for me to save that child? Should I avail this opportunity? And I heard my heart calling out, "Yes. Go ahead. Save that child". They had left the trolley now and moved aside to call their boss. I tiptoed to the trolley. It was zipped and when I unzipped it, I saw a 5 years old child there. When he saw me, he began shouting, "Save me. These bad uncles have kidnapped me. Save me". I put my hand on his mouth to stop him shouting but it was too late. The kidnappers had seen me and were chasing me now. I had no other option except to escape. So, I quickly let the child out of trolley, held his hand and both of us began to run.

We took advantage of dark and climbed a tree. It was difficult to let the child climb but somehow I managed it. I also got bruise on my elbow. We were on branch of the tree. The kidnappers were now couple of steps away. "Where had they disappeared?", man shouted". I told you somebody's here but you didn't believe. Now only you'll face boss", his partner scolded him. "Hey, it's not the time to quarrel. We have got to find that child and boy. Let's go this way", with that said, they ran into the deep woods. I was proud of myself that I got a brainwave and got rid of these kidnappers. They assumed me a boy as they didn't saw me clearly in the dark. Because when I had gone there to save the child, the moon went behind clouds.

When they had disappeared, I alighted from the tree and brought the boy down. Both of us began to run in the direction opposite to them. We kept running until we were out of breath. The boy was only five but he raced like an Olympic runner. That's exactly what happens when you're in storm clouds. We were resting after this long run, when we heard footsteps advancing towards us. We flashed to hide behind a tree. They were calling someone loud. And then, I recognised them. They were calling my name, Mary. Yes, they were Alex and Peter. I ran towards them and the tiny munchkin followed me. When they saw me, they began to rejoice loudly, " You are here Mary. We finally found you". I was walking on air after seeing both of them again. And then the footsteps and shouts began to come again. And this time from the opposite side. I was so glad that I forgot all about kidnappers. They were now chasing us at the top speed. The little boy shouted out, "Hey run, those nasty men are coming". And once again an Olympic race commenced there.

 Peter and Alex were astonished with all the suspicious happenings. I shortly told them while running that they are kidnappers who have kidnapped this child. We were soon out of these woods onto the same path where I was once ambling in the evening. I couldn't describe my feelings at getting out of that devil clump of trees. We dashed all the way through this path which was leading to city. After a slightly long run, we could now see the vivid lights of buildings. Our first intention was to find a safe place. But what I wanted was gallons of water. I wondered if he had eaten anything. I was also determined to save this child from those devils. We ran so speedily that they were left behind. We had now entered the city and I was looking for a shop where I could quench my thirst. And then Alex began to shout, "Hey see, there is a police mobile over there. Hey, come on let's go." And a sensation of bliss spread around and we happily made our way towards them. 

We were soon there. Two stout men in the police uniform came out at hearing our shrieks. Before we could inform them of the kidnappers, the tiny creature hugged one of the police men. The police man began kissing him. We were totally stunned at this sight. What in the world is happening here? How can a police man get emotional on seeing a little child that he burst into tears. The kidnappers had also reached there. When they saw us along a police mobile, they started running back towards woods. I shouted out, "Hey, grab those men. They are kidnappers".

 The other police officer chased them immediately. I couldn't stop myself and I ran behind three of them as well. Peter and Alex also joined me. Soon we were very close to kidnappers. One of them has been caught by the police man. Other was still trying his best to escape. And then I caught sight of a stone. I picked it up from the ground, aimed it at the nasty man and hit him with all my might. The stone had banged him on his head. He stopped there and then and fell down. His head was bleeding. But he was still conscious. The police man took hold of the other kidnapper as well and we made our way back to the police mobile. Alex and Peter were gazing at me with awe. I knew what were they thinking. How could a girl like me who never even hurt a fly, hit a man like this and got so brave all of a sudden. I couldn't believe all this as well. It was a dream for me but all the same I was feeling proud that I rescued a child. 

When we went back, the stout man told us that this boy is his son who was kidnapped two days ago. He had searched him almost everywhere but all in vain. They were going to search him in the woods outside the city in response to a secret information they got but we went to them at that moment. The little boy narrated the entire story to his dad that how I rescued him from those kidnappers. I was glaring with pride at hearing his story which he described. The police man promised to arrange a VIP dinner for me and my friends as an honour for my gallantry.

 The little creature hugged me saying, "You are a valiant girl, more daring than any boy in the world". Alex and Peter couldn't believe their ears at hearing this story. They clapped me on my back saying, "You are a fearless girl and we are proud to have a friend like you". And then I said to myself, "The secret of bravery never lies in the strength of muscles. It relies upon the power of mind and the courage of belief".

Author: Amna Ayub

October 15, 2020 13:36

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Fast Learner
11:36 Oct 20, 2020

Gosh...that is so well-written... I was totally envolved...first in the camps...then the dark woods...and OMG that escape.... You literally created an over-whelming adventure on your first turn...!


Amna Ayub
14:57 Oct 20, 2020

Thanks your your remarks!


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Crystal Lewis
10:02 Oct 20, 2020

Well done on your first Reeds story! It was nice and I’m glad it had a happy ending. :)


Amna Ayub
14:57 Oct 20, 2020

Thanks alot for the comment.


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13:45 Dec 05, 2020

Amazing!!! "The secret of bravery never lies in the strength of muscles. It relies upon the power of mind and the courage of belief", what a wonderful lines. Keep writing.


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06:31 Oct 22, 2020

Hi Amna, Congratulations on your story! It has a really good plot. It's engaging and exciting and very descriptive. Well done! I would like to make one recommendation for future stories. You use a lot of really big words that sometimes confuse the meaning of what you want to say. Perhaps mix some simpler language with the bigger words so that your reader is not too overwhelmed. I look forward to reading more of your stories.


Amna Ayub
00:48 Oct 23, 2020

Thanks Delene for your great words. I'll consider your recommendation in my coming stories. Stay tuned!


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Habiya Tauseef
14:31 Oct 20, 2020

You just did a marvelous job! More power to you my bestie. May you shine more brighter.


Amna Ayub
14:57 Oct 20, 2020

Ameen. Thank you dear.


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