Romance Drama

“The Boss wants to meet me again for the fourth time this week!” I exclaim. “Him calling better be worth it! I want an adventure! Not some easy robbery case!” I scoff, walking quickly towards his office. 

Giesel, my partner in crime, laughs and pats my back.“Don’t worry! I am sure that he has something dangerous planned for you this time. He did deem you as the top-ranking spy, Wendy!”

Honestly, as close as we are, I still don't know her real name. As spies, we lived with fake names throughout our career. I still use my real name, but who will truly know who tells the truth and who lies anyway.

I roll my eyes. “Top-ranking spy, my ass. That was all detective work. I did not spy at all!”

“Or maybe the Boss likes you in more intimate matters,” Giesel wiggles her eyebrows and nudges my shoulder. “We all cannot stay as single ladies for too long, you know.”

“Ha! Being single became a better option than being with a jerk who called you at six in the morning and demanded you to come to work fifteen minutes later!” The sliding glass doors open quickly as soon as we get close. I nod good morning at the receptionist who stares into space and drinks from her cup of coffee.

I press the elevator button. 

I notice Giesel lean against the wall and take multiple deep breaths. “Slow down next time, will you! I work at the tech, not the field! I can't be as athletic as you,” she says in between breaths. 

“I'll try to keep that in mind next time the boss doesn't make us late for his appointed time,” I reply.

She agrees with a scrunched face.  “Fair point.”

The elevator bell dings as we step inside. I place a key on the lock and press the floor to where the boss resides. With the door closing, I look over at my nauseated friend. “Hold tight to the sides,” I advise.

“Why? The elevator will go up any—aah!” she screams. The elevator quickly travels down and sideways. Up then left. Then down and right. Then the elevator comes to a stop, making my friend’s knees buckle. “What kind of an elevator was that?” she whimpers.

“The Boss’s special elevator. What can be another possible response?”

We walk down a decorated hallway to the office. The white tiles shine my reflection back as if I see myself through a mirror. A few potted plants embellished the way.  The Boss’s blonde-haired, blue-eyed portraits litter the walls like it's his personal Hall of Fame. 

I open the newly polished dark brown door with a golden handle. Some weird figures swirl on the door’s design, but I barely notice. I see the Boss sitting in his comfy computer chair. He looks up and flashes his famous grin. “Wendy! You made it!” His grin grows wider when he notices another person behind me. “Who is the other lady?”

Geisel's cheeks redden as she eyes him. “My name is Geisel! I like men! Err– Menshens! Those intricate designs on your door we're exquisite!”

He blinks and leans closer by propping his elbows to his desk. “How did you know?”

“I s-studied C-Chinese c-culture –” 

I interrupt to save her from more embarrassment. “Listen, Charles. Give me the mission now. I would love to get it over with,” I place my hand out.

He shakes his head out from the clouds. “Your mission! This mission differs from other missions. Make sure you dress nicely and be on time."

When I was about to celebrate, he pops all my balloons with a single sentence.

"This mission will be a blind date.”

”A blind date?! What do you mean by that?!” I screech. “Give me a gang attack mission or an assassination mission! Don’t play cupid!”

He raises his hands in the air. “Hey! This mission will benefit the company. They assign one of their workers to meet you in a restaurant, thinking that some peace will happen.” He bangs his fist on the table. “And you will spy to tell me information about them!”

Giesel pulls me close to her. “You got it, sir! Give us the folder, and I will pretty her up! I can handle the communication devices for this mission!”

As she picks up the mission file from the Boss’s hands, she hands him her business card and do a “call me” hand sign.

I groan. This will be a long day…


“What the hell is this?!” I demand as I point at the feminine picture on my file. I run my hand through my short hair in frustration.

The president looks up at me with one of her brow raised. “Darian, I need you to spy on our enemy company by going on a date with this female. She seems close to her Boss. Pry some answers! They think this will be some sort of blind date?! I bet those jerks plans to spy on us from the beginning!” she huffs.

“Whatever, I'll do this shit as long as you pay me double,” I coax her and narrow my eyes.

She sighs and twirls the pen in her hand. ”Fine, double pay it is. You are the best guy out there for the team. Do not let me down.” 

I start to walk out the door when she stopped me with her authoritative voice. “Oh, and bring Trevor with you. He used to work in the other company before, so he can introduce you both.”

I stop in my tracks. “Trevor? He will just ruin my vibe!”

“Want the double pay or not? Your choice.”

I grit my teeth. “Fine!”

I walk out the door with a new mission.

No girl has ever gotten out of my charming trap. She will fall like everyone else and then the needed information will be mine.


I pull down the hem of my tight red dress. Apparently, this pitiful excuse for a dress matches my wild brown hair and hazel eyes according to Giesel. 

I read over the file and burned it afterwards. I remembered all the information I needed. The dark blue-haired guy with grey eyes will tell me where their president resides. Shouldn't be too hard. He is known for charming women and infamous reputation of finishing missions with a cocky grin.

I walk slowly with my six-inch tall stiletto, fearful that I might plant my face to the rough concrete. “Hello, sir!” I call out to the maître d. “I have a reservation.”

“Name, ma’am?”

“Pauline Hudson. I am looking for Garrett Williams and Yuri Serino.”

“Right this way,” the maître d guides me near the windows where my eyes met with a mysterious looking man with shining grey eyes and impressive jaw line. The pictures in the folder didn’t do justice to his attractive qualities.

I gulp as I walk closer. “Hello, my name is Pauline.”

“Garrett Williams, a pleasure.” He grins, but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes. Charming little rascal. “This is Yuri Serino.” He gestured to the man beside him. “A co-worker of mine.”

Suddenly, my blood ran cold. Trevor? What is my ex- boyfriend doing here?! I muster my best cool and collective face as I shake my enemy’s sweaty hand.

