Mystery Creative Nonfiction Drama


 Co-Founder( font style for the co-founder)

 New Member(font styles for the new member)

This is the last one. She had a long name and sent in her application last.

Joining this Posse was not Chrissie's idea of an awesome summer but she wanted to make her mother proud. She walked into a room covered in shiny jewels, covering the chairs, tables, and even the ceiling fan. She was told to stand under a shimmering swinging chandelier.

“Repeat after me

“I, say your name,”

“I, Chrissie,”

“Put your pinkie in the air”

“I, Chrissie,”


  “Chrysanthemum Afia Rose-Petunia Orchard Ofori- Osei. Chrissie for shor--”

 “AS A NEW member of this posse”

 “Hmph. As a new member of this posse”

 “Promise to uphold and observe all rules of this Posse as if my life depended on it”

    “Promise to uphold all rul-

     “-and observe – “

    “uphold and observe all rules of this posse as if my life depended on it”

    “Because it does”


     “SAY IT”

     “because it does”

      “I promise,”

       “I promise,”

“to do exactly what I am told no questions asked”

“… to do what I am told”

“Exactly what I am told NO QUESTIONS ASKED!”

“…exactly what I am told no questions asked”

“to stay clear of the orange room,”

“to stay clear of the orange room,”

“The males in the Buff Posse”



“…  erm, my cousin is a memb-


“…the males in the Buff Posse”

“the color orange”

“… but orange is the new black!”


“the color orange”

“anything that has to do with polka dots”

“…anything that has to do with polka dots”

“and all activities after 11pm”

“and all activities after 11 pm”

“As a member of this posse”

“As a member of this posse”

“I will set an example to my other posse peeps,”

I will set an example to my other posse peeps,”

“Do what the Posse wants and not what I want”



“Do what the Posse wants and not what I want”

“And make my Posse peeps, school, friends, community and family proud”

“And make my Posse peeps, school, friends, community and family proud”

      “SO, HELP ME, GOD!”

      “SO, HELP ME, GOD!”

“Now lick the doorpost”

“The what?”



“remember ONE OF THE RULES?


“And besides its tradition. From the day this Posse began licking the doorpost was a sign of new beginnings and forming new habits.”

“which doorpost?

“the orange one”

“…but you said no orange”

“Well done! I meant the gold one”

“Great! Got a good lick there! You are now officially an official member of the Flosse Posse. The online form does not do enough justice.

 As one of the co-founders, I warmly welcome you into this group of young ladies looking to add a little pizzazz to this grey world. Your life will never be the same.

I am sure you have done your research on this Posse hence I will not go much into it.

Staring at the swinging chandelier, Chrissie just wished she could wash the icky taste of the doorpost off.

The Flosse Posse was formed by four intriguing women. Their pictures are up on the wall in the Flosse Room which is to down the hall to the right. I encourage you to take a look later on. This group was formed initially for women to take a break from life and have fun but over the years has grown into an established group seeking to make specific changes in this world. These specific changes will be relayed shortly. Now, a few things to keep in mind before your journey begins.

You will be residing on the third floor, last room to the left. Top bunk. All drawers opposite are yours. Your roommate is Daffodil. She will show you around and show you the ropes. The kitchen is down here to your left and the Laundry room is in the basement. Lights out are 11 pm. No movement after that. If you are caught breaking any of these rules. And I mean ANY, you will face the consequences, the FLOSSE POSSE WAY. Weekly meetings at seven every Monday and Friday evening. We have monthly camp meetings in our cabin in the next town. This scamp meeting serves as an evaluation for all of us. If anyone does not pass that evaluation, she immediately returns, packs her things, and leaves the posse for good. I think that’s it.”

“Are we clear?”


Any questions?”

“Where is the washroom?”

Rushing in the direction she was shown, Chrissie locked the bathroom door and tried to brush the doorpost taste off her mouth. Needless to say, the taste stayed with her. Closing the tap, she puffed up her chest and looked directly at the mirror.


 Maybe saying it out loud would make it feel right.

But deep down she felt left out. Like she would not fit in. This was first grade all over again.

Meanwhile, back in the shiny room, Dina, one of the co-founders taught about their last posse member. The one with the long name. She wasn’t really sure what to think of her. Her initiation was one of the most awkward ones and one of the main reasons she was even considered to join such an elite group was because of the impact her mother made years back. Dina decided to keep her eye out for her and made sure to inform her other founders about the long name girl. If she thought because of her mother they would be easy on her she was so wrong.

Leaving the bathroom, Chrissie found her luggage and dragged it towards the stairs. She stared at the winding stairs and took the first step, one hand on her suitcase and the other on the railings.

Dragging her suitcase up the stairs, she cringed at the noise the wheels made with the edge of the step.

It was going to be a long summer.


August 28, 2020 09:12

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