His familiar eyes look down at me with longing like how he did years ago. “Nice to meet you again,” he clears his throat. “P-Pauline. I say, that name doesn’t suit you at all.”

I scoff. “Yeah? And what name would suffice, Mr. Serino?” I ask in the most kind manner. Heck! I am on a borderline I-want-to-strangle-him manner.

He shakes his head and lets go of my hand. It looks like he never wanted to let go. I bet he realized who I am too. “Nothing, miss. Let’s continue on, shall we?”

I sat in front of the two men. They stare intensely at me, one with sadness, the other with amusement. With the meals ordered earlier, we don’t have to worry and just focus on the task at hand.

‘Mike test. Mike test. Perfect I can hear you!’ says Giesel through my small ear chip. ‘Ask them a question! I will take notes. Backup surrounds the building if needed.’

I cleared my throat after I drank a shot of whatever alcohol was there. The strong liquid burned my throat. “What jobs do you work for your company?”

Garrett shrugs. “Just a mere office worker. An administrative assistant. How about you, sweetheart?”

I ignore his flirtatious tone. My eyes slightly glance at Trevor, who looks away.  “I am also a mere office worker. An executive assistant.”

Garrett claps and nods his head. “I like it.This girl will go places!”

“Yeah… I know she will,” Yuri, the pretending Trevor, agrees.

I pretend to sheepishly shy away. “Oh, it was nothing. Anyway, my company put me on this blind date. With two of you here, I became confused as to who I am on a date with.”

Garrett opens his mouth to speak when Yuri stands up. “Wen—Pauline! I am your blind date!” 

I look at Trevor’s miserable puppy eyes that I fell in love with. That soft brown hair that when my fingers ran over them, they felt like cotton candy. Those kissable lips… I shook my head away from my trance. “Then, I believe this blind date skews toward not being the best. I felt like I bond more to Garett here than you,” I reply calmly. 

Garrett fumes as he tries to keep his composure. “It's okay… He is actually lying.” He gently holds my hand and kisses it. “Any eyes that fall on such beauty, then trigger a man’s instinct to protect. You seem like a diamond reflecting your good attributes. Listen, I would like to know more about you and your dream. There must be some kind of way to apply to your company. I would like to know more.”

“Please, Wendy, this man is a spy from the other company. Get away from him!” He swivels towards Garrett. “Get your hands away from my girl, Darian!”

“Yuri, you must be mistaking me for someone you used to know. I am a different girl,” I whisper.

Darian looks at him, then back at me. His eyes narrow suspiciously. I notice his fists curling and clenching. “Do you both know each other?”

“Yes! Since elementary school!”

“I have never seen this man until today,” I reply at the same time. But I know him as a traitor to my company and life. The man who shattered my every being.

Darian snarl. “But all I know is that this shit doesn’t matter at all! This fucker blew away our cover! What else has he told you before meeting me, Wendy?!” He pronounce every syllable of my name like a sharp jab. 

I raise my hand. “As I said I do not know this Wendy girl, nor know that man is!”

“Oh, I bet he also told you my reputation with females, hmm? How I can make every woman who lays their eyes on me fall for me, and share their hearts to me. He might have told you my nickname: “Broken Cupid.”

From my ear, I hear cheering coming from their side. What the heck is happening? ‘Wendy! We got the info! Abort the mission!’ she squeals.

“What?” I try to whisper to Giesel, but Darian thought it response was for him.

“Yes! Since the beginning of this blind date, I already knew that you have fallen in love with my charm and handsome features! More than that garbage in the corner.”

I shake my head. “Honestly, I can never be attracted to jerks and selfish people. I once learn that people hardly changes, no matter how one tries to help them. Once they lose the one who supported them, they couldn’t help but miss the one who got away.”

Darian groans and leans on the back of his chair. All composure and manners left him. “Whatever. I would say this blind date is a success!”

He continues to talk, but I ignored him. My eyes trail toward the broken man beside him. He became quiet, shy, and on the brink of tears. He sat down in the middle.

“Anyway, I have to go. Thank you for your time, ” I say, standing. 

“Hey, want my number? You do have a phone, correct?” Darian scribbles his number on a napkin and hands it to me.

I hesitated and take it anyway. “Thanks.” I quickly walk away from the scene. I threw the napkin to the garbage can when I instantly got out from their sight, to forget the night where I met my ex all over again. 


Three days passed since the mission. My Boss hasn't contacted me about it. I start to wonder what truly happened. I never got any information about it. 

My phone starts to ring with Giesel’s information on the screen. I pick it up and answer. “Hey, what’s up! You didn't call me after the mission!”

“Sorry…” she sounds genuine. “The Boss and I celebrated your success! Without your help, we could never get the information.”

I roll over my bed as I twirl a hair strand. “What was the information in the first place?”

“You didn't know? And you kept that conversation long that we were able to get the information from another spy on the inside!” Giesel says.

“Another spy? Who?”

“Well,” she sounds hesitant. 

“Oh, for crying out loud, just tell me!” I frustratingly demand.

She takes a deep breath. “Trevor. Your ex-boyfriend.”

All my cold veins melt. He never became a traitor. He never abandoned me. I should have let him explain before. After years of being together, it seems like he knows me more than I ever did. Trevor…

“Girl, something came up. Talk to you later!”

“Wait! Don't you want to know the info—” she start before I hung up. 

I unblock Trevor’s number and press the call button. After the fifth ring, I see his face shining with tears.

“Wendy, I am so sorry… I miss you.”

“No, I am the one who should be sorry… Want to meet up to talk about what really happened?” I suggest.

He nods. “Sure. We can go to that pizza place you like.”

“That sounds like the dream.”

August 28, 2020 20:55

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